Chapter 18 Jiuqu Essence Pill

1050 Words
When Lin Tian came to one of the rooms on the second floor of Disciple Pavilion with Su Shu, Mu Qing and Shi Dong were drinking tea. Seeing that Su Shu brought Lin Tian here, both of them gave a faint smile. "Young fellow, have you helped your younger sister settle down?" Mu Qing asked. Lin Tian nodded and said gratefully, "Yes, I have. Thank you for your concern, Elder Mu." Mu Qing shook his head with a smile, telling Lin Tian that he didn't need to stand on ceremony. "Why did you ask me to be here, Elder Mu and Elder Shi?" Lin Tian asked. Shi Dong and Mu Qing exchanged glances and smiled, saying, "Actually, there's nothing special. We want to give you two things." Mu Qing took out a black pouch and passed it to Lin Tian. "One thing inside is the identification jade pendant, a proof to show that you're the disciple of the martial institution, in which your personal information is recorded. The other thing inside is Jiuqu Essence Pill. It's a reward for your winning the first place in the comprehensive examination." Mu Qing explained. When Lin Tian was about to express his thanks, Su Shu widened her eyes. "Jiuqu Essence Pill!" "What is Jiuqu Essence Pill?" Lin Tian asked Su Shu in a low voice. It had just been days since Lin Tian headed down the path of martial cultivation, and there were still a lot of things he didn't know. Seeing that Su Shu was taken aback when hearing these three words, Lin Tian became curious all of a sudden. Su Shu stared at Lin Tian as if he were a monster and questioned, "Hey you, don't you even know Jiuqu Essence Pill?" "No." Lin Tian was being honest. He indeed had no idea. Su Shu was speechless. She stretched out her index finger, poked Lin Tian gently on the forehead and said like his elder, "Jiuqu Essence Pill is concocted from Jiulu Root, Chiqu Grass, the marrow of the fourth-grade monster beast Wind-fire Rhinoceros, and several other kinds of medical materials. Not only can it improve one's health, but it can also boost his martial cultivation. It's quite precious!" "Quite precious?" Lin Tian thought for a while and asked, "How much is it worth?" "It's a piece of treasure. It can't be bought with money!" Su Shu rolled her eyes. It couldn't be bought with money? Suddenly, Lin Tian got a little surprised. In this case, it was indeed a precious thing. Lin Tian stared at Mu Qing and Shi Dong, and expressed his thanks again. "You're welcome. You deserve this reward." Shi Dong waved his hand. Mu Qing and Shi Dong chatted with Lin Tian for a while before they got up and left. As the elders of the martial institution, they had a lot of things to do, so they needed to go back to Elder Pavilion. "Shu, show Lin Tian around the martial institution first." Mu Qing said. After that, he and Shi Dong walked out. "How bossy!" Su Shu mumbled with disgruntlement. That being said, Su Shu didn't refuse to do as told. Hardly had Mu Qing and Shi Dong left than she brought Lin Tian out. Jiuyang Martial Institution covered a vast area. Lin Tian followed behind Su Shu and listened to the girl's introduction. Before long, he had a vague grasp of Jiuyang Martial Institution. "By the way, what stage are you at?" Su Shu asked suddenly. Lin Tian was a little confused, but he didn't hide the truth and said, "I'm at the third layer of body cultivation." "At the third layer of body cultivation," Su Shu thought for a while and said with a smile, "How about this? That's all for today. You may go back first. Take and digest that Jiuqu Essence Pill tonight. If nothing else, I think you could attain the fourth layer of body cultivation. After that, I'll take you to Martial Scriptures Pavilion to pick the exercise method and the combat craft." Jiuyang Martial Institution was composed of six parts. They were Elder Pavilion, Martial Scriptures Pavilion, Disciple Pavilion, the teaching area, the drill ground, and the dormitory area for disciples. Martial Scriptures Pavilion was the place where the exercise methods and the combat craft were kept in Jiuyang Martial Institution. "Why not now?" Lin Tian was curious. He looked around. It seemed that they were not far away from Martial Scriptures Pavilion now. "As for the exercise methods of Body Cultivation Stage, they are all of a similar grade, so you don't have to pay much attention to it," Su Shu explained patiently and said, "As for the combat craft, there's a big difference. The disciples of the martial institution have a chance to pick the combat craft every three small stages. For example, disciples from the first to the third layer of body cultivation can pick a set of combat craft, while those from the fourth to the sixth layer of body cultivation have another chance to pick a set of combat craft, and so on..." "Of course, disciples at each layer of cultivation have to follow a strict rule when picking their combat craft. Disciples are not allowed to pick the combat craft above their layer of cultivation. Now you're at the third layer of body cultivation. When you take and digest Jiuqu Essence Pill, you'll definitely attain the fourth layer. Therefore, it won't be too late for you to pick the exercise method and the combat craft at that time. It will save you a trip." Lin Tian saw the light. In this case, Su Shu's words made sense. "OK, I'll do as you say." Lin Tian said. "This is the voice transmission tally. Put in your energy and speak to it, and I will hear you." Su Shu passed a voice transmission tally to Lin Tian and waved her hand. "That's it. I have some other things to do. See you tomorrow, little Tiantian." After that, the girl ran away like a gust of wind. Lin Tian lifted his hand and was about to say goodbye but choked up when hearing the pet name Su Shu gave him. Little Tiantian? Lin Tian felt ashamed and was lost for words for a long time.
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