Chapter 16

1778 Words
~Princess Mylie’s PoV What in the world is going on, why are the people no longer people? Those we came together, those we came to meet, everyone present looked different and dangerous. Where is the Mike I fell in love with? Surely he can’t be this creature before me; with pale skin, blacker hair, sunken blood red eyes, elongated fangs dripping wet, claws extended. His vein flowed with black likes that moved all about his body, that seemed to be the only difference between him and the people they’re facing, those ones have a steady black line where their veins are unlike Mike’s own which flowed about. Uh oh, wait a moment, if Mike is like this, doesn’t that mean his entire family is exactly the same? Human looking but another creature entirely? Whoa. The magazines hadn’t prepared me in the least possible way, how could the gods of magazine have hidden something this huge from their information on all the magazines I’ve read. I came to realize that this meant the world here on the surface wasn’t all it seemed to be, at least I had fallen in love with a human and now I’m seeing him as an entirely different creature. Another thought came to my mind, could it be that not everyone was like this? Maybe there were those that were actually humans, at least that would be enough reason to keep such details away from the magazines. The fighting started and it was out rightly bloody, it was worse than the blood wars of Merfolks (even though I hadn’t seen one before but the tales had been convincing enough) I admitted that fact because in this battle right in front of me, everyone only wanted to tear the opponent apart, they clawed at each other, but each other and tore each other up flesh from bone. The first splatter of blood that splashed on my face shook me from my frozen dazed state, this was real! My mind suddenly noted, and if I don’t do something I’ll be at risk of being torn apart as well. So I did the most logical thing, I ran towards a building and hid there ‘I should be safe here till the battle is over’ I thought to myself. I thought of peeking to watch the battle but two things stopped me, one, the battle even at its beginning had been very grotesque, I was sure I’ll have nightmares about it. Two, what if I peeked and got discovered, I don’t want to get torn apart, besides I would most definitely defend myself should I get attacked and that might be even more disastrous. I have no idea how my destructive spells would work out here above water. So I stayed where I was, squatted and my hands covering my ears to keep from hearing the bloodcurdling sounds and the cries of pain and death too. A while after, there wasn’t anymore shouting and crying, all suddenly seemed calm, I risked a peek outside and discovered it was indeed over. Suddenly the door to where I hid burst open, I got so scared that I let out a scream which was cut short when I discovered it was Mike. How did he find me here? He was back to his normal self at least to an extent, now he was covered in blood, his clothes ripped to shreds. “You said you had medical skills right? Come quick we people in need of your help” He said to me. My first thought was ‘you as well need my help!’ but I didn’t argue, in fact I was still shocked speechless at all I’ve only just realized, come to think of it, I don’t know what I’ve just realized even. Can someone please just explain to me what in the surface world I’ve just realized? My mind screamed but I still remained silent, I’m sure things will be cleared up, most probably by Mike himself. Right now though I need to earn my stay here by doing what I have listed amongst the things I could do and thanks to the gods of magazine I have found some books that put me through how the healing process is being done here on the surface. * ~ Mike’s PoV I watched Maya from a distance as she moved from one hurting patient to the other, surely I had no doubt she had once been a medical doctor or something closely related to that field. She patched up the wounded fighters and workers quite well and quickly even in order of priority, and for someone just getting to know about the existence of this whole other beings, she was taking it pretty well. Surely she must have known before her memories was wiped for her to be this calm, on the outside that is, I have no idea how she would be feeling inside after all. That reminded me that I’ll have to do a whole lot of explaining just to get her to understand the situation entirely. These turned vampire bastards we fought had been trying to gang up and take over territories, I had initially thought they were of the intention to get the chemicals and all from the processing warehouse, turns out that they were even dumber and all they seek was territory. But how could they? They wanted me to move the warehouse away from there because they want to have the area as part of their own territory. The land I had bought and built on with toil and sweat and lots of money, and they thought they could just push me over? Well now they know I am no pushover, even though it’s a little late for them seeing as all that remained of them was carcasses. This battle also brought me to another conclusion, turned vamps were definitely more stronger than pure breeds. I am getting closer and closer to losing all my purity and being a turned vamp, and with each step closer I gain more of everything, more abilities and more thirst for blood. I’ve become stronger, faster, my five senses are heightened, my reflexes are sharper, but as well I’m more thirsty for blood, even right now I want nothing more. I glanced at Maya still working, wow, I thought she would be tired by now, but she is still working fervently. ‘what is her deal?’ With every person she treats, she leaves them much better than she met them, I mean that is what she is supposed to be doing but then this looked to be more. For instance; a dude with a broken arm got his arm splinted and wrapped in bandages by her, he should still be in pain but there he was smiling and chatting with the others. She had no morphine or painkillers so how was she getting rid of their pain, it might be my hunger that is making me think this way, these people were supernatural after all, so maybe it just their superb genes that kicked in already. But even as I had that thought, I didn’t believe it one bit, there had to be more, I needed there to be more, my mind said exposing my true intentions. I heard the sirens of the ambulances approaching, they were still a few distance away, but my superior hearing already picked it up. I moved away from the room and went outside, I needed the outside air to clear my head, I had a lot I needed to think about as well. This issue of clans and gangs would only keep getting worse, if they all decided to start getting territorial that would most definitely spell trouble for me and even the rest of Dad’s company because we had branches and warehouses scattered about all over towns and cities. What do we do? What can we do? That aside, how do I handle my growing thirst? Synthetic blood isn’t satiable anymore, I now need it fresh, preferably from a still pulsing vein. I shook my head to dissuade the thought off my mind, ‘oh jeez, what was I turning into?’ I asked myself in my mind. Maya’s ocean-like smell wafted to where I was, I had found her where she was hiding by tracing the very same smell, she was most probably looking for me, clingy freak, was I not scary enough in my vamp form to push her far from me. I guess she wasn’t even avoiding me as I’ve earlier thought when we were on our way here, well, not like she has a choice, I’m the only one she is familiar with at the moment because of her shot memories. I felt a pang of guilt for thinking like that, ‘damn, what is it about this girl that always makes me feel guilt for shaming her, even my family doesn’t that effect on me’ I decided to ease her stress of looking for me by going to meet her, when I got to her though, she was at the back of a building, holding her stomach and retching. She looked up as she someone approaching and my heart sunk, her eyes had tired dark circles and were heavy, she was about to faint. I rushed to her side and pulled her long hair back, then I supported her by putting her weight on me, I felt so guilty at that moment that I was speechless and I really wanted to punish myself. How could I have just been thinking about me, I had no idea the effect it would all take on her yet I had neglected her feelings and even thrown her into more work. I had even been thinking about her looking for me, not knowing she was getting sick back here, stupid me still even felt hurt that she hadn’t been looking for me ‘what the heck is wrong with me!’ my mind screamed. “H..hey Bbboss” she said weakly “I was… looking for you, I need to h..heal you too, you are hurt aren’t you… so I need to heal you.. too…” she said and fainted. At that moment I had never hated anyone as much as I hated myself, for my actions, thoughts and all towards this poor girl. She had been looking for me after all, and only because she wanted to treat me too. I carried her and headed back out to the front, the ambulances were here already, and thanks to Maya no one was in a critical state, except maybe she herself.
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