
1029 Words

CHAPTER 15 -HER- I watched him heatedly as he tended to the wounds on my wrists. He rubbed something over it that seemed like some sort of medicine. Before I could ask him, he told me, “They’ll make the marks go away,” After he was done tending to my wrists, he kissed me again. Strong waves of desire washed into my chest like the waves washing over the shore before drawing away. Our skins sizzled with ether sparks and our touches became fervent. I could feel things heading down south slowly. It was him who first pulled back from the kiss and spoke against my lips, “Wouldn’t you try the dresses I brought for you?” It reminded me of all the things that were waiting for me on the sofa. I glanced at them. There were a lot of things I might need. It was very thoughtful of him to have brough

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