Chapter 38 Shocking Fengjian City

1841 Words
The golden token was small, which was only the size of a palm, but it still looked rather majestic. Staring at the golden token, Pu Shi and Ge Zheng just gasped. For the moment, they looked at each other in astonishment. "The subsidiary general token?" Lin Tian was curious. He seemed to think of something but he was not sure. Pu Shi eased his breath and explained, "The subsidiary general token is the matching token of the general token. It is rarely used but for the empire's army, seeing the subsidiary general toke is just like meeting the general-in-chief. Understand?" Under the black robe, Lin Tian was dazed. In other words, the token was like an imperial sword? As Lin Tian stayed silent, Ge Zheng thought Lin Tian still didn't have a clue and then said, "Let me give you an example. If you have the token, the chatelain of Fengjian City has to salute you and you can even allocate a large-scale army of the empire!" Lin Tian was speechless. He had figured it out but now he was even clearer. This present seemed too much. Lin Tian felt a bit resigned and said with a bitter smile, "You give me such a significant thing. Aren't you afraid that I may do something bad with it?" Ji Yuanshan was shocked first and then burst out laughing. "I've been on the battlefield for decades and seen a lot of ups and downs. Putting aside other things, I have confidence in my eyes. You can never be that kind of wretched man," Ji Yuanshan said. Pu Shi and Ge Zheng both nodded. Lin Tian was lost for words but he kind of admired the old general-in-chief for his righteous and heroic spirit! Ji Yuanshan put the golden token on Lin Tian's hand, saying, "Please accept it for now. If you have any scruples, you can return the token to me when you go to the imperial city." Under the black robe, Lin Tian smiled bitterly. As Ji Yuanshan said so, if he still declined the offer, it would be a bit rude of him. "Thank you for your trust. I will pay you a visit if I go to the imperial city," Lin Tian said. Ji Yuanshan laughed and said, "You will. I believe that Fengjian City is too small for you!" Speaking of this, Ji Yuanshan turned around and carried the girl from the bed carefully. Then, he looked at Pu Shi and Ge Zheng, saying seriously, "I really appreciate your help today." "You are welcome, General-in-chief," Pu Shi and Ge Zheng said. The girl's traumatic condition had been stabilized. Ji Yuanshan didn't need to stay then. Lin Tian and the others sent him off to the gate of the Guild. "Please stay. Thank you very much!" Ji Yuanshan said seriously. Pu Shi and Ge Zheng nodded and accepted his thanks. "General-in-chief, goodbye," The two of them said. Ji Yuanshan nodded with a smile, turned around and left. After walking for a few steps, he suddenly stopped. Ji Yuanshan turned his head and stared at Lin Tian, saying, "Actually, according to your voice, you should be around Yu's age. If possible, you two... Forget it. Let nature take its course." After nodding at Lin Tian, Ji Yuanshan turned around and walked away. "Yes?" Lin Tian was in a daze. Mulling over Ji Yuanshan's words, he felt somewhat strange. Pu Shi ridiculed, "Young man, you are so lucky. It seems that the general-in-chief wants to let his granddaughter marry you. Hey, that girl is the top beauty in the imperial city." "Nice. I think you two make a good couple. Emm, although I have never seen your face, supposedly, since you are so excellent at formation harnessing techniques, you can't be too ugly," Ge Zheng said. Lin Tian was speechless. The old man talked so interestingly. He shook his head and wanted to ask Pu Shi to leave with him. All of a sudden, he felt dizzy and then staggered. Pu Shi was slightly shocked and supported Lin Tian from behind, "Are you okay?" Lin Tian only felt dizzier and dizzier. On second thought, he figured that he must have exhausted too much soul power and energy. Now, he was suffering a sequela. "I'm a bit tired. Maybe..." He said feebly. Pu Shi and Ge Zheng were dazed and then took a tumble. "Well, don't leave for now. I can ask Fei to arrange a room for you to rest for a night," Ge Zheng said. Pu Shi nodded, "Good idea." Lin Tian thought about it and believed that it would be fine if he didn't go back to the martial institution. He told Su Shu to keep Lin Xi company if he went back late. He trusted Su Shu. Thinking of this, he didn't hesitate and then said, "Thank you, Mr. Ge." He was dizzy indeed. It was somewhat difficult for him to walk. "Don't mention it." Ge Zheng waved his hand. Currently, Ge Zheng and Pu Shi supported Lin Tian and carried him to a room behind the Guild. "Have a good rest. I'll leave then," Pu Shi said. Lying in bed, Lin Tian nodded, "Goodbye, Mr. Pu." Pu Shi nodded and walked out with Ge Zheng. While leaving the room, Ge Zheng said, "I live next door. If you need anything, just let me know." "Thank you, Mr. Ge," Lin Tian said. After getting to know the old man in the real sense, he found that Mr. Ge was nice indeed. With a squeak, Ge Zheng closed the door and went away. Lin Tian let out a breath. These days, he was really tired and rested much less. He shook his head. Without taking off the black robe, Lin Tian closed his eyes and fell asleep shortly. Ge Zheng sent Pu Shi to the gate and then returned to his room. The maid Fei still received the visitors courteously in the Guild. It seemed that everything remained the same, except for one thing. On this day, a piece of shocking news was spread from within the Guild. That was, there was a talented formation master in Fengjian City, who was only 16 years old. He was ranked at level three. Even the elder of the Guild, Ge Zheng, and the senior from Treasure Trading Pavilion, Pu Shi, were no match for him. This news was undoubtedly shocking to everyone. "A 16-year-old level-three formation master? How is it possible?" "It's for real. I saw him with my own eyes. Yet, the man was wrapped in a black robe. I couldn't see his actual appearance. Judging from his voice, he should be 16 years old." "I saw him too. Back then, the general-in-chief of the empire seemed to be helped by that man." "What? The general-in-chief of the empire? General Ji?" "Of course!" "Why...why was the old general in Fengjian City?" "Who knows? But it did happen." "A 16-year-old level-three formation master? How can there be such a capable man?" As the news was spread, it had been discussed almost everywhere in Fengjian City. A 16-year-old man turned out to be a level-three formation master and did a favor for the general-in-chief, which was so appalling. As was well-known to all, it was quite demanding for the formation master to cultivate, which was so much harder than martial cultivation. An ordinary formation master was 27 or 28 years old at least, who should be ranked at level one. Nevertheless, it was too shocking that a 16-year-old level-three formation master suddenly emerged in Fengjian City. "How is it possible? Did he start to practice the formation harnessing techniques since he was still a fetus?" "What if his master is a top formation master?" "Well..." "He is really stunning regardless!" "I can't believe there can be such a stunning talent! God is so..." Everyone sighed in Fengjian City. Lin Tian was surely not aware of that. Now, he was sleeping sound. He didn't even hear Ge Zheng asking him to have a meal. Yet, as he got no response after calling him several times, Ge Zheng just left rather than went into the room directly. A night passed by. This morning, Lin Tian woke up. After doing some breathing exercises in the morning glow, he got out of the room. "You are awake?" He happened to meet Ge Zheng and then greeted the latter with a smile. "Yeah, thank you for letting me stay overnight yesterday," Lin Tian said grinningly. "Never mind. Just take the Guild as your home. Welcome to come here often," Ge Zheng shook his head and then said, "By the way, the breakfast has been prepared by Fei. Please help yourself." Lin Tian nodded, "Okay." The breakfast provided in the Formation Masters' Guild of Fengjian City was quite simple, which consisted of porridge, vegetables and buns. It didn't match with the exalted identity of the formation master but it made Lin Tian feel even better about the Formation Masters' Guild of Fengjian City. After having breakfast, he said goodbye to Ge Zheng and Fei and then left. "I didn't go back for the whole night. Lin Xi must be very worried," Lin Tian muttered to himself. Thinking of this, he walked faster. Shortly, he was far away from the Formation Masters' Guild and couldn't even see it now. Then, Lin Tian suddenly stopped and felt a few cold gazes were fixed on him. He slightly tilted his head and only saw three middle-aged men in black following him unhurriedly. They obviously held an ulterior motive, which made Lin Tian frown instantly. Lin Tian didn't stop. While walking forward, he guessed who the people behind him were. Now, his enemies consisted of the Xiao family, the Mo family and Zhou Hao. But now, he was wrapped in a black robe, they couldn't be able to recognize him. In this case, the stalkers must harbor the grudge against him when he was wearing the black robe. Suddenly, a figure came to Lin Tian's mind... It was the well-dressed man who followed the old general. Thinking of the facial expression when the well-dressed man left, Lin Tian was surer of the guess. The people behind him must have something to do with the well-dressed man! "If I go back to Jiuyang Martial Institution, I may be able to get rid of these people but it will be inconvenient for me to proceed with my following plan in the future. Moreover, since that man can follow General Ji, he must hold a high status. Maybe the stalkers can sneak into Jiuyang Martial Institution. By then, the situation will get even worse." Lin Tian thought. Lin Tian finally had an idea and then walked out of the city. The three middle-aged men in black gave a confused look but they still followed Lin Tian closely. Half an hour later, Lin Tian got out of Fengjian City and arrived at a desolate place. "Show yourselves." It was then that he stopped and looked back indifferently.
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