Chapter 10

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~ Princess Mylie’s PoV Today is the day that I’d finally get my one wish, to become like humans, to have legs like them, to walk and run on dry land like them (especially without falling though) and most importantly find my one and all time crush (I call him that because I had never fallen for anyone this much in my entire existence, in fact, I tend to shun and snub the male gender in general, but as for him, well, soon) I kept these thoughts close to me as I and Selena travelled to the icy waters of the south, I know if I don’t remain positive then the doubts will settle and from there I can make a mistake during the ruse and cost myself of everything I and Selena had worked so hard for. The beginning of the trip had been chatty, I and Selena had discussed the role I was to play and how I was to play it best and also we prepared a few things should in case that notion is put to test. So far we were absolutely prepared, and now that the water started dropping in temperature, we knew we were close and then we started to fall into the roles we are to play. I as the stern goddess afflicted by human attacks and meaning to take the fight back to them and she as the trusty and sympathetic aid to the goddess, it wasn’t an elaborate ruse, but it was solid enough. Frost started to gather all about my scales and it was then I knew we were really in for it, we couldn’t survive such change in temperature because our bodies are already used to the warmer part of the ocean. But then we had prepared as well for this eventuality, so looking at Selena and nodding to each other we activated the spell to keep the cold out and keep the warmth in. The only issue was that it was a time sensitive spell and would wear off in less than an hour, so whatever we have to do has to be achieved in under an hour. We stopped cold in our tracks (literally and otherwise), before is rose a great castle made of ice and ocean glass and crystals, it was a magnificent view to behold and like the spirit of the north it was also encased in a bubble and inside was dry (without water) but this time I resisted the urge to touch it lest I freeze. I flashed a beam of moonlight in my palm using a basic light creation spell, the ball of moonlight rested a few millimeters off my palm, it was a thing of beauty even though basic. We got an immediate response and a winged creature flew over to us from within the bubble, the creature looked like a human with dragonfly wings. I had seen a few illustrations about creatures like this from my readings about the human world but I failed to remember what they were called, besides that was not the issue here at the moment. The issue is convincing it that I am a goddess. The creature got to the other side of the bubble then crossed to our side, and as it did it turned to a mermaid before our very eyes, a beautiful mermaid with scales shimmering and bouncing of the rays of light about it. I managed to hold in my astonishment but a gasp escaped Selena’s mouth, the magic of the pearl (the very thing we came for) was just displayed right before us, confirming the legitimacy of the magic’s existence. “It has been a while since we’ve had visitors, we are happy to have you, who do I have the pleasure of addressing?” The creature asked us in a much smoother and fluent language especially compared to that of the spirit of the north who seemed to have its words and sentences already programed in it. Selena just gaped at the spirit before us still not believing her eyes I guessed and I had to clear my throat just to get her back to her normal self because she had even forgotten what she was supposed to do at that point. “Oh yes!” she started as she regained her composure “Standing before you is Maya, the queen goddess of light and I am but her humble aid” she said and I gave just a slight head bow. The spirit bowed as well “I am honored queen goddess” it said then rose from its bow, “but if you don’t mind me asking great goddess, why are you here without an escort of guards, an entourage, a train of maids?” the spirit asked seemingly in distrust. I was so happy that the question came this early, we had been counting on the spirit asking this particular question because the whole plan depended on it and we had even planned to lead the spirit on, should it not ask as at when due. “Dear spirit” I started to answer “I am here with just one assistant because currently my kingdom has been under attack from the humans on the surface, a lot of mers have been abducted and I had to leave my escort, entourage and even my private guards behind just to increase the security detail of the kingdom while I come I seeking for possible aids and assistance, one main source being your esteemed self” I said in a tone that is not too pleading and not too demanding. The spirit tilted its head a bit quizzically, “But you are a goddess, why seek elsewhere when your powers should be more than enough to surely overcome this foe” it said to me. I was so giddy inwardly, it was all going as expected, it was almost as if I was in stage play that I wrote by myself “Dear spirit, the humans came with all sorts of machineries that must surely operate with dark sorcery, they have some that swallows them and takes them about different places and even underwater, then it spits them back whenever they wish it, they also have some instruments that traps light so that they can use it as they wish, my powers are that of light as well which makes me mostly useless against them and their onslaught” I said now pushing forth the sad tone. Now the spirit thought for a while, “let me see a short display of your powers” it said to me (also expected because I and Selena had covered every possible angle) “Do you mean to test me?” I asked now with a stern voice. “Oh no just to have an idea on the true capacity of your powers” it replied a bit flustered but I wasn’t done yet. “Oh so I made the journey of a hundreds of thousands of miles just to ridicule myself? I do not know my own capacity? I can’t judge if I can handle human oppression or not after battling them over and over again for weeks? After almost half my kingdom had been abducted?!” I said in a sad anger filled toned. Now Selena entered her role as the sympathetic aid “Please oh great goddess, check your wrath, we are only here to seek for aid from the spirit and it has deem it fit to test us, please let us just oblige so we would be favored” she said. I calmed visibly and from the corner of my eye I saw the spirit also made a sign of relief, (the plan was working so well, that made me so happy) “Fine!” I said. Then I spread my hands sideways and for a moment nothing happened at first but then all over in the waters behind I and Selena, spots of lights rose up to light up the whole ocean, it shone so brightly at even the ice glass crystal castle in the bubble making it return and reflect the light a hundred times over. When the light died off I noticed that spirit was definitely wowed as it open its mouth agape then bowed to me “Great goddess of light I am sorry for testing you, now tell me what you intend to do and what you need from me” At that moment, I felt the first c***k in my warmth spell and looking at Selena, I know we were both thinking about the same thing. We were almost running out of time.
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