Chapter 98 The Interior Ministry

1928 Words

The Fengjian City was thrown into turmoil. A teenager killed the three generals in the street. In the blink of an eye, that news spread all over the city and surprised countless people. "Is this true?" "No way. Who dares? Is he courting death?" "Gee, this insane!" "This city is going to be chaotic." "The three generals of Fengjian City had all been to the battlefield and belonged to the empire. Now that they were killed, the commander and the mayor won't stand by. They will let the murderer pay a heavy price." Everyone was startled. The three generals were killed, which was a huge emergency! The commander's palace lost no time in receiving the news. Not long after, the dozens of soldiers brought the three corpses to the commander's palace. "Commander, please avenge the th

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