The Cage

1691 Words

    Cam and Young are sitting together with Leon and Preston talking about what I did to Young's car. Cam obviously knows exactly what I did and is trying to explain to him why it's better to organize the wiring the way I did. They're getting along, which is all I can ask for. There's a heavy tension between the girls and myself. I don't know why. It wasn't their fault. Orders are orders.      "Lily?" I looked over at Cat and smiled.      "Yeah?"     "Can you help us with our homework. We've watched the video a bunch of times but we don't get it,"      Merry and Cat set their laptops in front of me. I pushed my chair back to let the two little girls come up. They both took their spot on one of my thighs as I played the video to see what they're working on. Fractions.      As the man i

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