Mortal Thoughts

2986 Words
The next morning, Harlow repeated the same routine of going to work with her father. Yet, her puzzling encounter with Asani weighed heavily on her mind. She frowned regarding his strange response when she'd mentioned his alluring scent. It was also strange how he'd simply vanished. Did he wander into the woods? She said she was done with him, and she wanted to be, but she couldn't keep her mind from wandering. That morning, as they drove by Asani’s home, she gazed up at his bedroom window. Her heart sank when she didn't see him. She gripped his coat that she had laid across her lap. She had brought it along just in case he stopped by the shop. As day gave way to the evening, her hope began to fade. She hated how, every time the door chimed, she would look, but it was never him. Mercifully, her shift had finally come to an end. No longer under the watchful eye of her father, she'd planned to retreat to her room to properly sulk. Yet, her mother, with the skills of an NFL linebacker, intercepted her before she could head upstairs. "You cannot spare a hello for your dear mama?" Her mother asked. Harlow turned away from the stairway and draped her arms around her mother, who embraced her. When her mother began to pull away, Harlow's grip tightened. Without words, they lingered within each other's embrace. A shudder ran through Harlow's body, as she felt tears form in the wells of her eyes. She hadn't allowed her parents to comfort her, as she dealt with her broken heart, but she needed her mother's support at that moment. The brief encounter with Asani had done a lot. It made her curious about romance once more. However, it was painfully clear he regretted even speaking with her, but why? When Harlow finally felt strong enough, she pulled away from her mother's embrace. "Bingo is tonight. You should come. It would do you some good to get out of the house for a while," her mother encouraged. Harlow sighed. "Maybe next time. I want to rest at home. It has been a long day." Her mother stared at her momentarily with a wary expression. Yet, Harlow's pleading stare begged her mother not to ask anything more of her. Her mother's uncanny knack for reading Harlow's emotions surely was what made her mother drop the conversation. Not too long after her parents had left, Harlow’s stomach began to growl. Her mother had made beef stew for dinner, but Harlow decided to go to Maura’s pub, Nightcap, for a bite to eat. On her way out the front door, Harlow mindlessly grabbed a jacket off the coat rack and put it on. When Asani's scent invaded her nostrils, she realized it was his coat she had grabbed. Hating how his mere scent caused butterflies to stir about in her stomach, she shrugged it off. She hung his coat back onto the rack, then swapped it for her own. Ready to go, she opened the door and immediately screamed when she saw a large figure standing within the shadows, just beyond the light of the porch. The hidden figure stepped forward into the light, Harlow's fear quickly abated, but her heart continued to thunder as Asani emerged from the darkness. “Sorry, did I frighten you?” Asani questioned. “A bit," Harlow replied. "Asani, what are you doing here?” “I want to apologize for my behavior last night. I didn't mean to hurt you." "It is okay." "No, it is not. You were nothing but kind to me and even brought me something to eat. I want to make it up to you. Would you do me the honor of accompanying me to dinner?" A lump formed at the base of Harlow's throat, as she held her breath, Asani gave her a heart-warming smile. That reminded her that she needed to formulate a cohesive response. “I was just heading out to Maura's pub, Nightcap.” “May I join you? I can be your bodyguard, being how there's a dangerous beast on the loose” Harlow laughed and stepped out onto the porch. A cool breeze blew, instinctively she wrapped her arms around herself for warmth. It was then she noticed Asani wasn't wearing a coat. "Wait!" Harlow exclaimed. She hurried back inside to retrieve his coat and handed it to him. "Thank you," he said and draped it over his forearm. Harlow frowned, "Aren't you going to put it on? It is freezing out here" "No need I like the crispiness of the night's air." Harlow gave him a lopsided smile, before replying, “So you’re a bit of a hot body.” Asani bit his lower lip, "Scorching, I think, but what about you? Do you think I have a hot body?" His playful innuendo should have caused Harlow to shy away. Yet, despite the sourness of their departure of the night prior, she was still at ease with Asani. If he could tease her, then she would do the same. "I find your body to be extremely hot," Harlow answered. She stepped close enough to him to feel the heat of his body warming hers. Asani's breathing labored as he felt the intent of her words. "What do I need to do to cool you off?" Asani's gaze zoned in on her and his lips parted as if he was going to say something. However, he leaned back to get a better view of her and chuckled, then asked, "Why do I feel like your prey all of the sudden?" Harlow shrugged, "Maybe you are." Goodness, when did I get so smug? Harlow had no idea but she liked it. She had never been any good at the art of seduction. Cory always made her feel like a buffoon whenever she tried to act sexy. Usually laughing at her efforts to seduce him. Just when the dark cloud of shame and condemnation was about to swallow her whole, threatening to throw her into an abyss of self-pity. She suddenly felt Asani’s arms enveloping her. A wave of serenity calmed her troubled thoughts, as he stroked her cheek with the back of his hand. “ Has anyone ever told you how devastatingly beautiful you are?” Harlow's mouth gaped, and it was only after she envisioned how unattractive her gawking was that she snapped her mouth shut. “It has been a while,” She finally managed to say. “Damn,” he said. As he tightened his embrace, “That’s a sin.” Harlow’s heart was beating wildly against her ribcage. He was so close; he could kiss her and she so badly craved to be kissed. Yet, just when she thought he would, he stepped back. “Shall we?” Asani said as he held his hand out for her to take. Harlow chuckled as she slid her hand within his. He gave her a gentle tug, guiding her off the porch. Asani insisted on taking his jeep, reasoning he would learn his way around town quicker if he were to drive. He opened the passenger door for her, the gentlemanly act caught her off guard. It had been a while since she had been treated in such a manner. As she got inside, she watched as he ran in front of the jeep to the driver’s side. He hopped inside his smile beaming brightly. “Excited, are we?” Harlow questioned. “Relieved is more like it. I thought you were going to say no. Can’t say I would blame you if you did, but you didn’t and here we are.” “Yes, here we are.” Harlow gave him directions to the destination. As they were making their way to the pub, she was compelled to ask about his whereabouts last night. “You’re concerned about something,” he stated, as he stole a quick glance at her, before refocusing his eyes back onto the road. "Go ahead you can ask me anything." “You have an uncanny knack for figuring out my emotional state.” He chuckled, “You think I’m hiding something?” He questioned, his eyes drifting over to hers, with a mischievous twinkle dancing within his eyes. “Are you?” Harlow asked, her eyes pinning him with a scrutinizing stare. “If I said yes, would you be concerned?” “Depends.” “Fair enough. What if I want to tell you everything, but I need time?” “Time is something I can give you,” Harlow said. Again, another smirk crosses his perfectly formed lips. She couldn’t help but return his grin. When they arrived at Nightcap, he opened her car door, as well as the door to the establishment. She hated to admit it, but she was a sucker for chivalrous behavior. When they walked inside, all eyes were immediately on them. Harlow cleared her throat and tried to avoid everyone’s eye contact, but Asani stood before the gawking patrons unfazed. Maura spotted them from across the room and motioned for them to follow her to an open booth. Asani placed a hand on the small of Harlow’s back, she jumped from the sudden contact. Yet, he didn’t acknowledge her tremble, only proceeded in guiding her towards their destination. Once seated, the patrons seemed to have had their fill of the new arrivals and went back to their business. “On behalf of all small-towns everywhere, I apologize,” Maura said in a very theatrical manner. “It is fine. I don’t mind their stares,” Asani replied. He then rested his arm on the back of Harlow’s seat, an action that earned a look from Maura. Harlow caught her eyes and gave her a don’t you dare say a thing, death stare. Maura smirked, as she offered to take their orders. Harlow ordered buffalo wings and the house salad. Asani, a double hamburger rare with fries, along with drinks. “I see you like your cow moving, eh,” Harlow joked. “The meat tastes better that way,” Asani answered, and gave her a wink. Harlow laughed. They made small talk to fill the time as they waited for their meals to arrive. Maura brought their orders and sat down with them when she did. “Mind if I join?” She asked, but it was clear she planned on staying despite any objections they might have. “Not at all,” Harlow said incredulously. They began to eat, and Harlow watched Maura carefully beneath her eyelashes, all the while praying she wouldn’t say anything to embarrass her. “So, what are you two lovebirds up to?” Harlow could have kicked her beneath the table, for her tactless comment. But Asani answered with a cool, “Nothing much, grabbing a bite, seeing where the night takes us?” Maura smiled mischievously but said nothing more about their relationship status. She then peered over Harlow’s and Asani’s heads, and perked up, “Rodney over here,” she called out. Rodney strolled over, after saying his hellos to some of his friends as he made his way over. He plopped down beside Maura, after some stomach-turning displays of PDA, he finally acknowledged Asani and Harlow. “Hey, Harlow. Who’s your date?” Rodney asked. Rodney had the same carefree behavior that Maura possessed. He was an all-star athlete in high school and played every sport that had anything to do with a ball. Everyone just knew after high school he was going to go pro, but an injury halted his dreams. However, things didn’t end badly for him. His father was the mayor of the town, and he landed a great job at City Hall as a bullshit administrator of some kind, which was nothing more than a holding place for him; until he decided to run for his father's position, when he decided to retire. There was no doubt he would win, being how he was the most popular guy in town. Yet, despite the obvious advantages he had over the average Joe, Rodney was a nice dude, if not a bit aimless and superficial. “Asani this is Rodney. Rodney, Asani,” Harlow introduced. The two shook hands across the table and began chatting as if they had known each other for years. It pleased her to see them getting along so well. So much, in fact, Rodney challenged Asani to a dart-throwing contest. It was well known in town of Rodney’s fondness for the sport, and his nearly unbeatable record of one-hundred and twenty-seven bullseyes in a row. Asani gleefully smiled, as he cracked his knuckles in preparation. He gave Harlow an inquisitive look; she promptly nodded, encouraging him to accept the challenge. The men headed to their gaming station. Without the distraction of the guys, Maura began listening to the music, which sounded like an old bluegrass song that she hated. Marching over to the jukebox, she was hellbent on changing the song. She patted her pockets and came up empty. It was then she shouted for Harlow to give her a quarter. Producing the highly requested quarter, Harlow walked over and tossed Maura the coin. With catlike reflexes, Maura caught the coin in midair and hastily inserted it into the machine. Soon the poetic sound of Salt-n-Pepa’s “Whatta Man” began to blare from the speakers. Harlow bobbed her head in approval. As children, they rocked out to the song. Maura began dancing in place, showcasing her best moves. Harlow swayed her hips in rhythm. The night was going great, until Jerry Branson, the local loudmouth and an all-around jerk decided to voice his opinion. “Change the music back. I don’t like this R&B bullshit,” he loudly demanded. “The last time I checked this is my bar, and you can piss off,” Maura said without a hint of fear. “Yeah, that’s right. The princess of the town’s w***e gets whatever she wants.” “What did you say?” Maura spat. Before she lunged for him. Harlow hurried to pull her back. Jerry had always antagonized Maura and simply said they never got along. Though Maura could’ve banned him from the pub, she permitted him entry and only kicked him out when he had gotten too drunk, which, considering his overly brash behavior, Jerry had exceeded his limit. “Whoa, asshole, you’re hitting below the belt. Why don’t you take your drunk-ass home,” Harlow countered? Though she was never quick to stand up for herself, when it came to her loved ones, she could never turn a blind eye. “Harlow, here’s a notion. Why don’t you mind your own fuckin’ business? If she wants a piece of me, let her come and get some. Unless you two want to make it a threesome. We can all get it on in the backseat of my car.” His repulsive comment earned him a few dabs from his posse. Maura and Harlow looked at each other, wondering if they should double team him and beat the holy hell out of him. However, what happened next was so sudden that Harlow barely comprehended what had occurred. Asani came out of nowhere and lifted Jerry, who was at least 250 pounds, with only one hand by the collar of his shirt. “What did you say to her?” Asani growled through gritted teeth. “Nothing!” Jerry shouted. “It didn’t sound like nothing.” “I-I,” Jerry attempted to explain, but Asani demanded he apologize. He did so, fumbling over his words in fear. Only then did Asani release his grip, allowing Jerry to fall to the floor. “Get out of here,” Asani snarled at Jerry who, along with his crew, left. Once they were gone, Asani turned his attention to Harlow to check if she was okay. She was more than okay as an odd exhilaration overtook her; his protectiveness flattered her. “What happened?” Rodney asked with furrowed brows. “Right on time I see to defend my honor,” Maura scoffed. “Don’t worry Asani scared Jerry off, he was stirring up some s**t, like he always does.” “Sorry, I was all the way across the room. With the music blasting, I didn’t hear a thing. Are you girls alright?” They nodded in unison, but his reasoning for not coming to their aid made sense. Harlow questioned just how Asani had heard the commotion. She side-glanced Asani's profile as if he felt her eyes on him. His dark stare landed squarely on her. Suddenly, she could smell the scent that had eluded her all evening, the enticing musk that belonged solely to Asani. Sensual darkness shaded his features. “Do you want to get out of here?” Asani asked. “Oh no, don’t let that butt-muncher end our good time!” Maura pleaded. Asani’s stare didn’t break from Harlow. She quivered beneath his appraisal, but she wanted to go somewhere private where they could talk. “It’s getting late," Harlow said. "We can hang out some other time." Maura began to argue, but Rodney stepped in and whispered something into her ear that earned a sudden change in Maura’s position on the matter. A light-bulb moment showed across her face. Soon it was Maura urging them off and, unlike last night, Harlow was more than willing to go. As Asani rested a hand on the small of Harlow’s back, they exited the pub. Harlow peeked at her BFF, who gave her a thumbs up and a wink. It was moments like those that Harlow wished she was as risqué as Maura because she so wanted to do something very naughty to Asani.
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