Chapter 11

1380 Words
~ Mike’s PoV Mother had invited me for dinner, and despite the fact that I had declined so vehemently, she still insisted, in fact it was as if she had been deaf to my complaints and decline. I was flustered, what the heck am I going to wear? I can’t show up to Mom’s looking the way I felt, horrible. She’d tear straight at me with complaints and worry, then she would pester my ears with the issue of having a female partner, last time we spoke about it she had even said “Oh and it might be a male, if that is what you’re into, no judgement, just have someone in your life who will be present and constantly be with you” I know she is trying to let me get over Jenny, but what she doesn’t know is that I’m over her already, since she had told me she’s gonna be back. I really don’t know what to do to satisfy Mother on this partner issue though, I had tried searching, I conducted interviews, for pure bred vamps, for turned vamps, for shape shifters and even for humans. The human own I regretted because I felt like sucking each and everyone of them dry of their blood, my thirst for human blood worsens day by day and the synthetic blood isn’t getting anywhere near solving the issue for me. I had contemplated hunting animals and drinking their blood instead, I heard it is what most turned vamps use to sate themselves these days, for those that don’t have human pets and blood donors that is. Should I try to get a human pet? I shook my head quickly, trying to shake the thought out of my head, no way I was going to do that, it is disgusting and dare I say inhumane. I couldn’t bear the thought of enslaving a human, dominating such human and breeding the human like a cattle to produce blood for feeding. Some high ranking turned vampire families have blood farms, they call it that because they have humans there being bred just to keep supplying them fresh blood. It’s disgusting in itself but then even the synthetic blood other vamps drink are sometimes gotten from such means before being multiplied by cloning science. I checked myself in the mirror, there was this myth that turned vampires have no reflection, because they are dead and the dead has no reflection and cast no shadows. Mother tells us this as bedtime scary stories and I used to think it was just myth, as I grew though I heard more about it to know it was true but still I had never seen it before firsthand. But now, standing before my seven feet long mirror, I saw the truth of the myth, I was fading, not in color, but in appearance itself. I looked like a real life hologram, still there but not really there. My heart faltered at that point, it stopped for a second then picked up again sending immense pain through my entire body. I can’t afford to die again, who knows if the next death would be the one I wake up from with a stopped heart, without a beating heart, that means I have become a turned vampire. Father had told me that I was lucky to have been waking up with my heart still beating after my every attempt to take my own life, he had told me most pure breed die just once and then turn, which is why we as pure breeds live closely guarded lives. I let out a heavy sign as I turned away from the mirror not bothering to check how fitted I looked in my turtle neck sweatshirt and tight jeans, my Jordan’s didn’t even matter anymore at that moment. What’s the point, I’ll soon stop appearing in mirrors, I’ll soon stop reflecting anywhere, once I die again, which in my current line of work is almost impossible. ‘Unless I get someone with mystical healing powers’ a thought dropped in my mind, then I chuckled at my foolishness at making such a wish. Such just doesn’t exist anywhere anymore. As I drove on my mind was still clouded with different thoughts, the searching for a mystical source of healing powers kept replaying in my head and I started thinking about putting a bit of money in it and getting researchers in the mystical field from all over the world to work on that. ‘Why am I rich if I can’t get a solution to my problems with money' I thought to myself. My phone rang, Mom’s ID popped up, I started getting angry, I’m coming dammit! I shouted in my head but then the phone just kept ringing. I got distracted trying to pick up the phone and I heard a couple of people shouting right before my car hit someone. I matched the brakes so hard that the back of my car rose up high as the car screeched to a halt, I was pretty sure it was a person I had hit, and I had been running a little over eighty miles per hour. If it was human the person sure is dead, I thought to myself as I ran out of the car in the direction the person was flung towards. I got to my knees and saw a naked lady ‘what is a naked lady doing in the middle of the road?’ I thought to myself. I turned her around, ‘damn she has a lot of hair’ I thought to myself and then cleared the hair to check for her pulse and found it faintly throbbing. She must be human, she had no scent to show she was a vamp or any shape shifter, she only smelled of the sea. I have to be careful so I don’t sink my teeth in and su… her eyes flew open and I saw them sparkle before fading back to a really bright blue color. Then her pulse started throbbing faster and stronger, I had thought she was dying, no, I was sure she was dying. How is this possible and do my eyes deceive me? What had that sparkle in her eyes been? How could she suddenly be alive and fully functional after such a hit? And what was this necklace on her neck that a gleaming pearl in it? My thoughts didn’t make sense and she had started moving slowly trying to sit up, her dislocated and broken bones snapped back in place but all the while she only kept looking at me. She wasn’t even bothered that she was naked, she sat up and brought her palm to tough my cheek. “Hey man she’s alive, take her to the hospital straight away” someone shouted from behind us. If not that it was dead in the night, there would have been a crowd here already so I was thankful that there weren’t many people here to see this, who knew how human would react? I took off my sweatshirt and placed it on her chest to cover her a bit then I quickly scooped her up, and took her back to my car. I entered to drive after placing her in, my thoughts were messed up and I really didn’t know what to do but I feel the hospital would be the best truly, I might have been imagining things after all. I started the car, “Can you talk?” I asked her. “Are you okay? Oh I’m sorry, I just hit you with my car yet I’m asking if you’re ok, don’t worry, I’ll take you to the hospital and you’ll be taken care of” I said to her. “No hospital” I suddenly hear her say from the back seat “I’m fine” she said. I looked at the rearview mirror and saw that she had worn my sweatshirt and she was beaming, so happy as if she had been given a birthday surprise rather than being hit by a car. There was one thing that baffled me though, because now I saw it clearly even through the rearview mirror, her eyes were definitely sparkling.
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