Chapter 99 The Soldiers Besiege The Martial Institution

2069 Words

It was euphemistic for Tao Bai to say that Lin Tian was in serious trouble. To put it bluntly, Lin Tian risked his neck. Lin Tian understood Tao Bai's words at once. He whispered, "It turns out to be this." He suddenly recalled the strange gaze from the two deacons when he entered the Interior Ministry. It turned out that the Jiuyang Martial Institution had heard that he killed Chen Ping and the others in the street. Tao Bai was slightly surprised at Lin Tian's expression, "Aren't you worried at all?" "No," Lin Tian said, "I think I have done nothing wrong. They asked for it." Tao Bai and the others looked at Lin Tian only to see that he was really calm. They all felt surprised. "You are indeed extraordinary," Tao Bai said with a smile. Lin Tian replied, "Well, I am flattered, Brother

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