Into Our Wedding : Four

1013 Words
LEAH'S POV ----- I rushed into the elevator as it pinged and pressed the 'shut' button, as fast as I could. I saw Luke, and he nearly missed the elevator. I was glad. I didn't want to be near him. It hurt me too much and I was angry. Tears did emerge out of my eyes but they were angry tears. If in my hands, I could've strangled that woman who had left but before her drive my car upon Luke. I was that pissed. I immediately got down to the underground parking where I knew I'd find Jack, right in the cabin along with Matt, Uncle Jacob's driver. I saw him sitting on the table, looking calm and was surfing through his phone smiling at something and showing it to Matt. I rushed to him and he looked at me like I was crazy or something happened. I put my hands on the table and it sounded like I banged on it. "Yes?" He asked me, looking to be in a daze. I was not even bothered, given my current state of red eyes and dried tears. "The keys," I muttered and he handed me the keys without any word. I instantly rushed towards the car, hunching inside I started the car. Luke came to the garage. I immediately sped the car with a very loud roar. "Leah!" I heard Luke yell, but I was too furious with him, for me to listen to him or anything he had to say. I sped out of the garage and drove to somewhere I didn't know. I just wanted to feel something going the way I wanted. Just like how I could drive a car and take it anywhere I wanted. Because for the past week Luke had been doing all he wanted and firing people. I was getting calm but someone had to honk continuously and follow me. With the amount of persistence he troubled me, if he even put half of it in work, we could be ruling the country with our company name held high. "What the hell is with you?!" I yelled scrolling my window down. I looked at him as he smirked at me. It just fuelled my anger. "Want to race? To our favourite spot?" He suggested and I was blinded by too much of me and my anger to deny his offer. I smirked at him. "Oh, you got it on." I scrolled my window up and pulled my gear and drove like a maniac. I took cuts, turns and sped the first moment I got to. I saw Luke's car behind me rushing a fast as he could. But, I wouldn't let him win, not today. One of the cars was blocking my way and he wouldn't push himself or let me go, either. It was a bloody highway, he needed to stop being a bloody turtle. I finally got to his side. “Are we bloody getting a prize on d**k sizes that you are scared that I’ll win?!” I shouted as I scrolled my window. He gave me a questioning look but when he understood what I said, he tried to overtake me. “Who the hell are you making those comments?! Why don’t I show you and clear who the winner is?!” He yelled back and I just chuckled. “Of course, you. We both can see you are a bigger dick.” Saying those last words, I showed him my finger and rolled up the window. I pushed the gear to the last and drove away. I just had one goal and that was all I could see. Defeat Luke. I finally saw the place, a victory smile on my face. The beautiful mountain top was calming my heart but not my anger. I pulled down the handbrake and made a drift, hearing a loud screeching noise that satisfied me. Dust surrounded the wind and the car jerked to a stop. I took deep breaths. I didn't have time to open my door, as my head fell on the steering wheel. I was exhausted and my condition didn't help me. I had a mild asthma attack. I took deep breaths and my hands on the steering slid down. My body felt constricted as I tried to find my inhaler from the deck, on the other side. My hand wasn't able to reach for it. I tried but still to no avail. My throat felt like it was clogging up and I felt a little dizzy. My eyes were trying to shut but I was holding myself out. "Damn it, Leah!! Open up!" Luke yelled through the glass as he kept on banging on it and kept trying to open my door. His voice kept me conscious. Since my door was locked, he was getting frustrated and more worried every passing second. Somehow, I extended my hand down and unlocked the door. The next second, Luke had opened the door and hauled me out of the car. My back was to the car as he searched for my inhaler. He put the inhaler to my mouth and pressed it. I breathed, finally. My head fell on Luke's shoulder as I took deep breaths. "Leah, are you fine now? Leah, answer me, damn it!" He yelled but I wasn't in the state to answer him. I just let him yell and, in a while, he stopped yelling as he hugged me and caressed my back. I let him soothe me. I felt his erratic breathing. It felt like he was the one who had an attack and not me. He comforted me by holding me tightly. “Leah, sweetheart." He cooed softly and I felt tingles in my stomach. Such a weird knot in my stomach, I had felt for the first time. I shook those thoughts away. When I finally felt normal, I perked up at him and stepped away from him. I took the support of the car that was behind me. I had remembered everything.
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