The club

1022 Words

We arrive at Ravings, Connor drops me off, I make my way inside the club. The crowd is packed, one of the girls is dancing on stage. I scan the crowd and the tables so that I can spot Laura. I walk towards the bar where the tall tables are. I know that Laura wouldn't be seated at the other tables that is closer to the stage, because those seats are for the people that are interested in the performance. I spot Laura taking a sip of her drink, I walk over to her. "Hi" I say. "Hey are you okay?" She asks me with concern. "Well I can't go back to my apartment this week, if my step father shows up then he would drag me back to Seattle. Its not safe for my friend Clara to live there this week either. Holt offered me to stay with him this week, because I bumped into him, well he basically alm

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