Chapter 19 The Fifth Layer of Body Cultivation

909 Words
When he said goodbye to Su Shu, Lin Tian didn't stroll around in the martial institution but went back to his cabin soon. Shortly afterwards, night fell. When Lin Xi was sound asleep, Lin Tian went up to the attic of the cabin and took out the Jiuqu Essence Pill from the pouch given by Mu Qing. The pill was pink gold, and emitted a faint aroma. "Go!" Lin Tian took a deep breath and put the pill into his mouth carefully. The pill melted in his mouth. Just like the mild spring water, it went down through Lin Tian's throat into his stomach. Half a quarter later, Lin Tian felt that his body was heated up, as if a fire were burning within him. The heat ran through him soon. His body became burning hot gradually, and his bare skin looked fiery red. "The time is now!" Lin Tian knew that the pill started to take effect. He began to practice Siji Scriptures immediately to digest the spiritual energy rushing through his body brought by the pill. "Hum!" A faint light was glowing on the surface of his body, illuminating the dark attic a little. Gradually, Lin Tian felt scared. He felt as if a volcano of spiritual energy erupted in his body. The heavy spiritual energy was about to shatter his body, while the burning heat was going to melt him completely. At this moment, the spiritual energy of the pill flooded into each corner of his body! "What a Jiuqu Essence Pill! It's indeed a piece of invaluable treasure!" Lin Tian said to himself. His body was getting hotter. Lin Tian didn't dare to act carelessly. He practiced Siji Scriptures attentively, guiding and infusing the pill's spiritual energy in his body into his flesh and blood quickly, forgetting his flesh and blood again and again with the pure spiritual energy. An hour later, Lin Tian shook suddenly. At this moment, he attained the fourth layer of body cultivation! Now, there was still much spiritual energy left in his body. It wandered about like a hunting dragon. "Go on cultivating!" Lin Tian continued practicing Siji Scriptures. He didn't want to waste a tiny bit of such treasure like Jiuqu Essence Pill. However, now Lin Tian felt different from before. This time, he didn't simply infuse the spiritual energy into his flesh and blood but took his own energy as the guide, infused the pill's spiritual energy into his muscles and bones. He was forging his muscles and bones! "It hurts!" In an instant, Lin Tian's body trembled. He felt the severe pain. Among the nine layers of body cultivation, the first three layers were aimed at forging one's flesh and blood, the middle three his muscles and bones, and the last three his internal organs. Now Lin Tian already attained the fourth layer of body cultivation, so he started to use his own energy to guide the pill's spiritual energy to forge his muscles and bones at once. The only thing was that forging muscles and bones was much more difficult than forging flesh and blood, and during the process, he felt much more pain as well. At this moment, Lin Tian could only feel as if sharp knives were cutting his meridians and hammers were striking the bones all over his body heavily. The tearing pain almost made him scream, and sweat kept streaming down. "Martial artists look imposing, but the process of cultivation is simply too painful!" Lin Tian cursed. Although he said so, he didn't stop cultivating. Instead, he was doing it more carefully. Under the guidance of his energy, the pill's spiritual energy was forging his muscles and bones as well as toughening them. Meanwhile, the martial artist's strength was also greatly enhanced. Apart from that, a part of his own energy would be left in his muscles and bones at this stage, which formed a microcirculation together with the energy in his flesh and blood. In this way, the martial artist's vital energy and endurance would both be boosted tremendously. Lin Tian practiced Siji Scriptures again and again. Pain as he felt, he still got through it. Little by little, his skin became normal again, which was not as fiery red as before. Another four hours passed by. The darkness was gone, and the morning sun cast its first rays to the ground. Lin Tian opened his eyes, let out a long and dirty breath and stood up. He clenched his fists and moved his body, only feeling that his whole body was much lighter. His hearing became sharper, his sight clearer. There seemed to be endless strength in his body. "I'm at the fifth layer of body cultivation!" Lin Tian was surprised. After a night of cultivation, Lin Tian actually jumped from the third layer of body cultivation straight to the fifth layer. He had made huge progress. After all, it took many people a year to move from the third layer of body cultivation to the fifth layer. But now, Lin Tian made it overnight, so how could he not be surprised? Meanwhile, this also made Lin Tian realize the preciousness of Jiuqu Essence Pill even more. "Now I can go pick the combat craft!" Thrilled, Lin Tian thought of picking the combat craft, and his eyes lit up suddenly. Lin Tian took out the voice transmission tally, infused his own energy into it and began to contact Su Shu.
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