Into Our Wedding : Thirty-Four

2203 Words

LUKE'S POV ----- When Leah was at the hospital, I had talked to Rob about everyone's condition. He informed me what had happened. Thinking back to how Leah had handled the situation was brave but also stupid. I was angry and scared, thinking if only I hadn't reached on time, the output would have been different. A lot scarier than the one now. Once I warned Leah about not doing anything like this again, I felt calm. Those words had stuck in my throat like a bone and now that they were out, I felt a lot better. She promised that she won't ever do anything like that but I had promised myself that I won't let a situation like that come to her. I'd stand in front of her to shield her from any harm. I didn't know why my heart wailed like a dying fish only at the thought of something h

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