Chapter 26

2225 Words
~ Mike’s PoV I kept pacing by the window to my room, I was uneasy and on edge, I couldn’t calm myself down and I was struggling to hold myself lest I make a mistake. How could she have gone to him? After all I said, after all I told her? She still went on a frigging date with him, I thought to myself in annoyance. Was she really so naïve or it was just a normal thing for her to be so carefree? My thoughts kept rampaging within me, seeing no where and no one to pour out to. Victor Markham is after her, and I don’t know the reasons yet, I am still trying to figure him out, yet she offers himself to him on a platter of gold, a date? I thought to myself in exasperation. My hearing picked up the sound of a car pulling over, I rushed back to the window to check and saw Maya getting out if a taxi. ‘He couldn’t even bring her home by himself' I thought to myself as my annoyance grew the more, deep down my leveled self was asking me why I was in such a state and telling me to calm down, but the voice of my irrational self overshadowed the voice of my rational self. I rushed down to meet and made it there before she opened the door even, I met her outside and she was surprised to see me, she had a kind of a lost and a bit sad expression on her face but started to smile when she saw me. “What were you thinking?!” I asked her in a raised voice before she could say anything to me or even complete her smile. She frowned in a clueless manner “What do you mean boss?” she asked totally oblivious of what I meant, typical Maya, always clueless about things. “What were you thinking going on a date with Victor? Haven’t I explained his stand to you? Haven’t I warned you off him? Yet you do this?” I said trembling with anger as my blood boiled with jealousy too. “Mike, please calm down and let me explain…” Maya said now that she understands why I am the way I am, I’m sure she thinks it is Victor himself that got me this way, what she doesn’t realize is that she is the one who has got me acting like this, I’m sure if it was someone else and not Victor she went out with, I’d be just as annoyed and jealous. “Ok what have you got to say!” I cut in to her words, “It was as simple as stay away from him, don’t have anything to do with him but then what did you do? You went on a date with him, so tell me what have you got to say!” I yelled getting out of control. “Mike, please listen…” she said and her voice was trembling already, I saw tears starting to well up in her eyes, my rational self said to stop but once again the irrational side of me argued that I had to drive the point home deeply this time. “No, you shut up and listen! You are way too naïve, too childish and dare I say clueless, you are clueless about this very world you’ve found yourself in, things aren’t done with the childlike glee you carry about, you know nothing thanks to your memory loss, so when someone is trying to put you through, you listen and obey rather than doing what pleases you ok!” I said to her. She burst out sobbing right then and ran across me to get to the door and go inside, I got annoyed again ‘How dare she walk out on me?’ so I turned as she ran and pulled her back by her arm. “Where do you think you’re going? I’m not do…” I started to say as I pulled her back, but I got cut off as a resounding slap landed on my face and stung my cheeks badly. I was shocked speechless, I can’t believe she just slapped me, what in the… “You don’t own me Michael Cravinus, I might be helpless and alone in this world because I know no other person and I don’t have a family here, but that doesn’t give you the right to trash me up with your words and lessen me as to a little child” she said to me in her own sorrow filled anger and snatched her arm away from mine, then she headed inside still sobbing. I just stood there after she had left, still shocked, still feeling the sting her palm had brought to my cheek, and my brain started to reset and reboot. I really hadn’t handled that well at all, she was right, I didn’t own her and I shouldn’t have acted like I did, neither should I have said those things I said to her, she wasn’t my slave after all. What was I now to do? Should I go apologize? Of course I should but not now, not while it’s still fresh, I should allow some time pass first. I started moving back in as well but then stopped as my ears once again picked up the driving of a familiar car headed this way. The electronic gates opened and mother drove in her elegant car, ‘What now?’ I thought to myself, Mother coming to me is usually more trouble than I can manage, now she will start pressing on different issues, most of them unnecessary. “Hello Mother” I said to her , I had gone to meet her as she parked and now as she got down from the car, I could see the excellent and brilliance of the woman I called mother. She was simply but elegantly dresses in a flowing embroidered turtleneck long sleeves gown that went past her knees, her accessories consisted of a few bracelets, a gold sleek watch and her pair of heels was a stone laid silver top heels. “Hello dear son” She said as she took off her sunglasses (even though it was dark outside, it was night after all). I saw her light makeup had started to fade, she must have had a stressful day for that to have happened because Mother’s makeup was always perfect no matter when you saw her. “What brings you here at this hour?” I asked her as we moved up to my room, I could feel my hair tangled up figuratively with her presence and I needed her out. “I was on my way to a met gala when I saw that I needed to have a slight retouch of my makeup, I had dismissed my maids beforehand and my artist is too far away, then I remembered you have a lovely and beautiful young lady around, so I thought surely she must be able to help me out, I am just coming back from work and your place happens to be on the way there hence why I’m here” she said much to my dismay. She needed Maya? I didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, first of, I doubted Maya could handle making Mother up, the lady didn’t even know how to brush at first, besides she never uses makeup, well she never needs it either. Secondly, why was everything about me suddenly revolving around Maya! She seems to suddenly be the center of my world and existence, even Mother now needed her suddenly out of nowhere. “Well? I don’t have all day call her out!” Mother demanded and from her strained voice I could feel her tiredness and frustration. Out of my family, Mother was the one with the most human being born of a pure breed vampire and a human, this of course automatically meant she was way more human than vampire and it showed from the weakness she acquired from her human side. “Uhm Mom, are you sure you’re fine and even string enough to still undergo the stress of this event? Besides I don’t think Maya can…” I said and was interrupted by a knock. I knew it was Maya, her sweet ocean smell poured through the cracks of the door, ‘had she heard us talking or what?’ I asked myself. I went to open the door for her and she walked in without so much as a glance in my direction, I felt a pang of pain at that, I must’ve really hurt her for her not to want to look at me, I knew for a fact that she loved to look at me. “Hello ma’am, it’s nice to see you again, I hope you have been well?” Maya said to my mother, bowing a but as she greeted. Mother stood up and hugged her to herself, “Oh hello dear one, I told you to call me Miranda and stop with the ma’am, I have been fine and I hope you are too?” she said to Maya. “Yes ma… I mean Miranda, thank you, I saw you come in and thought it wise to come greet you, I’ll take my leave now” Maya said after the hug was dislodged. “Oh no, no, no, you must stay, I came here for you, I need your help, see my makeup? It’s all but washed off, I need you to help me with the retouch” Mother said to Maya. I really have to give Maya the credit at keeping her shocked composure well hidden from Mother, even if I hadn’t been watching her closely I would have missed the very slight flinch she made. “Oh well, you see m… uhm Miranda, well I’m honored, just give me a few minutes to go gather up the things I would need” Maya said surprising me and making Mother happy. I felt sure a disaster was about to happen should this continue but then I had no power to stop it, when Mother wanted something, she always got it and now she wants Maya to makeup for her. ‘Well it’s her funeral' I thought to myself not even sure which her I meant. Maya dashed out again leaving I and Mother to talk about how a good catch she was and how greatly useful and skilled she was as well, that was all Mother wanted to talk about, Maya. Thirty minutes later, Maya was back with a makeup box and other essentials, in a few minutes she had a section of my sitting room set up like an actual makeover studio, in fact I was impressed not just at the set up but also how fast she got it all set up. Then she called mother over, had her sit down and started to work on her, at that point, I had even started to think that she could pull it off after all. She engaged Mother in a light playful conversation and went about the whole thing like a professional, ok where did she suddenly get the skill? I thought to myself, there was still a whole lot that was mysterious about the here lady. Thirty minutes in and they were done, My jaw dropped when I saw my mother, she looked astonishingly ravishing and beautiful, a total knockout, dropped down to look younger than her age. How in the heck did Maya pull this off? Just what was she? I thought to myself now no longer looking at my mother but at her as Mother complemented her work and praised her greatly, overly pleased with her looks. We both saw Mother off to her car and waved to her as we watched her drive off through the self opening gates. “Maya, how did you pull that off?” I asked never taking my eyes off the now closing gates. “A colleague at work told me to use the phone more and ‘just google it’ anytime I needed to now something, so I did and found the “thirty minutes set up and makeover for a goddess look” most useful” she answered me. “Whoa…” was all I could reply with, but wait, did she mean to tell me she acquired a professional level skill just by watching the tutorial video? Or maybe she was only just messing with me because of what had happened earlier. “Maya…” I started to say, hoping to use this medium to apologize. “Good night Mike” she said instead and went back inside, cutting me off and stopping my chance for an apology there. She was hurt, I know that, I didn’t understand her and I should have tried more to get to understand her. At that point, I really hoped she would eventually forgive me and return to her normal way with me, the way she fawned over me and all, I know things like this could spoil those kind of relationships, but first I needed to apologize to her and she needs to give me a chance.
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