Chapter 39 Slay All

1941 Words
Three middle-aged men in black walked from behind the big tree aside and stared at Lin Tian coldly. They were enshrouded with an air of bloodlust. Obviously, they had experienced real fights and killed a lot of people! "You purposefully drew us out of the city. Are you arrogant or stupid?" One of the people in black said with irony. Under the black robe, Lin Tian laughed dismissively. "Leng Yitong sent you here," He said indifferently. In the Formation Masters' Guild, he remembered Ji Yuanshan called the well-dressed man's full name -- Leng Yitong. One of the three middle-aged men snorted, "You are not qualified to call Young Master Leng's full name!" "So it is him indeed," Lin Tian sneered. The three middle-aged men in black were Li Lin, Ren Shi and Wan Xing. Now, Li Lin took a step forward and stared at Lin Tian coldly, saying, "Young Master Leng is merciful to give you a chance of living. You just need to disable your legs, wreck your cultivation capability, and dig out your eyes. Do it yourself. Don't make us do it for you. Otherwise, you will only end with death." Lin Tian refrained from laughing out, "As per what you said, I should thank him?" Li Lin said casually, "Of course." "To disable my legs, wreck my cultivation capability and dig out my eyes? He wants me to live in mortification?" Lin Tian asked sarcastically. The three people in black were grim instantly. They didn't expect Lin Tian's instinct to be so correct. Ren Shi said coldly, "It's not good that you are too smart." "It is already a kind of grace to keep you alive. You must be grateful," Wan Xing snorted. "Is that so?" Wrapped in the black robe, Lin Tian took a step forward and said casually, "I can give you a chance too. If you disable your legs, wreck your cultivation capability and dig out your eyes, I won't take your lives then. This is my grace for you too." The three of them immediately put on a cold look. "You are risking your neck!" Li Lin said sternly. Ren Shi said, "Enough with talking. Just kill him!" He was not just saying. Instantly, he rushed to Lin Tian. He acted really fast and spurted out a rush of extremely potent momentum and struck a palm at Lin Tian. "Seven layers of body cultivation!" Lin Tian was a bit shocked but he was not flustered. Without dodging, he greeted the upcoming attack with a punch. The punch collided with the palm. With a bang, the two of them flinched together. "Emm?" "Ren Shi, what are you doing?" Li Lin and Wan Xing frowned. They were all at the seventh layer of body cultivation. Ren Shi also cultivated the Mountain Cracking Palm, a medium combat craft of body cultivation. If he struck a palm, it would carry a force as heavy as 500 kg. He was almost invincible among the martial artists of the same level but now, he was stopped by a martial artist at the sixth layer of body cultivation. Ren Shi looked slightly grim and stared at Lin Tian, saying, "This brat is a bit weird." After his palm collided with Lin Tian's punch, Ren Shi felt numbness in his palm. Lin Tian stared at them and said indifferently, "According to your actions and Qi, you should be the imperial soldiers. As far as I know, the imperial soldiers who have come to Fengjian City these days should be subordinates of General Ji. Why are you listening to the order of Leng Yitong?" The three of them were all astonished. "You are pretty smart but smart people usually cannot live long!" They said coldly. Lin Tian shrugged his shoulders and said, "Since I cannot live long, I would like to know one thing before my death. As imperial soldiers, why would you listen to Leng Yitong?" "Humph." Li Lin snorted. Ren Shi said, "What's good about being a soldier? As long as we fawn on Young Master Leng, of course we will have a promising prospect. Comparatively, being an ordinary soldier is absolutely pointless." "He has talked too much. Don't forget our goal. Kill him." Wan Xing knitted his eyebrows. "Okay. Let me end his life," Li Lin said. He strode a step forward and pressed towards Lin Tian like a sword going out of the sheath. Lin Tian gave an indifferent smile and still struck a punch forward. Bang. His punch collided with Ren Shi's palm. Ren Shi couldn't help taking a few steps backward. "You..." Li Lin was startled. They could feel Lin Tian was at the sixth layer of body cultivation. He was a layer lower than them but his physique was stronger than theirs. "Is he a Hercules?" Wan Xing said. In the world, some people were born with a potent physique and great strength. The people of this kind were called Hercules. However, Hercules was generally poorly talented in martial cultivation. The best Hercules could be endowed with three-star talent only. As he cultivated, it would be even harder for him to proceed with martial cultivation. "So that explains it," Ren Shi snorted, "He has brutal strength only." With a bang, Ren Shi gave off a rush of more potent momentum and caused a gust of gale. At the moment, Ren Shi didn't attack simply in light of his physique but showed his powerful combat craft. "Mountain Cracking Palm! Take this!" Ren Shi shouted. As he strode forward, his clenched right fist seemed to turn into a big mountain. His momentum of attacking was terrifying! Lin Tian sneered and slowly bent down. He stretched his right hand back and gripped the handle of the beautiful sword hidden under his black robe. As Ren Shi approached him, he finally moved and darted like a flash of lightning. "Swish!" Just like a flash of light, he brushed past Ren Shi. It was deadly silent instantly. The world seemed to quiet down now. At the moment, even Li Lin and Wan Xing were slightly dazed and suddenly became quiet. "Splash." A faint sound came. Blood was dripping. Then, Ren Shi collapsed directly. There was a long blood slit in his neck. With his whole throat cut, he was staring at the sky with his eyes wide open. He died without closing his eyes! "Ren Shi!" Li Lin and Wan Xing were both astounded. Li Lin gazed at Lin Tian, "What did you do?" Just now, they only saw Lin Tian and Ren Shi brushed past each other. Never did they see Lin Tian do anything else. They only had a feeling that Lin Tian acted really swiftly but unexpectedly. Lin Tian killed Ren Shi! "What did I do? Didn't you see it?" Lin Tian said in an aloof manner, "I killed him." Just killing a man. His voice sounded peaceful and yet astonished Li Lin and Wan Xing, who had gone through a lot of battles before. "Let's attack him together. Kill him!" "Let's do it!" Li Lin and Wan Xing said grimly. They both acted and instantly, two rushes of potent energy fluctuation were spread around. "Saber Smashing Hand!" "Rock Breaking Leg!" They shouted simultaneously. Now, they didn't underestimate Lin Tian anymore. Instead, they launched an attack on him with the medium combat craft of body cultivation with almost all their strength. Lin Tian gave an indifferent smile and flinched. "You want to escape? Over my dead body!" Li Lin said fiercely. "Escape?" Lin Tian said dismissively. He floated backward and meanwhile drew out a pretty sword from his black robe. Staring at the two people before him with cold eyes, he swung his right hand and slashed out slowly. "Wind-startling Sword!" "Clang!" As he uttered the two words, a shrill sword chirp sounded instantly and the whole sky was covered with the silver sword light, which formed a splendid sword curtain. It was so horrifying! "This is?!" Wan Xing was taken aback. Li Lin's pupils shrank at once, "D*mn it! Pull out!" They had experienced quite some battles. Now they felt a sense of crisis for real. "You want to flee now? Too late," Lin Tian snorted. After he said that, the dense sword shadows dropped together from the sky. Wan Xing at the frontmost was the first one to be pierced by the sword shadows. He died a miserable death on spot. On the contrary, Li Lin survived by luck but he still lost the ability to resist. He could only move his feet with reluctance. Lin Tian hedged and then walked to Li Lin. "What...what do you want to do?" Li Lin was horrified. Now, his eyes were full of fear. Lin Tian was scornful of Li Lin. Then, he raised his leg and stepped on Li Lin's chest, immediately causing the latter to scream in pain. "What is Leng Yitong's identity?" Lin Tian asked. Li Lin was astonished. He wanted to say he didn't know but faced with Lin Tian's cold gaze, he refrained from feeling more frightened and said, trembling with fear, "If I tell you, let go of me?" "Of course. I will consider it," Lin Tian said. "You swear!" "I swear," Lin Tian said indifferently. Li Lin swallowed and then said tremblingly, "There are three strongest families in the imperial city of the empire, i.e., the Duan family, the Leng family and the Jiang family. Young Master Leng...Young Master Leng is the young master of the Leng family." "How strong is the Leng family?" Lin Tian asked. "Very...very powerful..." Li Lin trembled and said, "It is said that the family is guarded with a martial artist of Mentality Vessel Stage." Lin Tian was stern. "He is the young master of the Leng family, one of the three big families in the imperial city. No wonder he can follow the old general." Lin Tian squinted his eyes. He was really taken as a target by some big potato. Lin Tian stared at Li Lin again and said with a faint smile, "Thank you for the information." Li Lin got relieved and then felt shocked. He saw Lin Tian slowly raise the sword. "What are you doing? You said you would let go of me!" Li Lin screamed in horror. "Did I say that?" Lin Tian answered calmly, "I only told you that I would consider it." "You..." "Puff!" As he slashed the sword, Li Lin's head flew out with a splash of blood. He glanced at the three people's corpses indifferently, turned around and left directly. ... When he was back in the martial institution, the sun was shining in the sky. Lin Tian took off the black robe and arrived outside Lin Xi's door. He wanted to see whether she slept well. With a squeak, the door was pushed open. Instantly, Lin Tian's face stiffened. In the room, a girl was cuddling Lin Xi. Her legs were exposed in the air, gleaming with faint light. Maybe because she didn't sleep sound, her chest was also exposed. Most of her chest could be vaguely seen. The girl was drooling, but looked extremely attractive. This girl was Su Shu! "This..." Lin Tian felt so embarrassed. Staring at the scene, he was a bit stunned. Now, it happened that Su Shu leaned aside and opened her eyes slowly. As she looked out of the door, her confused eyes were gradually widened. For the moment, she was in a daze. She and Lin Tian just stared at each other. Three breaths later... "Argh!" A cry flashed across the sky just like a bolt of thunder.
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