Chapter Thirteen: The Town.

1678 Words

Collin POV. I’m going out in the sun with Rose and Austin, yeyyy…yeyyyy…yeyyy… I couldn’t sleep that night since I was so damn excited about seeing the sun again, this might be my last chance to see it and enjoy the sun rays. Even Kane wasn’t mad at me anymore, he came back when he heard I was sick, he wouldn’t tell me where he was but he told mommy which made her mad. Mad enough to cover my ears and yell at him, but still I could hear the words i***t, imbecile, and my favorite had to be “you waste of oxygen and energy”, God, can she be creative. I got extra cuddles from him knowing I was sick, once you imprint with your dominants you’ll get physically attached to them. Meaning Kane's absence caused me to be sick, when he came back I needed the physical touch to feel better, plus cudd

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