Chapter Twelve: Getting Ready.

1718 Words

Austin POV. Daddy promised us a trip outside tomorrow, it’s our day off and we got no school. Instead of spending the day in our dorm playing or fighting, we’ll be seeing the sun again. I thought vampires can’t walk in the sun but I guess I was wrong, we didn’t know much about vampires, only what they wanted us to know. Maybe they evolved during all the past years and nobody bothered to tell the humans about it. Anyway, I’m still happy to see the sun, it’s barely there but I still love it, I don’t know where the school is located, I was asleep during the trip here. But Rosalia told me it’s surrounded by forest, I guess we’re going on a hike then? Hope Lucius is ready to carry me, I can hardly walk on stable ground. Rose was very happy about all that this morning, she even woke up with

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