Chapter Eighteen: Dracula’s invitation.

1453 Words

Lucius POV. My father, is a manipulative son of a b***h, he’s the devil in disguise, of course, him letting me come to the school wasn’t priceless and if the devil is known for one thing, it’s he always asks for payback. He’s been calling, asking about the littles, he had his own spies around the school he knew I have two littles instead of one, he knows what class we attend and even how young my littles are. I knew my father wasn’t really interested in my two babies, what he wanted to know is when he can hit back when he could ask for his favor in a way that would make me vulnerable that would make me ask for his help one way or another. Today is no different, my father called again and I had to answer, you can’t ignore the devil’s calls. “Hello,” I said to the phone dreading the

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