Our Hide Out

1244 Words

I enjoy this moment of being in Connor's arms. Its surreal for me right now. I still can't believe that my boss and I have feelings for each other, we have shared kisses and embrace each other. When I started working for him, I didn't think that he was capable of these things. I always thought he was always cold and rude, he made me nervous. Getting to know him more and for him to simply open up to me, is something that I'm grateful for. Seeing the real man behind his mask.  He pulls away a bit to look at me, still holding me "What are you thinking?" he asks me. "I'm thinking of how we met. The cold-hearted and rude man, has a warm heart and lets me see the real person that he is" I say, looking up at him with a smile. "I'm sorry that I was cold and rude to you. The minute I saw you, I

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