The Heat Between us

1015 Words

After telling Connor about my parents and what I had to go through. I felt a bit better, but still the thought of Dan and his security will be looking for me. I know what will happen when they find me. I need to get myself an apartment of my own. When I left Seattle, Dan froze my cards within two months of being in New York. Connor was talking over the phone to someone about work, he is pacing in lounge with one hand on his hip and the other holding his phone to his ear. He looks over at me every now and then but there is some sort of concern and sadness in his eyes when he looks at me. I know that its because of my story.  "I would like to show you the study, you can work over there" Connor says, gesturing with his hand towards the stairs, after he ended his call. I get up from the sofa.

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