Chapter Seventeen: Claims.

1689 Words

Austin POV.  I woke up to the sound of crying and tears, the sound was loud and familiar, Rosalia’s crying, full-on loud crying. I tried to get up but I’m stuck in this crib and my girl is crying, I need help, I need someone to pick me out of the crib to be able to her. I tried to climb out of the crib but it’s hard for me since I practically have no upper limb muscles, I pulled all my pillow, blanket, stuffies and used them to help me move up. I climbed over the and made it to the top, I didn’t think how I’m getting down, I jumped over the fell on my bum. I wanted to go and help Rose now I too am crying, the fall hurt. Our cries were filling the room now, me crying and Rose who hadn’t stop yet. the door to our room flew open and in came daddy, he looked at us both not knowing what t

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