
1091 Words
CHAPTER 7 -HER- The wolves stopped to gape at me as I walked deeper into the pack with the pup in my arms. The mother came running as soon as she saw me and the pup when I reached the center of the pack.  The wolves gathered around me this time, the surprise was decorated on everyone’s face but the mother didn’t care. She was just too happy to see her pup back. She instantly took him from me and started looking at him to make sure he was alright. The pup was also visibly happy to have been reunited with her mother. I smiled seeing the duo coming together while my insides filled with despair. My wolf wanted to go back to the Arch hunter again but I didn’t think I wanted to put my life in danger anytime sooner.  The mother thanked me finally before taking her pup away.  Some of the wolves were skeptical of me and they tried to ask me how did I get the pup but I kept my mouth shut and came back home. I was still tired from last night and had this new tension because I’d marked Viktor. I was also feeling slightly drowsy. I wanted to take a shower and sleep because I was feeling very tired.  I could feel him through the bond and he didn’t seem very happy while I was leaving. I knew that he could feel the bond as well but without really understanding what it was. The only thing I could hope for was that he doesn’t come looking for me in the pack. That would be such a mess. Apparently, the news of my arrival spread like fire throughout the pack, and before I stepped into the house, my dad and brother already knew that I was back. They greeted me in the living room and bombarded me with questions but I headed to my bedroom instead, feeling more and more exhausted.  As soon as I was in my bedroom and hit my bed, I fell asleep. I didn’t even bother changing my clothes and completely forgot to shower. It was afternoon when I was being awakened by my brother.  “Alpha and dad wants to talk to you,” He told me. “Tell them I am not in the mood today,” I yawned as I tossed in the bed and continued to sink deeper into sleep. Although in the next moment, my brother held my ankles and dragged me out of the bed. I screamed at the top of my lungs and punched him in the face as soon as I got a hold of him. We exchanged growls and got into a fighting stance before dad walked into my room. “What’s up with you two?” He growled at us. “Why? Ask this w***e! I smell a human on her!” My brother shouted. I swore if we didn’t have the same blood then I would have killed him long ago. I kept silent and resorted to glaring at him. “In my office,” My dad pointed at me with an angry look on his face, “In five minutes,” He growled before leaving us two. My brother gave me a nasty look before he walked out of the room. I took the time to smell myself and I wasn’t surprised to find Victor’s scent still on my skin. I took the fastest shower in my life and flew down to dad’s office where the Alpha was already waiting along with my dad. I greeted them with respect, which always made me sick but they didn’t respond. I shrugged to myself and continued to take a seat but my dad growled at me. So, I abandoned the idea and remained standing. “How did you get the pup back from the Arch Hunter?” Demanded the Alpha, using his dominant tone.  “I bought the pup from him,” I lied on his face and he growled. “I either want the truth or her head,” The Alpha told my dad grimly and my dad nodded before he asked me the same question angrily. I gulped silently. I was sure they wouldn’t react very well after finding out what really happened.  “I slept with the Arch hunter,” I told the truth this time because I knew that they would come to know about it sooner or later. As soon as I was done speaking, I felt a stinging pain on my cheek followed by the sound of the slap. Before I could recover from the slap, my dad clutched my neck tightly and just slammed me against the wall and asked, “What did you say?” “You heard me right, dog,” I managed to answer even though he was squeezing my windpipe hard. I knew that he was going to leave finger marks on my skin. My answer owned me another growl from him before I was being thrashed around again. I didn’t fight back because I knew that things could escalate from here since the Alpha was present in the room as well. The Alpha didn’t say much as he silently watched my father beat the s**t out of me.  “Stop,” He commanded after I had started to bleed from my nose and there was a deep cut on my forehead along with several scratches here and there. I was sure that one of my ribs were broken as well. I was breathing hard and the only thing that I felt was pain while black dots started to appear in my vision but still, I forced myself to listen.  “Hmmm….” The Alpha hummed more to himself as he leaned back in the chair, put a finger under his lips, and looked at me pensively, “If she was able to bring back a pup so easily, I wonder what else she could do,” I shivered at the way the Alpha said that. I could see the wheels spinning behind his eyes. I knew from the tone of his voice that he was up to no good.  “What do you mean, Alpha?” My father asked. A sinister smile climbed on the Alpha’s lips as he spoke next, “Your daughter seems to be good at manipulating the Arch hunter. Why not use it to our advantage?”  My heart stopped for a moment as soon as those words fell out of the Alpha’s lips. My father looked between me and the Alpha for a moment before an evil look climbed on the face.  I didn’t like where it was heading. “I wouldn’t do it,” I protested instantly even after being beaten so brutally. This earned me a kick from my father, making me whimper in pain. “You’ll do as I say or I wouldn’t mind having a member less in my pack,” The Alpha warned. 
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