Chapter 15

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~ Mike’s PoV Something really weird was really going on, it has been a few days since I’ve tried to get Maya set up in her new pretend life as my “partner” although if what she said about being so great medically is true then the role might be more permanent. But then she suddenly seems to disappear and when she comes back she smells more like the salty waters of the sea. I’m finding this more and more repulsive, I had initially thought the smell would just be enough to prevent me from wanting to sink my fangs in her (which has been working so far) but now the smell doesn’t even want to allow me to be in any close proximity to her. But then she seeks every opportunity to be in my presence which is so tiring and endearing, especially when she starts to ask these random questions that make it seem like I’m dealing with an infant. Fine she has lost her memories but then it shouldn’t be this worse, she had even asked me what a toothpaste and toothbrush was used for when I got it for her. It’s bad enough that I had to deal with the shape shifter gangs popping up and about everywhere, I even heard of a possible “turned only” vamp gang too, everyone wants a piece of the action now, they are all hungry and thirsty for what they did not work for. I smelled her before she even knocked the slightly ajar door to my office, ‘here goes’ I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes and watched her walk in. She actually managed to look good, her office skirt penciled right after her knees showing off her perfect hips, her shirt wasn’t buttoned all the way to the top so I could see a bit of her cleavage when it bounced. ‘How did she get to know to dress this way?’ I thought to myself, ‘she can dress really well, yet she has no idea what a toothbrush does’ I rolled my eyes again ‘something really weird was going on with her’ “Er erm Boss” she cleared her throat before calling me boss and even the way she said the ‘boss’ it was as if it was a funny thing to her, I raised an eyebrow for her to continue. “So someone brought a report, uhm, that, ermm…” she was saying but I was getting irritated, ‘why was she babbling and can’t even form words right or did she lose the memory of how to talk all of a sudden as well?’ I thought bitterly to myself. “Well! Out! With! It!” I yelled a bit more than I intended to, so much that she was shocked visibly, I hadn’t meant to do that. “I didn’t mean to yell, but then say what you cane here to say” I said to her, what I didn’t add was ‘and get out of here’ her sea stench was choking me up. “uhm, there us a warehouse under attack by a gang, they have held the workers there hostage and requesting you come” she said I felt a hint if concern from her voice, like she knew what I would decide to do and didn’t want me to, or that could just be my hunger fooling me into thinking she cared for me. “Which warehouse?” I asked in a low tone, I’m getting ready to put myself into the dangerous mood that is needed for this upcoming mission. “The Myrtle warehouse” She answered after checking her the book she held, one thing I’m glad for is that she did not lose her ability to read and write along with her memory loss, and I’ve also noticed that she picks things fast, she is a really fast learner, it’s just the issue of the stench I can’t bear. I think I’ll have to get her a really strong deodorant, I thought to myself as I stood up in a rush and moved in a jiffy towards the door, pulling my suit off the rack as I rushed out. Then I discovered she was following, “stay back Maya, this will get dangerous” I said to her. “All the more reason I should follow, what if you need my help, maybe as a medical doctor or something” she said stubbornly still following. I don’t have the time to face her and start explaining to her about the dangers she is yet to remember about, that is even if she had known about the supernatural before she forgot everything. I guess she would have to learn by seeing, who knows if the shock of seeing such would even bring back her memories and I can finally be rid of her. Right now though, I have more pressing matters, the Myrtle warehouse deals with processing, there are chemicals there that can either be used to process hard drugs or even be used as hard drugs as well, surely the gangs with brainy leaders would want to hit a place like that. ‘Damn! I should have beefed up the security of the warehouses’ I thought as I moved into my car, without needing to tell them, my entourage of fighters had joined in and were also entering their own cars. Maya didn’t even bother to follow me into mine, I felt a pang of guilt and a bit of hurt at that, ‘was I being too harsh to her, that she wouldn’t want to enter the car with me anymore?’ I couldn’t help but think. But then I shook the thought out of my head, ‘good riddance, the whole car would’ve been filled with her sea stench anyways’ I thought to console myself. I drove at a speed that will earn me a couple of tickets when the city cameras grab my identity or my car plate number once the police try to search for me, another thing to deal with. As I neared the place, the thought on my mind was only of Maya, she was about to see something she had either never seen before in her life or had seen but then forgotten, either ways it is going to be new to her ‘I hope she doesn’t freak’ I thought again to myself and floored the gas pedal once more. * ~ Princess Mylie’s PoV I gritted my teeth and held on tight to the car seat (I know the vehicle is called a car now and it isn’t a kind of living monster as I had initially thought, it is the product of something called technology, something I still know very little about) The car moved so fast that I was being pressed to the back of my seat, why was Mike in such a hurry, oh goodness me this will be all our ends (I’ve also gotten to know that accidents occur by this car thing and it usually ends badly) I’ve been trying to learn a lot, as much as I can, whenever and wherever I can. Even as I swapped between the ocean and the land above in these four or five days since the dinner at Mike’s family house. He had given me an apartment in his own house, one of the many rooms there and not one close to him, which I was ok with, seeing that I’ll be needing enough privacy to sneak in and gout whilst going to the ocean and coming back. I and Selena had found a solution for whenever I wasn’t around, it was genius, for me to even think about it was so on point. I can’t stop learning about the human world though, I had seen the look Mike gave me at the store when I asked what a toothbrush and toothpaste were. When he got me the phone, I had only more questions which I just had to swallow up, but then I found something more forthcoming and helpful to learning the ways of humans. They call it “Magazine” and I’ve found it to be a great source of acquiring knowledge, whoever created magazines must be a kind of wise god. From it, I got to know how best to dress for work and for casual (after all, I couldn’t keep on going to the store lady to select how best to dress for me) I also learn cooking (or rather I’m still learning cooking) I discovered fire in a very bad way too, I would have burned to death if not for the pearl’s healing powers, they were much stronger than mine. I learned about car from the magazines too, the magazine had said to be safe always use the seatbelt, well I’m using seatbelt but I don’t feel safe at all with the way these folks are driving. I prayed to every ocean god I know and also to the human gods like the god of magazine and the god of fire, there wasn’t ever a risk like this deep in the ocean, not even riding a sword headed shark was as dangerous as this reckless car driving. But then, thanks to the gods we finally halted, and before I could even unhook my seatbelt they were all out and headed off, all of them were really angry in their demeanor and seemed out for blood. All I can do is try to watch after Mike, I might need to use my powers or the pearls powers on him should things go sideways, it is my job after all as given to me by his loving family. When I got to the scene though I was shocked to my bones, what am I seeing? We came here with humans didn’t we? But looking around at the people present, there wasn’t one human looking one amongst them, some got furry and larger, looking like someone crossed humans with some land animals. I searched for Mike, he still looked human, but his eyes had changed, he opened his mouth as he bared his fangs at his opponent who almost looked like him as well. Blood red eyes with a dark center, long teeth, two up, two down, fingernails slightly extended into claws. “What am I seeing?!” I said out loud just as the battle broke out and started in earnest
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