Chapter 6

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The whole table was silent after the meal. The silence was so loud it rang in their ears. Awkwardness was looming over their heads. Violetta kept her eyes on the dark walls and danced them around the golden accents while Maximillian would shift his gaze between Arissa then to Violetta where it would settle longer. He wasn’t ashamed to say he was fascinated. Even his beasts were. They were drawn to her strength and would want to see it again soon. He, on the other hand, was drawn to the woman herself and he didn’t waste time admitting that to himself. When he saw her on the steps for the first time since she faced those hunters, he wasn’t prepared for his sense to go haywire. He was able to see her more clearly this time. She was by no means a tall person, quite average height he would say. Raven hair framed her face, fell down her shoulders and covered her back like a black tapestry. She had a round dainty face contrasted with sharp striking azure eyes. At first glance, they don’t look friendly despite how beautiful they actually are. Her face was pale but her cheeks had a slight crimson color in them. The more he gazed at her the more he felt was being lured in. He realized she may be a half-blood but the creature side of her is a force to be reckoned with. Violetta was never one to take serious scenarios well. She can’t ignore the fact that she’s extremely uncomfortable but if she runs away now she’s scared one of the three people staring into space and into her would run after her. Maybe even tackle her down. She imagined the comical scene so vividly she couldn’t hide the small smile from her face. Arissa and Callahan caught the action and raised their eyebrows in question. They exchanged questioning glances then looked away, Callahan shaking his head. “I think this is the part where you would tell me who you are now.” Violetta said in a tone that hinted no ounce of intimidation. Arissa tipped her chin up, a proud look on her face. “I am the sorceress Arissa, former lady in waiting to Queen Violet of Mharne.” She turned to Callahan. “This man here is the former commandant to the queen. His name is Callahan.” There was no point beating around the bush about their identities. If Maximillian was surprised at her level of trust, he did not show it. Violetta took a moment to process Arissa’s words. She didn’t dare show her surprise albeit it’s the only thing she’s feeling right now. She was brought back to the times she was still living amongst her kind. How they would whisper about a royal family wiped away from history by a king whose beast breathes fire. Then they would look at her strangely like one would when they encounter a sign that brings bad omen. Her head was beginning to feel cloudy. She looked away and took in a slow deep breath. She felt eyes bear down the side of her face and shifted to meet the gaze of the man from earlier. She matched the intensity of his stare and tilted her head to the side. “Who are you?” She asked. The man leaned forward a little more. They were a lot closer now since they were sitting next to one another. “Maximillian, son of Claudus and Violetta, the late king and queen of Mharne.” He announced. Simple and specific, even Arissa and Callahan were surprised at how direct he was being. Violetta reacted unexpectedly – she chortled. “So you’re my doom.” She said between chuckles. Arissa and Callahan looked at her, perplexed. “My whole life my mother looked at me with sadness. Almost as if she pitied my impending life to be. All my life people have whispered the unfortunate fate to fall on the queen’s daughter as she is to be the key to a dynamic change in the future.” She giggled again. “And you’re here. In front of me. My doom.” She said, tears in her eyes from the laughter. “Oh this is just perfect.” She whispered to herself, looking up to wipe away the tears. The soft unamused smile on her face left Maximillian confused. “Who are you?” He asked back. “Violetta, half-blood.” She replied simply, returning her gaze back to his. She was dead behind the eyes despite her display of amusement. Arissa and Callahan were just watching the exchange quietly. “You’re a siren.” Maximillian stated. “Half-siren” Violetta corrected. “No half-blood had the strength to best those hunters.” He countered. Violetta’s eyes widened in surprise. “You left nothing of them, not even ash. Life was practically sucked out of them. No half-blood could have done that.” He added. Violetta fell quiet after that, not knowing if she should dispel a very crucial information about herself. Arissa, sensing her hesitation, decided this was the time to join the conversation. “You mentioned the queen’s daughter.” She started, getting Violetta’s and Maximillian’s attention, but she met the gaze of the former. “And you’re a half-blooded siren.” She said, her tone hinting anticipation. Silence stretched to a few seconds before she resumed to say the next words that Violetta was avoiding to hear. “You must be Luna’s daughter. Queen of Aquora.” Violetta couldn’t move from her seat. It’s been so long since she heard her mother’s name and the relation that binds her to the kingdom of the sea. The very one that turned her back on her because of a decision that wasn’t hers to make. “My mother is quite well known I see.” She said with a faux soft voice to mask her inner turmoil. “Your mother played an integral role in the conquest of the kingdom of Mharne. She lured the king’s men out into the open battlefield where they were unfairly obliterated by Claudus and his guards. Then the king of Mharne was defeated and Claudus took over the kingdom.” Arissa explained. Violetta felt a heavy weight on her shoulders so she rolled them to get rid of it. Her body felt on fire and all she wanted was to run away but she continued to sit there and take in the information she knew she had no choice but to know. “What of the past has nothing to do with me.” She stated, her voice began to shake. “I don’t see why the payment for my mother’s actions have to be taken up by me.” “It seems you are to correct them Violetta.” Arissa said calmly. “Or I might not.” She said, sensing it was an added possibility. Arissa’s silence only confirmed it. Callahan observed the two together. He could sense the power coming off of the girl and he could agree with Maximillian’s apprehension to her claim of being a half-blood. Although knowing her lineage made it make sense. As fate would have it, they were a match in power. “Am I to help you reconquer your kingdom?” Violetta directed the question to Maximillian, having to turn around to face him. Maximillian met her gaze. “That is up to you to decide. Either or, I know what I must do regardless of anyone’s help.” He said to her. “I don’t know you.” She stated. “There will be plenty of time for you both to get to know one another. That is if you don’t avoid each other.” Callahan said. Violetta looked at him in confusion. She didn’t realize she was staying. Was she supposed to be here since she found out about the prince? Arissa could see the questions on her face and quickly spoke. “You’re not a prisoner here Violetta. You could go if you wish, but there will be hunters after you if the humans find out about your return.” She said. The realization dropped on Violetta like a boulder. The thought hadn’t occurred to her, but the sorceress has a point. “You could stay you know.” Arissa said softly. Violetta looked at the sorceress and for the first time, she saw something she’s never seen from her mother’s people nor the humans she lived with for two years. A look of welcome. So she relented and nodded her head once, the action causing an involuntary smirk to appear on Maximillian’s face, leaving as quickly as it came. “I’ll stay.” 
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