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Imbecile, fool, and oh yes, jerk! Asani internally screamed as he ran through the forest, the branches from the brush tore at his skin. Good. He craved the pain, as penitence for his brash behavior towards Harlow. The utter look of disappointment in her eyes after he had rejected her, and her dismissive farewell had wounded him. It was unwise for him to get involved with her, but something about her had piqued his interest. Like a spider to fly caught in a web, he sought after her. Asani grimaced as he considered how his analogy related his desire for her as predatory in nature. He huffed, no matter his good intentions, he would never be good for her. He cursed, pushing himself to run faster. His cuts healed nearly as fast as they were created, but he would continue to put the vitality of his hyena to the test. The thought of the inner fiend dwelling within him made him grimace. He had been so oblivious to the creature’s secretions, as it marked Harlow for itself. Nonetheless, this time, he believed his feelings were genuine, but the beast's influence could trick even its host. After all, it had before. Falling for the duchess of the Silver Tribe, Zania, had been Asani’s greatness misstep. His hyena had lusted for her because of her domineering nature. An alpha in the making, his inner beast willfully rolled over to bend to her will. Lulling Asani into developing false feelings for her and opening him up for manipulation. Yet, it wasn’t completely his beast’s fault. Along the way, Asani had seen signs of her ill intentions; but had reasoned them away. Being how he was from the lesser Bronze Tribe; he assumed her professed love for him was true. Furthermore, the duchess had convinced Asani that they would co-rule, but that was a lie. Zania has had her sights on his tribe and their land's resources for decades. It was no secret that the Silver Tribe aspired to overthrow the Golden Tribe, considered to be first in power, authority, as well as blood purity. Hence the three Tribes of the Bouda social hierarchy were ranked as the Golden, Silver, and lastly Bronze; despite all being direct descendants of the first of their kind, their blood-mother, Queen Yohanna, who evoked the dark hyena entity into herself birthing a new race of beings near the dawn of civilization. Impartial, and mostly overlooked, throughout the centuries, Asani’s tribe had remained mostly peaceful. Though their beasts were violent by nature their tribe had only participated in a few battles. However, the last one, ten years ago, over a dispute over trade had caused the death of Asani's father, at the hands of the Golden Tribe. Ever since Asani's mother, Queen Nomai had kept a wary eye on them and had distanced her tribe from theirs. Yet, such a concept was more wishful thinking than practical. Despite aid being received from the Silver Tribe during the skirmish the Bronze Tribe had lost and was ordered to pay restitution to the Golden Tribe for seven years. His mother kept the terms of the agreement close to herself, but one thing was certain she hatred kneeling to their tyrannical will. Asani supposed that was a determining factor in his betrothal to Zania. War would eventually come again and when it did a deeper alliance with the Silver Tribe would help to secure the survival of his tribe and he would've done anything for his tribe, his people. Furthermore, as the crowned prince, Asani was honor-bound to place the tribe before himself. Then why am I in America, so far from home? As the question rang out throughout his mind, demanding an answer he didn't have the courage to put into words. He came upon a clearing. The moon glowed an ominous yellow hue, as he stood gazing he could feel his hyena clawing from the depths of his soul begging to be released. Yet, Asani held it back. Since its betrayal, he hadn’t permitted the beast full control. In his youth, he relished giving the creature full reign, the freedom of not caring not feeling anything but unadulterated strength and fearlessness was intoxicating. Yet, it all came at a price, within the safety of his tribe, far away from humans there was little chance of engaging with innocents. However, now he was so far from home and the risk was too great. He had to remember to not let his guard down, but one thought of Harlow's beautiful face made him weak, and that temptation was dangerous. Though the nature of the beast typically took on the mannerisms of its host. Ergo, if the host possessed a kind spirit their inner beast would too; but if a wicked soul dwelled within, the hyena would feed off the evil like a leech. Gorging itself on the host's hate corrupting the person until nothing was left but the beast. Thus, the clarity concerning his dilemma had finally worked its way through the cobwebs of his tortured conscience. He had fled all he had ever known not only because of his heinous actions but due to his inability to come to terms with his true nature. A cool breeze blew bringing to the memory of how he had smelled Harlow’s copper-scented blood in the air last night after she had struck the arm of the bench. He remembered how he had longed to taste it, causing a slow obsession to build within him until he had no choice but to speak to her, and may fate be damned because she was enchanting. Nevertheless, for her sake, he would avoid her. Though he considered it wouldn’t be too hard, considering how he had wounded her. Sensing her mood he felt her pain, someone had already hurt her, and he had reminded her of that ache. It was for the best, he tried to convince himself, but something within him was far from agreeing with the notion.
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