Chapter 63 Stone Ring

1809 Words
Lin Tian glanced around with apathy and quickly took action. He found a gold card of spiritual coins from each dead man and then took Zhan Feng's medium-grade spiritual spear and Ning Yue's elementary-grade spiritual knife. "600,000 spiritual coins, a medium-grade spiritual armament and an elementary-grade spiritual armament. It's a great harvest!" Lin Tian sneered. Just then, a burst of wolf howls came from a distance. Lin Tian looked up and instantly felt the familiar spirit of monster beasts. "Blood wolves? You have really good noses," Lin Tian said to himself. Without hesitation, Lin Tian quickly retreated and hid. Soon after, in the area of the second-grade monster beast, it took Lin Tian some effort to find some huge banana leaves to wrap the spear and knife. Thereafter, he went to Jiuyang Martial Institution. Back at his residence, Lin Tian closed the door. "The spiritual spear and the knife must be sold as soon as possible," Lin Tian said to himself. Having thought about it, Lin Tian came up with an idea that he should sell them through Treasure Trading Pavilion. Without hesitation, he put on a black robe and left. When he arrived, the Treasure Trading Pavilion was lively as usual. Lin Tian walked directly to the Treasure Appraisal Hall. "Are you...the young formation master last time?" The middle-aged man in Treasure Appraisal Hall stood up. Under the black robe, Lin Tian opened his mouth and took out the spiritual spear and knife wrapped in cloth, "It's me. Please appraise these two things for me, and then immediately auction them off." Zhan Feng's spiritual spear and Ning Yue's spiritual knife weren't unique in terms of grade and appearance. Therefore, as long as they were sold, Lin Tian wouldn't have anything to worry about then. The middle-aged man glanced at them and he was startled, "Spiritual armaments?!" "Yes." Lin Tian nodded. The middle-aged man looked at Lin Tian, bowed slightly and said, "According to Lord Pu Shi's demand, I shall invite you to the second floor of the VIP meeting room. Young man, this way please." "Okay." Lin Tian nodded. He kind of had been acquainted with Pu Shi. Lin Tian followed the middle-aged man to a room on the second floor. They stopped at a door. "Lord Pu, here arrives that young formation master." The middle-aged man knocked on the door. Shortly, the door was opened. At the door, Pu Shi smiled brightly at Lin Tian, "Welcome! Welcome! Come in." "Hello," Lin Tian greeted. After sitting down, Pu Shi asked with a smile, "What brings you here today?" "Well, to auction some stuff," Lin Tian answered. At the moment, the middle-aged man talked about the two spiritual armaments. Pu Shi laughed, stood up and said, "Oh? A medium-grade spiritual armament and an elementary-grade spiritual armament? This time you will bring me a lot of profits again. Oh right, there will be still an auction before noon. Please wait a second. I will inform Xing Yao." "Thank you," Lin Tian said. Pu Shi waved his hand, "You are actually giving us an opportunity to earn money. Don't mention it. It's my pleasure." Then, he sent the two spiritual armaments over in person. Lin Tian waited in this room, and soon after, he vaguely heard the noise from the auction hall and caught two words -- spiritual armaments. About half an hour later, the noise from the auction hall faded away. It seemed that the auction was over. Another quarter of an hour soon passed. With a squeak, the door of this VIP meeting room was opened and a familiar scent came from afar. "Honey, you are finally here. I miss you very much!" An enchanting voice came. Xing Yao wore a black dress today, which showed her attractive figure. She was as beautiful as Helen. With seductive steps, she came directly to Lin Tian. With a happy smile, she looked into Lin Tian's eyes. Lin Tian coughed with embarrassment and leaned his body back a little. Xing Yao was so close to him that he smelled her seductive fragrance at the moment. It let him feel a little annoyed. "Honey, are you shy again? So cute!" Xing Yao covered her mouth and laughed. Lin Tian was speechless. This vamp called him honey again. "Oh, honey, what's wrong? Say something. Do you lose your head over me?" Xing Yao moved closer to Lin Tian. Her seductive fragrance floated around, and her charming figure was before him. It was difficult for any normal man to reject such allure. If it weren't for Lin Tian's tenacity, he would have fallen head over heels in love with her, too. "Well! Miss..." Pu Shi gave a reminding cough from behind. Xing Yao rolled her eyes and made some distance from Lin Tian, "A boring man." However, she didn't walk away for another chair but leaned against Lin Tian's chair. Lin Tian was speechless again. He was not good at dealing with such a woman. If he could choose, he would rather battle with the Scarlet Faced Apparition than meet her. Pu Shi didn't know how to react, either. Hence, Pu Shi just neglected Xing Yao and sat down on one side. He looked at Lin Tian and smiled, "Young man, the two spiritual armaments have been sold at a total price of 140,000 spiritual coins. This time, Treasure Trading Pavilion takes a small cut of it. This is a card of 100,000 spiritual coins." Pu Shi handed Lin Tian a gold card. "Thank you, Mr. Pu," Lin Tian said. Xing Yao cut in with disgruntlement, "Honey, it's unfair! When I knew that they were brought by you, I tried my best to sell them. Why don't you thank me, too?" Under the black robe, Lin Tian was slightly embarrassed. He said anxiously, "Thank you, Hon... Miss Xing." Lin Tian almost called her honey as she wished. "Why don't you call me honey, too? It's more intimate." Xing Yao giggled. Lin Tian glanced at Xing Yao and thought that she was dangerous for men. She was so enchanting that even the emperor of the Beiyan Empire would have been infatuated with her. Pu Shi looked at Lin Tian and said, "Well, you are reaching the eighth layer of body cultivation, right?" "Yes." Lin Tian didn't lie to him. "A 16-year-old man who has reached the eighth layer at 16, this is rarely seen in history. Moreover, you are a third-grade formation master. Your talent is amazing. Even in the capital city, few peers can be compared with you," Pu Shi sighed. "I'm so flattered, Mr. Pu," Lin Tian said with modesty. "I was telling the truth." Pu Shi shook his head. In this living room, Lin Tian and Pu Shi chatted for about half an hour. Lin Tian didn't feel the slightest pressure when facing Pu Shi, who was much more easy-going than Xing Yao. "Excuse me, I have to leave now, for some private business," Half an hour later, Lin Tian got up and said. Xing Yao bent down, exposing her snow-white chest and her seductive cleavage, "Why do you leave so early? Honey, are you really busy? Or, are you afraid of me?" Lin Tian was speechless. He was really afraid of her. Xing Yao giggled at Lin Tian's facial expression and said, "I am just joking... In the auction this afternoon, there is a good thing. Maybe it will interest you." Lin Tian was slightly curious, so he asked, "What is that?" "Take a guess?" Xing Yao winked at Lin Tian attractively. "No idea at all." Lin Tian shook his head. "Call me honey, and I will tell you." Lin Tian was speechless again. Pu Shi couldn't sit by anymore. He cleared his throat again, "Miss..." Xing Yao rolled her eyes upwards at Pu Shi and said to Lin Tian mysteriously, "Yesterday, we got a stone ring." "Stone ring?" Lin Tian said with doubt. What was mysterious about it? Xing Yao giggled at Lin Tian's tone, "It seems that you do not know it very well," Xing Yao hedged and added, "This stone ring is said to be made of some mysterious ore. And there is a small space inside. The holder can load a certain number of objects into it, saving you from the trouble of carrying those large or small bags. That is very convenient." Lin Tian said surprisedly, "Store a mountain in a bean?" He was a little astonished. Xing Yao nodded and giggled, "Pretty close, but that's too exaggerated. The stone ring has a storage space of about three cubic meters inside." "That's pretty large!" Lin Tian said. A small stone ring would be tantamount to a three-cubic-meter storage space, which was really very convenient and could save the user a lot of trouble. "Do you want it?" Xing Yao said with a smile. Lin Tian answered honestly, "Yes." If he had such a stone ring, then he didn't need to carry the long sword by himself. He could just put it into the stone ring and carried it anywhere. In addition, he could put a lot of scrolls into it as an ace up his sleeve. And with the stone ring, he could have put away the spiritual spear and knife easily after killing Zhan Feng today instead of covering the spear and knife up with some banana leaves. In this way, this ring was indeed valuable. Xing Yao and Pu Shi exchanged glances. Then Xing Yao giggled with her beautiful face almost pressed against Lin Tian's shoulder. She whispered, "Do you want it? If you do, I can sell it to you at a discounted price." "Really?" Lin Tian was happy. He really wanted this stone ring. "Of course, I won't lie to you." "How much is it?" "700,000 spiritual coins," Xing Yao said. Under the black robe, Lin Tian was surprised, and he subconsciously called out, "What? This is too expensive!" Both Xing Yao and Pu Shi looked at him in a daze. Lin Tian was a little embarrassed. He coughed twice and said, "Well, I mean, 700,000 spiritual coins are too many." Xing Yao snorted with fake annoyance and said, "Honey, do you think I am gypping you? If this ring is auctioned, the closing price will be at least 1.5 million spiritual coins. If it weren't you, I shall have charged a higher price!" "Well..." Lin Tian felt more embarrassed now and then he had another question, "Isn't this ring going to be auctioned? Can you sell it directly to me? The owner won't have any problem with that?" "It doesn't matter because that stone ring has been bought by Treasure Trading Pavilion, and now it belongs to Treasure Trading Pavilion," Looking at Lin Tian, Xing Yao bent down more loser to him and said, "700,000 spiritual coins is exactly the purchase price."
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