Chapter 27

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~ Princess Mylie’s PoV I closed the door behind me in annoyance as I got back in my new room, the one across from Mike’s, he had moved me so he could keep an eye on me. I had thought it was a good idea to be closer to him at the time, but now, seeing how he was acting out, I started to think it was all a mistake. Maybe I should just move out, I thought to myself, then I had a rethink, what would be the essence of that? My reason of being here was the surface experience and Mike, moving out would mean I only get to do one. But then, his behavior keeps getting unbearable, what had happened to him to get him all screwed up? I asked myself, I needed to know if I’m going to be able to help him. I breathe out exhaustion, using the pearl’s magic to give myself the skill of a professional makeup artist wasn’t an easy feat, it had drained me up of my powers. I lifted a finger and called forth light, it came really slow and waned out quickly, my finger glowed brightly then dimmed and then finally went out. “I have to reduce my use of the pearl” I said aloud to myself in thought knowing the fact that while I can’t drain the pearl’s power, it can drain mine and even if I’m not careful, it can drain my very life force. I went to my bed and laid face down on it, a few minutes sleep or hours even wouldn’t hurt, I’ll recharge and refuel my energy and powers that way. I didn’t know when I slept off but my sleep was disturb by mysterious dreams, I could never give meaning to the things I saw. I saw a version of Mike, he was hanging by a thin rope, then the image of a beautiful lady who looked like an apparition appeared to me, telling me to save him, I didn’t know what to do but then I moved closer trying to pull the thin rope to me so I’d carry him, but then the rope cut and he dropped down into darkness. I woke with a start and I realized someone was knocking, I didn’t really like to dream, they were always filled with unknown meanings, especially mine because even whilst in the deep my dreams were troubling. The knock came again and then I realized it was from my door, part of me hoped it was mike, but the realistic part of me knew it couldn’t possibly be him. I got up from bed and opened the door, a maid stood there with a huge box, I was surprised as to why the maid was there and why such a huge box. “For you” The maid said and entered then she placed the box down before my bed, as she left I thanked her to which she bowed before leaving. I closed my door and went to the box, there was a tag on it that stated “for Maya” in cursive writing, I then started to suspect it could be from Mike after all. I tore the wrappings off and the tore open the box too, I stifled a scream as I jumped hack when I at first saw what was in the box, it seemed alive but then after a while and it didn’t move I went closer again. I completely tore the box and before me sat a huge stuffed bear, it was purple in color and had a pink stomach and it’s paws were as well padded with pink, even its face was pink but its nose was purple. I loved it immediately, I took a little time and walked around it then I went into it’s arms and hugged it, I really needed a hug, “Thank you Mike” I said aloud to myself still in the soft embrace of the teddy, this is a nice apologetic gift. * I was in a rush to get to work, it was morning and I had slept in, who knew sleeping in the arms of a stuffed bear could make the sleep much more deeper and relaxing, although I figured the actual reason was because of my power exertion. Now I was late for work, I selected a look randomly from the catalog and hurriedly dressed to look like it after my bath, then I picked the purse that went with the dressing and ran outside. I hailed a taxi that took me straight to work, as I entered the office, I met with a guy who also seemed to have been late and was as well in a hurry to get to his workplace. “Hey, lady Maya, here have this you look like you need it as well” the guy said and handed me a paper cup covered and labelled coffee, now this was something I haven’t encountered yet. ‘What is coffee?’ I asked myself, then as I got inside the elevator, I saw I was alone so I decided to try it should in case I have to react to it, then I took a swig. I spurted the drink right back out, it was hot and bitter, my mind was thanking my stars that I had done this when I was alone, but then who the hell was that guy who decided to play such a prank on me? I asked myself all furious. But then as my tongue healed, the richness in the taste started to register, I looked at the cup again and this time, opened the top, blew air on it to cool it the took a small sip. I loved it, the rich taste and hint of sweetness behind the bitterness, it was like an adventure to look for just the right amount of sweetness, ok I really needed to find the guy later. After a few sips I became as sharp as a point and very much alert, no wonder the guy had said I looked like I needed it. Getting out from the elevator, I headed straight to sign in and then headed for my office, it was a little one compared to Mike’s own and from the top to about my waist was made of clear glass and only the binders could block off view from the outside. I placed the remaining of the coffee on my little side desk and arranged my main desk seeing it had managed to get out of order all the while I haven’t been here. I kept glancing towards the direction of Mike’s office, I’m sure he’s in by now, I should just go and say thank you for the gift or should I rather say apology accepted? I got indecisive and eventually I just sat down, I switched my tab on at that moment and saw a few notifications had come in, a few emails were even from Victor Markham, those ones I cleared without reading, I didn’t need his trouble bringing ability again, not when things were about to be smoothened once again between I and Mike. Then I saw the schedule for Mike’s day and knew right away that I had to go meet him immediately, if I missed this chance it might worsen things before he came back from his business trip. We had talked about this trip and I was supposed to follow him, but then he had said he needed someone here to handle things while he was gone so he made the plans ahead for just him. At the time, I felt he just didn’t want me with him, he was always annoyed whenever I was with him, thankfully that changed over the weeks especially since after I had been gone for those few days I went back to the deep. I knocked on the door to his office and opened after bare seconds, there was a secretary with him, probably going through the plans and all, although she seemed to be on her way out as I was coming in, so she left and it remained just us, I and Mike. When Mike saw me, his expression looked a bit guilty, there was also longing in his eyes, well I didn’t really have an idea as to how I looked today but then I am sure I’m still giving off my killer looks vibe (that magazine is very useful) “Hello boss” I said to him and he gestured to the chair in front of him, so I went closer and sat down before him, I still hugged the tab to my chest though. “Hey Maya, how are you?” he asked me sweetly although from his voice I could still detect the guilt from it, I’m really glad he was feeling that way, not being remorseful would be really bad. “I’m fine boss, I looked over at your schedule and saw your two days biz trip” I answered him, he smiled at the slang I used, he had taught that to me as well, amongst other things like how to brush my teeth properly. “Oh yeah, I know, that’s today, you know, I had thought you wouldn’t come in to work today, after you know, yesterday and all that issue” he said and his guilt was now fully apparent. “Well I couldn’t stay back now, I need to work and earn my salary right, besides how could I stay back after such a huge apology gift from you?” I answered and got a bit shy. “Excuse me? A what?” Mike answered, at first I thought he was being comical, then looking at his expression, I realized he was really clueless. “The huge huggy teddy bear? It got sent to my room, that wasn’t from you?” I asked and dreaded his answer which I knew would be no. “Erm, no, it’s not” he answered then thought a while as I was silent and feeling stupid, “Although I have a pretty good idea the bastard that sent it” he added and already his expression was changed into that of annoyance. “Don’t even start!” I stood up and yelled at him, “I have a pretty good idea who it’s from too and that bastard is was more considerate and humane than you are!” I stated point blank and left his office as new tears streamed down my eyes. My disappointment in him scaled so high and hurt me so deeply, can I even help him at this point? I pondered as I got to my office and locked myself within, I didn’t want to see him till he’s gone and back.
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