A Glimpse Into My Boss's Life

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I sit down at my desk, I am looking forward to the dinner tonight with MR Landon. Laura isn't at her desk when I came to work, and Connor texted me earlier this morning to say that he will be late due to a personal matter. I had coffee before I came to my desk. I feel refreshed after the coffee that I had.  I power up my computer, I check all the emails, and something catches my eye. The page that I drew my sketch on is visible on top of my book that I put it in. I know that I put it inside of my book. If Connor put it on my desk then that probably means that I could be fired, because I drew that sketch during working hours. I put my head in my hands. "Someone needs a friend" I look up to see Laura standing by my desk. She is wearing her grey pencil skirt and a white blouse tucked into her skirt. Her hair is in a messy bun with some tendrils of curls falling around her face. "So anything happened while I was away?" Laura wasn't in work yesterday. She took the day off.  "Well MR Landon asked me out to dinner in front of MR Holt, I accepted and when we came back to my desk, he told me to steer clear from MR Landon" I sigh. "He doesn't say those things to anyone" she smiles a little. "If there is something MR Landon did that he doesn't want me involved then I would like to know"  "MR Landon is a great guy, he dated a few women before but they couldn't handle his success, each one of them leaving him. He is handsome especially his smile. I would say if you want to date him, if the feelings are mutual, then do it" "But MR Holt won't accept it, he is rude and he said that MR Landon is a challenge."  "He is taken with you, you are the first that he said to steer clear from MR Landon. By saying MR Landon is a challenge, he actually means that its a challenge for him" Laura laughs "He is rude and cold so that women does not come on to him. He hasn't dated anyone since his fiance died in a car accident six years ago. He doesn't open up to anyone let alone a woman. He only ever loved his fiance. But with you, I can see through all that attitudes that he is taken with you" I sit there, taking in everything that she is telling me. It does make sense of his attitude. "Wow, you do know a lot about MR Holt"  "Of course I do, I was his fiance's best friend" she says sadly. "I'm so sorry, I didn't know"  "There are some good guys out there" she winks at me. "Shouldn't you be at your desk Miss Ronald?" Connor asks Laura while he walks to his office, coat hanging over his arm, laptop bag in the other. He is wearing his black dress pants, and a black long sleeved pullover jersey over his white shirt. "I'm on my way back to my desk" She says and winks at me before she leaves. I go through the rest of my emails again and I jot down in my notebook what is needed to be discussed with Connor for today. I turn around to see that his office door is wide open, I look back down at my notebook, everything is there. So I close my notebook, and I get up from my seat, taking my notebook and pen with me as I walk inside Connor's office.  I close the door behind me. I look at Connor who is sitting behind his desk as I walk to my seat, his reading glasses now in place. His eyes is scanning what I'm wearing. I am wearing a black wrap dress, the length is just mid thigh, and a bit of cleavage. He looks up into my eyes, clears his throat as he looks back down at a page that is on top of his desk, and then he squirms in his seat. I take my seat, and I open my notebook. "You have a meeting with Miss Cooper today at two. You have another meeting today with Rupert Gold at four today. That is all for today HR Holt" I say as I look up at him, he looks at me as if in thought. "You are talented Miss Gibbs, don't stop doing what you are passionate about" he says never taking his eyes away from me. I'm so confused right now " I'm sorry... I don't..."  "I saw your sketch yesterday"  "You went through my things?" I say a little too loud. "I knew you were hiding something from me when I caught you sketching, you left your book on your desk, the page was sticking out which caught my attention. I opened your book and I saw the sketch. I left it on top of your book because it looks amazing to be hidden away" he says his eyes burning into me. I just stare at him, not believing that he is actually saying something nice to me. "If that is all Miss Gibbs, you are free to go" he says. I snap out of it "Um... thank you Sir" I say as I get up from my seat and I walk out of the office, still feeling his eyes burning into me. I sit in my desk and my telephone rang. "Holt Architecture, Stacy Gibbs speaking, how may I help you?" I ask. "Miss Gibbs, its MR Landon here, I want to know if dinner is still on for tonight?"  "Yes MR Landon, its still on for tonight" I say shyly. "I will pick you up at five" he says. "No problem, I will be waiting" I say, I feel my cheeks blush even with a conversation with him over the phone. "I am looking forward to see you later Miss Gibbs"  "Me too MR Landon" I say. The call ends and I put the phone down. "Bastard" Connor says through gritted teeth as he walks past my desk on a mission. I hope he wasn't eavesdropping on my conversation with MR Landon on my phone. I continue to finish my work. MR Holt left to his meetings so he is away for most of the day. "Holt is in a foul mood" Laura says as she sits on the end of my desk, I power off my computer. I take my things out of my drawer and I stand up from my desk. "You look hot today"  "Thank you" I chuckle. "After I finished a call with Landon, he walked past my desk saying 'Bastard'" "That explains it, he must've heard the conversation" Laura laughs. "He knows you are going on a date and you look beautiful, in fact you are very beautiful, of course he is going to be in a foul mood"  "You know him, and thank you for telling me these things" I smile. "Well if he is attracted to you which I know that he is. He should tell you at least, but maybe he doesn't want to move on from the past of losing Cindy, if that is the case, go out with Landon, you got nothing to lose. And he will get jealous from time to time trust me. That happened before he dated Cindy. She was friends with a guy, he acted the same, but he is worse now because of women throwing themselves at him" she shrugs. "Okay, thanks for the tips, but I need to go" I say reaching for my bag. We walk out together.  Laura winks at me once we step outside of the rotating door as Landon stands against his black Porsche that is parked just outside of Holt Architecture's entrance, in his Armani suit, muscle fits in the right places, black sunglasses in place. "Have fun" Laura says to me wiggling her eyebrows at me and then she walks away. I walk up to Landon "Hi MR Landon" I say shyly. "Its Will" he smiles down at me. He opens the passenger side door for me and I get inside. He walks around the front of the car, and he gets inside. He starts the car and we drive. "How was your day?" he asks me, gosh his voice makes me blush too, I love how he speaks. "It was okay, just my boss being in a foul mood as usual"  "I wouldn't want to be in a foul mood around you" he says looking my way. "Does Italian sound great?" he looks ahead on the road again. "Yes it does" I say.  We arrive at the same restaurant that Connor took me for dinner, Emilio's Ballato. Will is a real gentleman, he opens the door for me and he lets me walk inside. He leads the way after that to a table. He pulls the chair out for me to sit. and he takes his seat on the opposite side of the table. The waiter came to pour red wine for us, and we gave our order. I ordered what I had the last time when I came to this place. "I didn't know that you worked at Ravings as well" he says. "Well I was only working there to pay off my bills, especially college debt, I used to work there while I was in college. Now I resigned yesterday, because I have my new job" I look down at the table biting my lower lip. "I am happy you did that, but your reasons for why you did it is understandable, and I'm happy that I got to meet you" I look up at him. He smiles at me, then he looks up over my head, and someone is stopping by our table. "Holt, good to see you" I look up to see Connor in a tux this time, nodding at Will and then looking between the both of us, his expression serious. "Miss Gibbs" he says as he walks away from our table and he has a blonde woman with him. Her hair is in a neat bun, and a long black dress that fits her thin body. They take a seat at the table where I can clearly see them when I look at Will. Connor takes the seat opposite of the woman and he faces my side. He looks at me, before looking back at the blonde and then he smiles at her. Its the first time that I see him smile so brightly with perfect white teeth.  "We don't need to be here when your boss is" Will says, I look at him. "No its fine, I just didn't expect him to be here" I smile at him.  Our food arrived and we eat, we laugh most of the time, and Connor would look our way every time. Sometimes he would look at me while I bite my lower lip just staring at it, then looks away when he sees me looking at him. Whenever I blush with Will, I end up biting my lower lip. I am having a great time with Will. I would like to know him more.  After he pays the bill, he stands up from his seat, I get up from my seat too. I look in Connor's direction and he is looking at me seriously. I gave him a small smile then I turn around, I feel Will's hand at the small of my back and we we walk out of the restaurant. The drive was a bit quiet, and intense. I keep biting my lower lip. We stop in front of my apartment, he gets out of his car, walks around the front of it and then he opens my door. I get out of the car, smiling up at him. "Thank you" I say. "Anytime for you" he says. He walks me to the apartment door. I turn to face him. I bite my lower lip. He looks at my lips intensely. His thumb brushes against my lower lip, setting it free from my teeth. He leans forward, I close my eyes and I feel his soft lips against mine, kissing me slowly and gently. His hand cups the back of my head, while his other hand grabs my waist and then he pulls away catching our breaths. "I want more of this, and you" he says looking up from my lips and into my eyes. "Me too" I say barely even a whisper. He leans in again and drops a kiss onto my lips then he pulls away.  "I will call you" he says, then he walks away.  I go inside of my apartment. That was so intense, I didn't expect it. But he is a client and I don't know if should be doing this with him.
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