Chapter 62 Even Sows Are Better than You

1950 Words
Zhan Feng looked dangerous now. He, Ning Yue and Ding An stood together, spreading a menacing message to Lin Tian. They separated and surrounded Lin Tian. "I can even kill monster beasts at Divine Meridians Stage, let alone you guys," Lin Tian said indifferently. Zhan Feng and the others snorted with apparent disbelief, "Don't talk big!" "Stop that nonsense! It's been too long, and we will be in trouble if this is found." "Kill him as fast as we can!" Their faces were stony. The spears, swords and knives clanged incessantly with powerful energy around. Zhan Feng said seriously, "His sword is a medium-grade spiritual armament, much more powerful than your weapons, so we must handle him in a smart way. I will charge forward first and use my spear to pin him down whilst you two attack him side-on!" "Okay!" Ning Yue and Ding An nodded. After a storm of energy, they three went for Lin Tian at the same time. Zhan Feng brandished his spiritual spear swiftly, which brought a shower of sparks. "Check this out! Cloud Spear, advanced combat craft of body cultivation!" Zhan Feng said coldly. Lin Tian was fearless. He waved his long sword in hand and slashed at Zhan Feng. "Moon-Breaking Sword!" "Thousand Spirit Knife!" At the same time, he heard two shouts from the left and right. Ning Yue and Ding An went for him. And their power was just a little weaker than Zhan Feng. Apparently, the two both used advanced combat craft of body cultivation! "Get back!" Lin Tian said coldly. He turned around the long sword in his hand and showed the Wind-startling Sword. "Clang!" Roaring shrilly across the sky, this sword attack moved stronger and faster than the previous one, leaving more shadows in the air. After Zhan Feng was repelled, the dense sword shadows collided with Ding An's and Ning Yue's sparkling sword and knife. Then all three weapons were crushed at the same time. "Wind-startling Swordsmanship? You've cracked our advanced combat craft. Did you cultivate it to the level of big attainment?" Ding An was shocked. No else could have succeeded in cultivating the Wind-startling Swordsmanship but now Lin Tian had exerted such a potent energy with it. Lin Tian sneered and with a tap on the ground, he rushed to Ding An like a flash of lightning. "Your opponent is me!" Zhan Feng dodged quickly and thrust at Lin Tian with his spear. "Fire boxing! Get out my way!" Lin Tian sneered. Suddenly, the sky was sparkling brightly. "Just a small trick!" Zhan Feng sneered and used Cloud Spear to defeat all the fiery fists. However, all of a sudden, Lin Tian disappeared as fast as a ghost. The next second, Lin Tian said coldly, "Lightning Sword!" Like a flash of lightning, the sword cut through the air. After some noise, behind Zhan Feng, Ding An's double-edged sword was broken. He still maintained the posture of sword-wielding while a sharp blood mark appeared on his neck. He fell to the ground with a bang. The Lightning Sword would kill the enemy with just one strike, just like the thundering blow! As he reached the second level of Dual Position Step, Lin Tian's speed was faster. As a result, he was more skillful in exerting the Lightning Sword. With just one blow, he killed Ding An, who was already at the eighth layer of body cultivation. Zhan Feng, Ning Yue and Xiao Yun were shocked. "What are you doing? Five men together can't kill a man at the lower stage of body cultivation!" Xiao Yun shrieked. Lin Tian had killed three men in a row, making her feel afraid. "Don't worry! We've been paid by you, so we'll fix it for you!" Zhan Feng said in a stern voice. "Fix it in the hell!" Lin Tian smiled. As fast as a flash of light, he approached Zhan Feng. When he was five feet away from Zhan Feng, he jumped up and brandished his Regression Origin Sword. And he made countless rushes of sword wind. Every rush of sword wind contained the power of Wind-startling, whistling shrilly. Zhan Feng was frightened so he quickly moved back and waved his spear. "Good chance! Ning Yue, come on!" Zhan Feng shouted out. "Thousand Spirit Knife!" Ning Yue shouted. Meanwhile, Ning Yue struck at Lin Tian side-on while the latter couldn't exert force in midair. Lin Tian kept his countenance and sneered, "I've been waiting for this." He withdrew the sword from Zhan Feng. With a stamp in the air, he rose spinning and went at Ning Yue at a faster speed. He exerted Regression Origin Sword ruthlessly. "Lightning Sword!" Ning Yue's throat was pierced with blood splashing out. Lin Tian landed and then turned to Zhan Feng. "You..." Zhan Feng was terrified now. He couldn't help but take a step back. "Go to hell!" Zhan Feng roared and showed an even more imposing momentum now. He swung his spear like a stick, causing a shower of spear light. He struck at Lin Tian, stirring up sand and dust all around. Lin Tian twisted the sword and cut off all the spear lights. Hearing the sound of breaking the air, Lin Tian looked up and was speechless at the scene. After that powerful blow, Zhan Feng turned around and ran away in the direction of Martial Institution. "You can't escape!" Lin Tian sneered. With Dual Position Step, almost after just a few breaths, he caught up with Zhan Feng. "Clang!" A streak of sword light fell in front of Zhan Feng. Lin Tian flashed from the side and kicked Zhan Feng in the chest, making Zhan Feng fly back awkwardly. With a bang, Zhan Feng fell to the ground and coughed up blood. With the Regression Origin Sword in hand, Lin Tian approached him step and step. "Lin... Bro, please spare me!" Zhan Feng cried. "Spare you? Give me a reason for that." Lin Tian squinted. Trembling, Zhan Feng took the gold card out, "Aren't you short of money? Here are 200,000 spiritual coins. I can give you half... No, you can take all of them! All for you! Only if you spare my life!" "If I kill you, of course they will all be mine," Lin Tian said indifferently. Zhan Feng turned pale and trembled. Then thinking about it, he quickly said, "You and the Xiao family are enemies, right? If you do not kill me, the spiritual coins will be yours, and I will help you deal with the Xiao family. I am at the eighth layer and will be your good helper!" In the distance, Xiao Yun was shocked. "What did you say, Zhan Feng? We paid you!" Xiao Yun shrieked. At this moment, Zhan Feng couldn't hear Xiao Yun's words. He just looked at Lin Tian pleadingly with his pale face. Lin Tian squinted at Zhan Feng. After a moment, he smiled and extended his left hand toward Zhan Feng. Zhan Feng was elated and then stretched out his right hand hurriedly to hold Lin Tian's left hand. Zhan Feng felt the tingle and lowered his head only to see that Lin Tian's long sword was inserted into his chest. "You... You..." Zhan Feng's eyes widened. He stared at Lin Tian with hatred. "Why do you grab my hand?" Lin Tian squinted his eyes and spoke. Zhan Feng spat out a mouthful of blood with his eyes fading quickly. As his head tilted, he died on the spot. Yet, his eyes just remained wide open. Lin Tian pulled out Regression Origin Sword, turned around and struck at Xiao Yun. Watching Lin Tian approaching, Xiao Yun feared gravely. "You... Don't you come over! Stop it!" Retreating in a pitiful look, Xiao Yun took out a martial integrating formation pattern scroll of body cultivation from her arms tremblingly, "This is a treasure my father bought in Treasure Trading Pavilion! It's a martial integrating formation pattern scroll of body cultivation made by a second-grade formation master. One step closer, and I will open the scroll and kill you!" Lin Tian stopped and burst out laughing. "What are you laughing at?" Xiao Yun shouted. Lin Tian finally stopped laughing and approached Xiao Yun again. "Unfortunately, that second-grade formation master is me." He smiled coldly. Xiao Yun was astonished upon hearing his words. "You... What did you say?!" That hit her like a thunderbolt. Xiao Yun's lips quivered. Lin Tian said, "Don't you understand? Well, let me show you." He stretched out his left hand and motivated his soul power lightly. Then the scroll in Xiao Yun's hand suddenly emitted a light. Scared, Xiao Yun hurriedly threw it out, and as soon as the scroll was thrown out, rushes of dense sword Qi scattered and broke several boulders nearby. "You, how do you..." Xiao Yun stared at Lin Tian again with her eyes full of horror. Lin Tian smiled wickedly, "Because I made it, naturally, I can control it better. By the way, I have to thank your father. He paid me 60,000 spiritual coins." His face turned cold, "But the money was originally owned by our Lin family!" With an incomparably pale face, Xiao Yun kept trembling, "How is it possible... How is it possible..." Xiao Yun didn't expect that Lin Tian, who had been weak and sick before, should become a genius of nine-star talent, join the Jiuyang Martial Institution and rank second in the Exterior Ministry. What was more, he was also a second-grade formation master! He was strong enough to let the whole Xiao family fear now. He was once despised by her and the whole Xiao family but now he became so strong! Lin Tian came to Xiao Yun and said, "I have one more surprise for you... The Lin family's property deeds swindled by your Xiao family as well as your Xiao family's property deeds are now in my hands. You must understand what I mean. Now I can ruin your Xiao family easily and let your family end up in the street anytime." Xiao Yun screamed, "What did you say? Impossible! Our mansion is guarded well. How can you break into it unnoticed? Moreover, the old house is extremely heavily guarded, with more than a dozen locks inside and mountable guards outside. So, even if you can open the locks, you can't do that without alarming the guards! You're lying!" Lin Tian said disdainfully, "Lying? That night when you and your father, Xiao Nan, conspired to kill me with half a million spiritual coins, I was right outside the house and heard all. However, I didn't expect you to end up spending an extra 100,000 spiritual coins. Do you still think I'm lying?" "You..." All the color drained from Xiao Yun's face. At this moment, Xiao Yun felt truly terrified and trembled all over. Really? Was the Xiao family going to perish?! Clang! The sword chirp brought another wave of tremor to Xiao Yun. Xiao Yun begged for mercy with her eyes full of fear and her voice quivering with fear, "Wait a minute! No, don't kill me! I... I was wrong! Please, Brother Tian, think of what we had in the past, please let me go. If you spare my life, I can give everything to you! Even...that kind of thing, if you want, anytime, anywhere!" Xiao Yun looked at Lin Tian in a panic and put on a sad facial expression. Lin Tian's face was full of sarcasm, "Brother Tian? Shut up! Don't call me that. It is disgusting! Even a sow is better than you!" "I..." "Poof!" Lin Tian wielded the sword relentlessly. With blood out, Xiao Yun's head flew out immediately.
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