Chapter 7

1490 Words
Darkness welcomed Khane as he entered the throne room. He’s been by the king’s side long enough to get used to the ominous environment that mirrors the nature of the dragon king. The corners lit before his vision could adjust to the darkness. The light was dim but enough to provide a sliver of clarity. Claudus was sat on the throne, high up from the steps. The dragon king was lost in thought. Weeks have passed since the fall of two groups of his hunters and despite the influx of captured half-bloods, word about their defeat are still flying around the kingdom. Unable to cast his growing paranoia aside, he decided to pay an old friend a visit. “It’s been a long time dragon king.” The voice said. Claudus growled lowly in response, but the voice merely giggled. “What can I do for you on this glorious day?” It asked with the same teasing voice. Claudus held in another growl that was threatening to come out. “Something attacked my hunters.” He said through gritted teeth. The voice chuckled lightly. “So, I’ve heard. I have eyes and ears everywhere, and it seems the people have been buzzing with, dare I say it, excitement.” Its words were intended to get under Claudus’s skin, and it immediately served its purpose as the dragon king no longer held back and released a deep rumbling growl, the walls shaking from the thunderous sound. “I am their king! The attack against my hunters is a direct attack to me!” He roared. “This is what it means to be king Claudus, constantly having to face threats against your rule.” The voice said in a steady tone. “Ruling a kingdom comes with greater effort to protect what’s yours much more than the effort you placed to obtain it. After all, I’ve told you this kingdom is only yours to borrow.” The fire in the throne room suddenly dimmed down as Claudus heard those ominous words. He began to pace impatiently. “You told me I would rule over this kingdom! You filled my head with fantasies of being king!” Claudus released a harsh breath. “You made me betray Violet.” He hissed lowly. He hated the feeling that crawled through his spine whenever the thought of his sister crosses his mind. The cold blanket of shame. He hated it. More like hated he had to feel it. “I didn’t make you do anything.” The voice stated firmly. “I told you what was in store for a future you could choose to have. You were the one who chose to betray your sister by going after her kingdom and the man she loved.” It pressed. “Darius was weak.” He gritted out. “He had no vision for this kingdom. He was too small.” He said condescendingly. There was no reply from the other side. At the moment of silence, a thought crossed his mind, the same thought that’s been occupying his mind since the day his guards found what was left, or lack thereof, of his hunters. What, no who, was strong enough to defeat his hunters? He could only think of one. “I need to find the boy.” He said out loud. “Ah yes, Violet’s boy. It was only a matter of time before you started seeking for the boy. Yet,” It paused. Claudus stilled. “Yet?” “Yet the boy isn’t the only one you should be seeking.” It said vaguely. His brows furrowed in both annoyance and confusion. “You haven’t found the half-blood that will determine your fall or your victory.” It said. “Then find them for me.” Claudus growled. Silence.   The room lit up along with Claudus’ newfound epiphany. “This is in collection to the debt you owe me.” He said menacingly. “I order you to find the half-blood and Violet’s son.” Still the voice didn’t respond. “Find them oracle. Find them before I have to visit you myself.” He growled. “As you wish your majesty.” The voice replied in a hiss. Claudus began to pace impatiently. The flames around him rose and fell along with the fluctuation of emotions happening inside him. “Majesty” The voice called. “Finding them will be the beginning of the end. Which will it be, we shall only see.” The voice said ominously vague, sending another wave of rage over the dragon king. “Tell me!” He roared. For a moment the flames rose to great heights before falling back down to their former state. The voice wasn’t at all fazed at the king’s outburst. “It seems they have been dwelling in Nihiltra.” It said. “They?” He reiterated. The voice chuckled. “You won’t have to look far to get to the ones you’re seeking the most. They’re together.” Claudus immediately leapt into action. “Khane!” He roared. “My debt is paid now Claudus. I owe you nothing.” The voice said strongly before cutting off their connection. Claudus could only seethe in anger. His chest rose up and down with heavy breathing. “Your majesty.” Khane greeted. “Bring me Axel.” He ordered and the commandant immediately complied, no questions asked.  Axel was his head hunter. The alpha of the pack he formed when he became king of his father’s kingdom and when he became the king of Mharne, officially uniting the two kingdoms. Powerful in their own right, they responded to Claudus’ authority with vigor. Power attracting power. The dragon king ordered Axel and his group to march into Nihiltra to scour for Violet’s son and the half-blood. Up until now, his hunters have never stepped foot inside Nihiltra as there has no one been known to survive in no man’s land, despite one’s abilities. He was counting himself a fool to fall into such complacency all these years. Axel accepted the order with no hint of apprehension or fear going into the unknown. Instead, the hunter looked ecstatic for the hunt. “Yes your majesty.” He hissed menacingly before making his way out of the throne room to gather his men. Claudus was left in the throne room once again. Seething in silent rage accompanied by a heightened paranoia. He had schemed and fought to clutch the kingdom into his claws, now there’s an immediate threat to his reign. One he cannot bear to admit is probably the wrath of his sister coming to bear down on him. It made him sick and the feeling settled itself into the pit of his stomach. Not wanting to unfurl and vanish. So he glued himself to his throne, covered by darkness and the deafening silence. Khane found him in the same silent seething, frozen state.   “The hunters have brought in another batch of half-bloods your majesty. Five more groups have been sent out this morning including Axel’s.” His commandant’s voice brought him out of his thoughts. Claudus merely nodded. He met the eyes of his commandant. “Good.” He said with a sliver of relief. He stood from his throne. “Gather the nobles for the bidding.” “They’re in the ballroom already your majesty.” Khane answered. At that, Claudus stood from his throne and made his way out, the commandant following close. He could hear the sound of laughter and boisterous conversation. One in particular stood out to him. “I hear the king has his head full of worry about his hunters standing with the people of the kingdom. They’ve been building up the spine to refuse hunters from scouring certain parts of the kingdom.” One noble said. “That’s true. They’ve become somewhat bold since the rumor of the late queen’s insignia being seen has been creating a ruckus. They think that her son, the prince, could still be alive and one day take up the throne.” Another said. “If that is so, then his return will prove to be difficult for us. Our choice of siding with Claudus lead to the demise of the late king. If his son, will rise against the dragon king’s rule, then it is the end for all of us here.” The first one said. At that, Claudus couldn’t contain is rage no longer and a thunderous roar shook the nobles inside the room. The dragon king was mid shift, scales were starting to morph on his skin, his eyes were that of his beasts, and his gait with heavy weight. The nobles went pale in the face, fear wracking their beings. The dragon king dragged his sight across the room and with a small draw of his head, he breathed fire into the room. 
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