I Still Want You

I Still Want You

second chance
first love

Next Chapter of "I Want You" Sam continues to grow with Lucas, and struggles with Zack. Sam faces new challenges, death, love, enemies, but she continues to grow and makes her biggest decision yet.

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New Year, New Me
After the incident at new years, Lucas invited Jess, Austin and I to his parents cabin in the woods for a few days. The cabin had a living room, living room, and bathroom downstairs, upstairs had the master bedroom where Lucas and I slept, and another room with bunk beds, and a double bed where Jess and Austin slept. We went sliding, and spent lot's of time around the fire place in the living room. It felt to get away for a few days. Zack attempted to call me a few times, but I ignored him. I had nothing to say to him at this point especially with Anna still in the picture. The four of us were sitting on the couch watching the fire "Are you going to talk to Zack once we get home?" Jess asked. "I don't know honestly, I'm done with the drama that comes with him now" I replied still looking at the fire. We were leaving in the morning, since school starts back up the following day. "You think he stayed with her after what happened?" Lucas asked "Maybe, he stayed with her after everything else she done" I replied still not looking at anyone. I really didn't want to talk about it, I was trying to forget about it. It wasn't long after that we all headed to bed. The next morning, I woke up to find I was alone. I went downstairs to see both Lucas and Austin in the kitchen talking, making coffee, and breakfast "Morning beautiful" Lucas said when he turned around to see me coming down the stairs "Morning" I replied giving him a smile "We were just going to wake you girls up" Austin said looking up towards the stairs to see Jess coming behind me. Austin walked over to her to give her a kiss and wrapped his arm around her neck to walk with her back to the table where the boys placed the eggs, bacon, toast, and coffee. We sat down to eat, before packing everything up. "Thank you guys, for doing this for me, I really needed it" I said looking around the table at the three other people that are trying to make this nightmare more bearable. "Sammy, you know we would do anything for you" Jess replied reaching to me to give me a hug. "Agreed, even though Zack is my best friend seeing how upset you were really made me angry that he would be with someone like that" Austin replied. "I'd do anything for you regardless Sam I care so much about you" Lucas replied making me smile. We cleaned up, and made sure we packed everything up and we were on our way home. I let out a sigh in the truck as we were leaving "You okay?" Lucas asked giving me a look "Yeah, I just don't want to go home" I replied looking out the window. "No matter what happens, you know we have your back right?" Lucas replied placing his right hand on my arm "Yeah I know, I just don't want to see either one of them" grabbing his hand. The drive was about 45 minutes from home. Austin was the first one to be dropped off, he gave Jess a kiss "I'll text you later, and thanks again for the invite" he said before getting out of the truck. We dropped Jess off next "Thanks for the nice getaway, we should do it again sometime soon, and I'll text you later on. See ya" Jess said before getting out of the truck "For sure we will" Lucas replied. Before I knew it Lucas was parked in my driveway "If you need anything, or want company let me know" Lucas said playing with my hair. I looked at him and gave him a smile "Thanks, but I'll be okay. I'll see you tomorrow at school" I replied leaning over to give him a kiss "See you then" he replied rubbing my cheek before I got out of the truck. My mom was home which was a bit of a surprise. I placed my bag on the floor by the door, and went upstairs to find mom in the kitchen "Hey baby, be careful I just waxed the floors" she said turning to look at me "Hey mom, thanks for the warning" I replied. "How was your time away?" she asked walking into the living room "It was great mom, just what I needed" giving her a smile "That's good, I'm still sorry things fell apart between you and Zack, I'm sure things will work out" she said placing her hand on my shoulder "I'm sure it will too mom, but right now it's for the best if he stays clear of me until he either breaks it off with Anna, or she stays far away from me, which will never happen" I replied "He might surprise you" she said giving me a hug "I'm going to take a shower" I said heading downstairs after I hugged her back. I picked out a black tank top with a light blue, and black zebra print zippy sweater, with black leggings. I put my clothes in the washer, and was going upstairs to make a coffee to just relax for the rest of the day. I wasn't back downstairs very long, when my bedroom door slowly opened making me jump "Hey Sammy your mom let me in" "Blake, what a surprise" I said getting off my bed to give him a hug."I'm heading back, but I couldn't leave without seeing you first" he replied giving me a tight hug. He sat down on my bed after he let me go " I also wanted to talk to you" he added making me sit next to him, I knew where this was going I didn't say anything, I let him talk. "I thought you should know, Zack broke up with Anna after what happened, he said when he followed her home when he left here he told her, and she tried to guilt trip him into staying with her, didn't work out too well, anyway he feels terrible he wanted to talk to you but told him to give you space for a bit" "Thanks, but right now even him dumping her doesn't fix all the headaches she caused, and I'm sure she will come for payback" I replied "No, I don't think she will, if she's smart." he said making me roll my eyes "I don't think she is" I replied chuckling, my response made Blake laugh."Well, I know your a good person Sammy, and I know you will find it in your heart to forgive Zack, maybe not today, or tomorrow, or maybe a week from now but I know eventually. Zack cares so much about you, and this hurts him" he said placing his hand on my knee "I will, I just don't know when" I replied looking down at the floor not wanting Blake to see how much this hurts me too "Take the time you need Sam, he will understand, but I should probably get going. It was nice to see you again. Keep in touch" he said standing up grabbing my arm to make me stand to give me another hug. Blake left and I was alone standing in my room. I looked at my dresser where I placed the Christmas gift from Zack I grabbed it, and walked over to my closet. As I was looking at the little package, my vision was going blurry from the tears building up. I sat on the floor in my closet and broke down. I missed Zack so much and seeing how much we drifted apart in the last three months breaks my heart. Are we ever going to go back to the way things were? will I be able to push Anna to the side? or is this really the end of our friendship ?

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