Chapter 58 Reaching Big Perfection of First Level of Dual Position Step

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Time flew and an hour passed quickly. Taking the previous half an hour into account, during an hour and a half, two of the five teams composed of more than 100 freshmen had entered the huge formation and came out. At this moment, the third team began to enter the huge formation, but Lin Tian never came out until this time. "This little guy, not bad!" Luo Xiao's eyes twinkled with fine light. After Lin Tian entered the formation for the first time, he had been in the double gravity area for an hour and a half. At the moment, Lin Tian's eyes seemed firm in the wild wave formation. After staying in the huge formation for an hour and a half, he gradually moved somehow freely. "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" Exerting the Dual Position Step, Lin Tian could hear the sound of breaking the air at the moment. "This wild wave formation is really extraordinary. It is a perfect place for cultivation!" Lin Tian thought. In the one and a half hours of cultivation, he always suffered bursts of pain from the body, but that's the case, he clearly felt the changes of his body. Although it was slight, such changes did exist. "Go on!" He said in his heart. The pain caused by double gravity continued. Lin Tian didn't seem to have any feeling about it. It's not that he did not feel the pain, but that he knew that if he wanted to go all the way on the martial arts road, he must endure such pain! No gains without pains. He knew this truth best because he had gone through human life for two times! He was cultivating hard, and at the same time, time was moving forward nonstop. Soon, another two hours passed. Two hours later, the five freshmen teams all experienced the huge formation, and all retreated. Many of them sat on the ground and complained. Luo Xiao stared at the huge formation, as the fine light in his eyes disappeared, and his face showed a little surprise. At this moment, three and a half hours had passed since Lin Tian entered the wild wave formation! Luo Xiao was a bit shocked. He didn't worry about Lin Tian being in an accident. It was just twice the gravity, which was far from constricting a martial artist to death. He was not worried that Lin Tian would enter the triple gravity area, because he had repeatedly stressed that and he believed Lin Tian was not an arrogant person. "How powerful is this little guy!" Luo Xiao was really shocked when he saw Lin Tian stay in the wild wave formation for three and a half hours though he first entered the formation. As far as he knew, since the founding of Jiuyang Martial Institution, no disciple had been able to persist for so long for the first time. Even the martial mania Mo Ji seemed to stay for only three hours when he first entered. Luo Xiao could not help but hold his fists and stared at the huge formation. "Sir, can I go back?" "Yes, sir, my body hurts!" "Let's go back and have a rest," Many disciples asked to leave. Thinking that Lin Tian had been in the huge formation for three and a half hours, however, these people who went in no more than half an hour couldn't stop complaining, Luo Xiao immediately felt angry. "Shut up!" Glaring at the disciples, Luo Xiao said indifferently, "Look at you cowards! Just like this, how can you become a strong man in the future!" Glancing at the wild wave formation, Luo Xiao snorted coldly, "Stand still. No one is allowed to go until he comes out!" Luo Xiao was so aggressive that more than a hundred disciples shrunk their necks in fear after hearing that. But soon, many people began to wonder again. "He? Who? There is still someone in the huge formation?!" Someone said with curiosity. Many people glanced around. Suddenly, some were surprised. "That one, Lin Tian, is not here!" "Lin Tian?! That Lin Tian who ranked first in the comprehensive examination, and who killed Mo Sen of the Mo family before?" "He... Is he still in there?!" Many people showed surprise. These people participated in this session of the Martial Institution examination. Naturally, they all knew Lin Tian. "But sir..." Someone opened his mouth carefully and said, "He, Lin Tian, is a genius with nine-star talent, and he ranked second in the Exterior Ministry Ranking Trial. How can we compare with him?" "That's right, sir." "I only have three-star talent," Many people whispered. The ranking of the Exterior Ministry trial had already been published. Everyone knew Lin Tian ranked second. As for the fact that Lin Tian was dragged away by the Centipede Beast before, only a few people in the Martial Institution knew it and hadn't made it public. Therefore, these disciples of the Martial Institution were not surprised when Lin Tian showed up again. Glancing at the group, Luo Xiao widened his eyes. "Shut up! The wild wave formation is a place to exercise your physical strength, which has nothing to do with your talent! Entering the wild wave formation, your strength is really the key to determining how long you can stay in it, but in this double gravity area, even if you enter it for the first time with your current cultivation, if you have a strong will, you will have no problem enduring for an hour. Dare you to say that you come out from it because you were exhausted?!" Luo Xiao shouted. Being criticized by Luo Xiao, many people's faces suddenly darkened and showed shame. Indeed, many of them didn't come out because they were out of strength, but they really couldn't stand the stabbing pain brought to their body by twice the gravity, which was more painful than refining their muscles and bones. Many people rushed out after entering for a moment. "Sir, we are wrong," A disciple whispered. Among these disciples, Xiao Yun was also there of course, but at the moment, Xiao Yun looked dread. She couldn't see through this Lin Tian now. It's clear that he was just a weak and sick person not long ago, but today, he became a peerless genius with nine-star talent, killed Mo Sen, grew to be the best freshman in the Martial Institution, and ranked second in the Exterior Ministry trial. Now, he had stayed in the double gravity area for so long for the first entry. Bursts of panic and fear flickered in her eyes. For a time, Xiao Yun was a little confused. At this moment, Lin Tian was still cultivating Dual Position Step in the wild wave formation. At this time, his steps were gentler. Even in this double gravity area, a little silver glow flashed from the soles of his feet. "Faster! Faster!" Whispered Lin Tian. His eyes were firm. Although his face got a little pale and there were bursts of weakness, he still didn't stop and cultivated Dual Position Step again and again. Soon, another two hours passed. At this moment, Lin Tian's body trembled slightly while his feet suddenly moved much faster, and his speed more than doubled in an instant. "Is this...?!" Lin Tian was surprised. He didn't stop. According to the current moving speed, he kept flashing in place for dozens of seconds. "I've reached the big perfection of the first level of the Dual Position Step!" Lin Tian showed his joy. After some practice, he found that even in the double gravity area, he had been able to reach the top level when he exerted Dual Position Step on the outside! The cultivation of Dual Position Step was actually more difficult than the Wind-startling Swordsmanship. Lin Tian thought it would take him three months to reach the big perfection of the first level of Dual Position Step, but he only spent more than five hours in this double gravity area, which really excited him. Now, his speed had more than doubled. "Well, almost done, it's time to go out." Lin Tian thought. After patting the dust on his body, Lin Tian dodged nimbly and stepped out of the wild wave formation almost in an instant. After walking out of the formation, Lin Tian felt that his body seemed to lighten a lot. When he walked, he seemed to have a gust of wind rolling outside his body, which felt very strange. "It should be the effect of cultivating in the double gravity area!" Lin Tian thought. He looked up and was surprised to find that all the disciples were staring at him. Luo Xiao coming the other way, he was shocked and helpless. He said with a bitter smile, "You little fellow spent nearly six hours inside for the first time. You are really a little demon. I almost couldn't help going in to find you." With the passage of time, Lin Tian never came out. Even though Luo Xiao was full of confidence in Lin Tian, he gradually became a little uneasy. He worried about whether Lin Tian fainted in the double gravity area because of lack of strength and whether Lin Tian ran to the triple gravity area. Fortunately, Lin Tian finally appeared. Lin Tian was a little embarrassed. "Thank you for your concern," He said with a salute. Luo Xiao waved his hand and laughed heartily, "I shouldn't have been overly worried about you." Then, Luo Xiao looked at the freshmen and said, "So much for today. You shall go back! Remember, this time I'm just taking you to have a try. Later on, the Martial Institution will allocate cultivation time according to the ranking in the Exterior Ministry trial. Remember this." "Yes, sir!" The disciples breathed a sigh of relief. Many of them stared at Lin Tian, frightened and awed, and soon left. Luo Xiao looked at Lin Tian, patted Lin Tian on his shoulder and said with a smile, "Good boy, not bad! However, I still want to remind you that it's commendable to practice without fear of hardship, and perseverance is also a virtue, but you still have to mind the time. Excessive hard cultivation can sometimes be harmful to your body, remember." Lin Tian nodded and agreed, "Thank you for your advice!" "Fine, you've been cultivating in there for so long. You should be very tired. Go back and have a good rest," Luo Xiao said. Lin Tian nodded, saluted and thanked again, and walked towards the residence in the Martial Institution. Looking at Lin Tian's retreating figure, Luo Xiao said with a smiling face, "I haven't seen such an excellent young man for a long time." ... After Lin Tian returned to his residence, he had a wash before throwing himself down on the bed. After nearly six hours of cultivation in the double gravity area, he was really tired and felt his body almost falling apart. He slept until midnight. At midnight, the stars on the sky flashed, casting silver lights on the Fengjian City. "It's the time!" Lin Tian looked up at the sky and sneered. Taking out the black robe and wrapping it around him, Lin Tian tied eight moderate gale formation pattern scrolls of body cultivation to his waist. He gently pushed open the door and unfolded one of the moderate gale formation pattern scrolls, immediately hiding in the dark like a ghost. Soon after, he walked out of Jiuyang Martial Institution, orienting the location of the Xiao family, and dodged towards there.
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