
1054 Words

a/n> I'm posting only one chapter today because I accidentally posted two chapters yesterday. Although don't worry, I'll slip in some extra updates here and there :') CHAPTER 14 -HER- “I don’t mind being wrecked by you,” I told him, feeding the dark desires that burned in his chest. His eyes darkened with more lust and the raging fire of desire invaded my heat through the bond.  He looked at me so hungrily… so possessively, I was a puddle under him when he muttered against my ear, “Be careful, Jane. My love knows no limit,” His warning had a shiver running down my spine while he nibbled at my earlobe. His c0ck remained in my pvssy, pulsing as if it had a life of its own. I thought I was already on edge but then he started to thrust into me. They were rougher and more urgent than th

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