
2768 Words

    My instincts kicked in and I began to look through all of the files carefully. There are files on here that are tightly encrypted. Files I need to open myself in order to get into them.      "Young go in my room. There's a pink laptop in the top drawer of my nightstand. It's under all the paperwork,"      "Why would you hide that?" he asked getting up.      "Just go," I demanded.      Mordred isn't Mordred. That is cause for a high alert. If someone like that crazy man can get captured and replaced. We have to be dealing with someone just as powerful as he is. It also begs to question. Who else isn't who they say they are? How long has this been happening?      "Here," Young placed the laptop on the coffee table next to me.      "I am going to need coffee. Lots of it. Strong," 

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