A talk with father

1033 Words
ELLAS POV I woke to theos alarm clock its been going off for 1 hour now. "theo turn it off" nothing but his snores ugh. i crawled over theo and smashed the alarm clock literally. i lifted my fist of the clock and watched it fall to the ground theo shot up from bed "what the hell elle" he growled "well maybe you should of turned it off and why the hell do you still have an alarm clock when we have cell phones" "phones dont always work ya no" i rolled my eyes then flopped back onto my side, theo had got up its was a Tuesday we were suppose to go back to school but i didnt want to. "come on elle is almost 8 we are gonna be late" "i dont want to g-" i was cut off when theo throw water on me i screamed it was cold as f**k "aaa what the f**k" "theres your motivation to get up" he laughed then left "ASSHOLEEEE" Ella get up i dont want to rena i will take over and move yo b***h ass fine fine stupid wolf. i got up dyed my self off went to my closet and got dressed, i could really only wear shorts my cast wont let me wear anything else. i put shorts and a crop top on then braided my hair then hopped down stairs. i checked my phone it was 5 minutes to 8 s**t "THEOOO LETSSS GOOO" I yelled going down the stairs theo ran out he looked scared for a sec "alright i got are stuff lets go" AT SCHOOL "theo i still havent seen mia james or max since i left the first time" "i know but we need to go inside they will understand" "im only hoping mia might tell my dad and my father over reacts sooo" i got out of the car sitting in the hood waiting for my crew emma already arrived with leo, we still had 20 minutes before school started which theo lied about he said there was five minutes but whatever. i tensed up when i seen mias car pull in "here we go" i got off the car and started walking to her car, she got out at first she didnt see me but i called out to her "MIA" i yelled She turned around so fast i stopped walking "Ella" she eyes became full of tears. she started running for me "Miaa sloww d-" she tackled me to the ground "omg ella ive missed you when did you get back, why arent you home" "mia two things 1 shut up 2 get off my your hurting me" she quickly got off me and pulled me up "Ella what the f**k happened to your leg" "long story short i got attacked while at aunties" "oh god" "wait you havent told dad your back yet" "a no mia hed kill me you know that" "whatever your gave not mine" AFTER SCHOOL Mia was right i needed to tell my father i was home i need to deal with it i guess but im loving being close to theo. "theo" i called out to him at he was by his car his head shot around so fast he looked panicked "elle whats wrong are you hurt again" he rushed over to me and scanned me over "no im fine but we need to go to my pack i need to talk to my father" he sighed "ok lets go" Mia we are going to see dad meet you home i linked her i was quiet the whole drive i really didnt want to see him but hed be more mad if i didnt. we pulled up to the gates of the house the guards didnt even need to look at me they seen theo and bowed then let him in. We pulled up to the house mia was waiting for me "you ready" "i guess mia hows his mood today" "eh its ok i guess" WIth that me theo and mia walked into the house then up to my fathers office i knocked "what" my father growled i just opened the door "you btter have a good reason for entering my office with out my permission" he growled i couldnt see him he was behind papers "father" was all i said he shot right up "elle what the" i hopped over to him i hugged him then pulled away "when did you get back and what the hell happened to you" he barked looking at my leg then to theo "YOU DID THIS DIDNT YOU" yelling yet again i still hate when he does "i did no such thing i hurt her once but not again" theo raised his voice "BULLSHIT EVER SINCE MY DAUGHTER FOUND YOU AS A MATE YOUVE DONE NOTHING BUT HURT HER" my father pulled my arm showing marks that were almost healed then pointed to my leg. his grip on my arm hurt most likely to leave a mark "that was not me if youd shut up and let her explain" that did it my father was more pissed he needs to know his place theo is the king "I DONT NEED HER TO EXPLAIN, YOU ARE NEVER SEEIN HER AGAIN" he went to pull me away but i tied to get to theo my father pulled harder causing me to yelp in pain "dad stop your hurting me" i cried, my arm still hurt from my marks i had my father was making it worse theo growled loudly scaring the s**t out of me and mia my dad was shocked, dad let go of me the second he did i hopped to theo and hid behind him. my dad only acted like this when mother went missing. "YOU DARE TO TAKE MY QUEEN MY LUNA MY MATE FROM ME REMEMBER YOU PLACE ALPHA, IM THE KING REMEMBER" my father bowed his head "im sorry my king" o i wanted to laugh but that wouldnt help. i started to explain everything to my father, he calmed down and accepted i was going to be with theo for a while.
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