Into Our Wedding : Twelve

1234 Words
LEAH'S POV ----- When it settled into me that the sister I thought who had stuck an ocean away in Geneva and would take another day was here right in front of me, my face fell into a beautiful smile. "Lauren!" I squealed. Even though I wanted to get up, I couldn't. I stayed put in my place and Lauren rushed to me. She hugged me tightly just as tightly I had done to her. I had tears pooling in my eyes. "You are here," I whispered, still shocked and she just hummed. I touched her face and caressed her face after I pulled away from the hug. I didn’t know about others but for twins staying away was hard. We were together from the moment we were those little peanuts inside our mother’s belly. When she told me that she was accepted in London for studying design, I was the one throwing tantrums. I still remembered, ••• Flashback “What the hell are you saying?!” I yelled at Lauren. “I’m going to London to study design. I even got accepted, Leah!” She screeched sounding happy about it as she showed me the acceptance letter. “You didn’t tell me before applying. Why do you have to go this far?” I let out and tears fell down my eyes and Lauren realised that I wasn't ecstatic about this like she was. “Oh, Leah. I’m so sorry. I didn’t consider letting you know before I got accepted. I’m sorry that I was being mean. But you do know that sometimes we have to be far, right?” She asked as she cradled me in her arms. “You promise you’ll call me whenever you can. And come visit, too.” I warned her wanting her to promise. “Yes, I will. Distance won’t take us far from each other. We are connected with the heart. Now, don’t bother and help me pack. Come on.” She said and pulled me up to my feet. End of flashback. ••• "I missed you, Leah," Lauren expressed and I nodded holding her hands that were on my face. "I missed you, too, Lauren, so much." I wiped my tears away and sniffled a little. She sobbed, too. They were happy tears. "I'm so glad you are here and safe. But, how did you arrive? The weather was horrible and all..." I stopped thinking about what could have happened and how I was unknown. "Why am I not informed that you'll be here?" I questioned and my eyes landed on Luke. Luke was about to say something but I didn’t let him start. "Did you forget to inform me?! How could you..." Lauren cut me off and shook her head. I gave her a confusing look. "It was meant to be a surprise for you." She said and then pointed at Luke. It was his idea. I shook my head. "She was the 'nobody important'." He said with a sheepish smile. I chuckled. "Am I supposed to reside on the ground, forever?" I asked him and he chuckled. He scooped me up in his arms and put me on my bed. He kept the pair of my heels that were in his hand, aside. "We have to change your dressing. I'll be back." He muttered and was taking off but Lauren stopped him. We both gave her a look. "I'll go get a first-aid and also make a call. And, I bought you both something, I'll get that, too. You stay, until then." We both nodded and Luke came back and sat on the bed. "You’re hurt bad." He said as he undressed my wound and examined it. "Yeah, I know. It's all your fault. Who told you to run after me, huh?" I blamed him and gave him a look of annoyance. "What? Who told you to appoint a male PA?" He retorted. He was blaming it on me? Oh, no, not good. "Who told you to keep on flirting with female PAs?! And then, fire them!" I screeched now pretty much angry at him. "What? What's wrong with healthy flirting?" He questioned me looking innocent as a baby. I glared at him hard and my mouth formed an annoyed expression. "Say that, you can't keep it in your pants!" I yelled at him. "It was your fault!" He said completely ignoring my previous statement for I was glad he ignored it. "No, it was your fault. For a fact, you left the toy down when Tyler came to the office." I pointed out and we were quiet for a moment. I folded my hands and turned my face away. Lauren entered the room and was looking at us. "What happened?" She asked but we both kept quiet. She asked again and again and finally, I sighed. "Luke wouldn't accept his fault," I informed her and she sighed. "Guys, let it go." She sauntered over to the bed and gave a box. "Luke, just dress it up. I'll be right back." She handed the first-aid box to Luke and then vanished from the room. Luke started cleaning the wound with the cleanser and I screamed as it stung. "Leah, shush! It'll be fine, don't worry." He cooed and blew air while cleaning. It made me feel cool. I was glad. He softly cleaned the wound, careful not to hurt me. He finally finished the dressing. He went and washed his hands. To think about it, it was my fault. I was supposed to look where I went or ran, not him. It wasn't his fault. I stupidly ran and hurt myself and he was the one who was taking care of me. Also, he took care of Lauren and surprised me. "Luke" I called him and he came to the bed and settled beside me. His face felt shrunken into guilt. Before I could say anything he started. "Leah, I'm sorry. It was my fault. Having a male PA wasn't the end of the world." He muttered, slowly. "Luke, it wasn't your fault. I didn't want anyone losing their jobs because of me, so...but, I should've told you or something and also, I should've looked where I went." I apologised. "No, it was my fault." He persisted scowling at me. "No, I told you, it was my fault," I said again wanting to make a point. "It was my fault!" Luke almost yelled. "I told you it was my fault! Just accept and leave it be." I yelled at him, my hand in the air, exasperated. "Why can't you do the same?" Luke asked me frustratedly. "Because..." I was cut off by a really angry looking Lauren. "What is it now?" She asked, looking pissed off. It was better to answer her, for the first time she questioned. She looked pissed. "Luke wouldn't accept it was my fault." "Leah wouldn't accept it was my fault." We both said united and then we both laughed. "You guys do frustrate me...many times!" She yelled as she sighed and left the room. We both looked at each other and then burst into laughter. "She doesn't have patience," Luke commented. "Yeah, she's still the same." And we both laughed.
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