Chapter 59 The Conspiracy of the Xiao Family

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As the largest merchant family in Fengjian City, the Xiao family was very luxurious. Even at night, the front door was still brightly lit. Lin Tian was hidden in the dark and soon came to Xiao's mansion. Looking around, two guards stood in front of the main gate of Xiao's mansion, each holding a spear and looking around vigilantly. Without paying attention to the two guards, Lin Tian bypassed the main gate and came to the side wall of Xiao's mansion. With a slight leap, he immediately climbed up the ten-foot-high wall and entered Xiao's inner mansion. Compared with the outside, the interior of Xiao's mansion was even brighter, he could almost see the luxurious decorations everywhere. "Truly luxurious!" Lin Tian sneered. Most of the Xiao family's successes today were taken from the Lin family. There were also many servants and guards in Xiao's inner mansion who patrolled back and forth at night. Lin Tian didn't care about this at all. According to the memory in the head, he soon came to an old house. The old house was not tall or luxurious, but it was very tight. In particular, the door that sealed the old house was covered with iron sheet. There were eight locks up and down. Moreover, there were also two guards standing outside the door, who looked more capable than the two in front of the main door. Hidden in the dark, Lin Tian took out a small paper bag, in which contained the ecstasy powder. For martial artists who were under the sixth layer of body cultivation, the ecstasy powder had a miraculous effect. People would faint if they smelled a little. Lin Tian took out the ecstasy powder and raised his hand. The ecstasy powder immediately floated in the air with a breeze. "What's the smell?" "It seems to be some flower..." With two bangs, the two guards in front of the old house fell to the ground. The Xiao family was not a family of martial arts. Naturally, the guards in the family were not powerful enough to resist the ecstasy powder. Lin Tian quickly came to the door of the old house, holding an iron lock in his hand. His soul power was poured in and he felt the structure of the lock. After about five seconds, he put the gold wire prepared before into it. With a click, the first iron lock was opened. "The second lock," Lin Tian said in secret. He was a martial artist, and besides he was a formation master. His soul power was extremely powerful. Naturally it was easy to unlock the lock. Soon, all eight iron locks were opened. Lin Tian pushed the door into it and closed the iron door carefully. From the outside, the old house was only tight and not luxurious. However, when he entered the old house, it was bright, surrounded by dense gold and silver treasures. Jades and ancient porcelains were everywhere. Lin Tian snorted. He didn't care about these things, but stared at a huge gold box in the deepest corner of the old house. The gold box was surrounded by nine iron cages. Each iron cage was fixed on a stone platform and was locked with a big lock. Lin Tian didn't care about this at all. He repeated his old technique, opened the nine iron cages one by one, finally opened the last lock outside the gold box, and took out a roll of thick parchments from it. Lin's jade articles. Lin's paper industry. Lin's jewelry industry. Lin Tian scanned them one by one. Each parchment was the title deed of an estate of the Lin family, but the owner had been replaced with the name of Xiao Nan, the master of the Xiao family. Lin Tian sneered. The soul power in his right hand emerged, and Xiao Nan's name immediately dispersed. Then, Lin Xi's name floated in place. He was a formation master. Changing some handwriting with his soul power was no different from the difficulty of eating and sleeping. Putting away several contracts, Lin Tian continued to look for other property contracts. Lin's wood industry. Lin's restaurants. Lin's horse farms. Looking all the way down, Lin Tian was a little surprised. The Lin family was really rich and had an amazing number of industries, including more than ten kinds. He changed all the title deeds to Lin Xi's name and then threw them into the cloth bag prepared before. Continuing to search, at the bottom of the wooden box, he found several other rolls of parchments. Xiao's real estates. Xiao's ranches. Xiao's fish industry. Lin Tian smiled and changed the deeds of the Xiao's family's property. Then he put them into the cloth bag. This process didn't take much time. After that, Lin Tian closed the gold box and closed the nine iron locks one by one. Then he went out and closed the eight locks on the iron door of the old house. He didn't take other things from the old house. He took all the title deeds. These things were no longer owned by the Xiao family in the end. A few steps away, Lin Tian waved his hand and the antidote of the ecstasy powder floated out. "Hmm..." The two fainted guards were picked up by Lin Tian and leaned against the wall of the old house. At the moment, they woke up and were both surprised. "Why did we fall asleep?!" The two quickly scanned around and were relieved until they were sure that everything was normal. Not far away, Lin Tian smiled indifferently and turned to leave. At this time, he unfolded the third moderate gale formation pattern scroll, because each moderate gale formation pattern could not support for a long time. He needed to unroll the next scroll before the previous one failed, otherwise he would be exposed. After using the moderate gale formation pattern, his body became lighter and nimbler. Like a shadow, he quickly walked outside Xiao's mansion. "Father, what should we do?!" Suddenly, a familiar voice came from nearby, giving Lin Tian a pause. Looking around, the lights were still on in a room not far away. In the dark, Lin Tian could see two figures in the room, one tall and the other slim. As for the voice from the room, Lin Tian certainly recognized who it was. That was Xiao Yun's voice. With a slight hesitation, Lin Tian leaned over carefully. Soon, he came outside the door and listened. The voice inside was clearer. "That Lin Tian not only has nine-star talent, but now he ranks second in the Exterior Ministry. Moreover, in the daytime, he spent nearly six hours in the double gravity area of the Martial Institution, and even the tutor was shocked! What to do, father! If this goes on, he will become stronger and will deal with us!" Xiao Yun seemed a little flustered. A cold hum came from the room, "What's the hurry! He is just alone, hasn't grown up and can't turn over any waves. Isn't there a Qingfeng Mountain in Jiuyang Martial Institution? These days, you can observe and find some disciples who can be bought for money. And you set traps in Qingfeng Mountain in advance, then let those people cheat the little brat to Qingfeng Mountain and kill him there, okay?" "But father, those disciples of Jiuyang Martial Institution are arrogant, in general, they won't..." "Find five disciples and give each of them 100,000 spiritual coins." "100,000 spiritual coins?!" Xiao Yun sounded a bit surprised. In the room, Xiao Nan's voice came out again, "Nine-star talent. I know more or less about that. As you said, this brat must not be alive. If we don't get rid of him, he may become a big trouble for our Xiao family in the future." "100,000?! You can definitely find someone with this amount of money!" Xiao Yun said in a trembling voice. "Here you are. These are the three martial integrating formation pattern scrolls that I bought in Treasure Trading Pavilion not long ago. There are powerful combat craft skills sealed in. Even master Pu Shi, the chief deacon of Treasure Trading Pavilion, is highly praised, which can seriously hurt masters at the sixth layer of body cultivation. Take them with you, and they should be useful at that time." "Well..." Xiao Yun's voice was with surprise, "Thanks, father. This time we can definitely get rid of him!" Outside the room, Lin Tian heard all this clearly and his eyes twinkled coldly. "100,000 spiritual coins for each one, they are so generous." He sneered in his heart. 100,000 spiritual coins were definitely a huge asset. Even those masters at Divine Meridians Stage might be startled. "Hahaha!" Lin Tian suddenly felt lucky. Fortunately, he came tonight. Otherwise, he might really be trapped. Retreating quietly, he hid in the dark and soon left Xiao's mansion. Walking through the silent street, Lin Tian returned to his residence in the Martial Institution soon after, carefully hid the cloth bag containing the Lin and the Xiao family's property deeds, then he came to the Top Pavilion and began to engrave the energy-gathering formation pattern. "Brat Xiao, finding the five people would spend you so much time. And by the time, I will give you a surprise!" Lin Tian smiled wickedly. Lin Tian was already familiar with the engraving of the energy-gathering formation pattern. For only half an hour, he engraved an energy-gathering formation pattern. Then he directly opened the pattern to gather all kinds of spiritual power and began to refine the internal organs. Severe pain surged up immediately, but Lin Tian didn't care, with excitement and cold light in his eyes. "Buzz!" The faint silver light flickered, and the starlight and the spiritual energy came together to wrap up Lin Tian all over. One night passed quickly, and Lin Tian had cultivated for a full night. Although there was a burning tingling feeling in his internal organs, Lin Tian didn't care about that at all. One night later, his cultivation increased a bit, his spirit became stronger, and his heartbeat more powerful than before. "Not bad," Lin Tian said in secret. At the moment, it was early in the morning. Lin Tian washed up a little and then came to the wild wave formation in the drill ground. "Hey, you got up really early," Luo Xiao greeted Lin Tian with a smile. Luo Xiao was temporarily in charge of the physical training of freshmen in Exterior Ministry. Therefore, he usually worked in the drill ground. "You were earlier than me," Lin Tian said politely. Luo Xiao smiled and said, "Come on, don't flatter me. Do you want to cultivate in the formation?" "Yeah." Lin Tian nodded. "Well, wait a minute. Now there is no one in the formation, and the huge formation has not been opened yet," Luo Xiao nodded and greeted the formation deacon not far away. After three seconds, the huge formation started with a buzzing sound. Looking at Lin Tian, Luo Xiao said, "OK, now you can go in." The operation of the wild wave formation required a lot of energy. Therefore, when there was no one, the huge formation would be closed. "Thank you a lot." Lin Tian said politely and then stepped into the huge formation. It was the second time he came to this wild wave formation. And Lin Tian felt much better than yesterday. Although his movement was not as smooth as in the outside world, it was far less difficult to move than yesterday. As soon as he entered the huge formation, he began to exert the Dual Position Step. With the help of the wild wave formation, he wanted to reach the second level of Dual Position Step quickly. Once the second level of Dual Position Step was reached, not only the speed would become faster, but also he could move in the air for a short time. In short, if he reached the second level of Dual Position Step, in somewhere similar to the stone wall in the Dark Forest canyon, he could step on the top of the stone wall by Dual Position Step alone without pre-rushing and Wind-startling Swordsmanship.
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