The Dungeon

1343 Words
Ellas Pov Its been a few days since the talk with my father. Theo has been gone for a week with meeting the alphas to check in on thing etc. Blah blah all the boring s**t i didnt feel like going so i stayed behind ive had Emma with me to keep me company. "Emma thats cheating" i huffed in annoyance "not my fault you suck at games" i rolled my eyes to her "well maybe you play them to much with leo" she rolled her eyes i laughed at her she knew i was right her and leo play video games way to much mainly call of duty. "well maybe you and theo should play more" "gurl if i wanted to play games i have my phone duh" "whatever be butthurt cuz you cant kill me" she laughed i throw the controller at her not hard but it got my point across "what the hell elle" I laughed i knew i better fun "catch me if you can em" i ran for it i was still getting use to theos home. i reached a set of stairs in the far side of the castle ive never seen them before. I sniffed the air it smelled bad. Emma bumped into me "what do you think is down there" i asked her "i dont know n i dont want to" i turn to emma "come on the guys have showed us everywhere but here you can be a bit of curious" i raised a row at her "no im not it looks dark and creepy" "come chicken s**t" i pulled her down the stairs with me "elle this doesnt feel like a good idea" i rolled my eyes As we walked down the stairs i heard dripping water people crying and it smelled of blood. Nasty i thought No s**t its gross down here just leave i have a bad feeling about this place elle Rena not you too god sit there shut up and stop being a p***y FIne right im just a wolf i dont know anything but if mate gets mad its all on you We reached the bottom i looked around its just cells its a dungeon "see em nothing to be worried about" "ye well if theo and leo find out we are dead we know not to be in this place" i rolled my eyes i wanted to know why we werent aloud down here i mean come on im the Luna Queen i should be aloud to do what i want and explore right? I started walking down the right hall em was griping onto me for dear life "well well well to what i owe the pleasure of the Luna Queen and Royal Beta Female" i turn to see a old man i sniffed "rogue" i growled he laughed "very good your highness yes im a rogue" "your point your locked up im not" "well feisty one arent you" i rolled my eyes "pointless to wash your time with a rogue your highness" i turn to see a older woman about 35 ish maybe im unsure she had she back to us she has red hair tho "Pip down Collins this doesnt concern you" the rogue spat back "eh well maybe maybe not but im just warning her about a pathetic rogue like you Lewis" i got listening as they kept going i zoned out Collins why does she have my last name she doesnt smell like a rogue lone wolf maybe but she smells like someone. UGH whoo tho I was pulled out of my thoughts when Emma was talking to me "hello earth to Ella" "huh a yah sure" She looked at me "you have no idea what i said do you" I shook my head Lewis seem to have shut up along with collins i looked at lewis "done already" he laughed "what" i asked "im surprised you havent noticed yet" "Huh" "i didnt realize collins had walked up to her cell door i turn to em who was wide eyed "whats with the face emma" "l-look-" i c****d a bow at her i was about to speak when emma ran to the stairs grabbing keys "emma dont we will get in s**t" I turn to see what she was doing be time i turned i seen what i never thought id see in a million years. I seen my mother "M-mom" i stuttered please be a dream "hi baby" she voice that i havent heard in years I ran to her i didnt know what else to do i just hugged her and cried she held me back "oh my baby ive missed you" After my mom let me go we went up stairs i need answers and i needed them now. we sat down em sat on the other side of my mom she was holding us both emma was like another kid to my mom. "mom but how i thought you were dead what happened" "well after the attack that happened with the rogues i was being chased by five of them i knew i needed to protect the pack and my family so i lead them away as i was going so i ran into the old alpha king he was with Prince theo at the time he thought i meant harm to the prince so he took me instead along with Lewis and the others but i tried to explain that i wasnt a rouge but i was the luna to the Phoenix Pack he didnt buy it and he kept me locked up for 10 years after he stepped down theo didnt remember i was down there i kept quiet so i didnt get noticed or anything theos father put me there, theo just thinks im a rogue thats all" I was shocked after all this time my mom was here alive and theos father knew and theo did to. i was lost "ellie dont blame theo he had nothing to do with it i would have done the same thing if i was the in the kings position you see 5 rogues coming towards you your gonna think they was to kill you pup" she was right "i know mom but its been 10 years ive missed you and youve missed so much" i started to cry "i know baby but im here now i know 10 years i cant make up for but i need to try. now tell me hows your father and my baby mimi" "well-" i was cut off with the door being thrown open to reveal my anger looking mate and beta Me and Emma stood up fast to block my mom "theo why are you back so soon" he stalked towards me pulling me away from my mother along with leo "Theo" "WHY THE HELL WOULD YOU LET A ROGUE OUT I GOT TOLD BY MY MEN THAT YOU LUNA COMMANDED THEM TO NOT DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT, GUARDS GET HER NOW" I tried to fight theos hold They tackled my mother "no" i cried they are gonna take her from me again "theo stop please" i begged him "NO YOU ARE GOING TO GO TO OUR ROOM AN STAY THERE" he commanded me with his king voice oh hell no my wolf wanted to summit but i wasnt going to i turn to see the guards getting ready to murder my mother "I COMMAND YOU TO STOP AND BACK AWAY FROM MY MOTHER" they bowed their heads and backed away i got out of theos hold and ran to her "Ella" my mom asked I shushed her "theo shes my mom just look at her them me you will see it please" i cried as theo looked shocked he looked at me then to my mother he just stared "theo" i asked then he looked to me again sadness in his eyes "im sorry ella i didnt know i" i kissed him "its fine now come meet my mother"
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