
1154 Words

After dinner, I took a shower and change into a night shorts and a tank top. Connor went to go work in the study. I don't want to be alone at this moment. So I walk out of the bedroom and I look where the study is. In the far corner, I see a door slightly ajar with the light shining. I make my way towards the door, and I push it open.  Connor is sitting behind the desk, his reading glasses in place, brows furrowed as he reads through the pages that are scattered across the desk. I walk inside, closing the door a bit behind me. I walk towards him, and he looks up at me. His face lights up when he sees me.  "Shouldn't you be asleep?" he asks me, as he c***s his head to the side. I walk around the desk, and I straddle his lap. I take off his reading glasses and I place it on top of the desk

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