Chapter 2

1570 Words
BEEP BEEP BEEP . I groan as I wrench my eyes open that feels extremely heavy this early in the morning . I stretch over to my bedside table and switch my alarm off . I sit up in an upright position , stretching my limbs and back , ‘ Damn , now this feels good .’ I thought as I stretch . I slowly throw my silky covers off of me , the chilly breeze of the early morning falling upon my bare skin . A shiver creeping down my spine as goosebumps appear all over my skin from the cold . I hop off of my comfortable bed , stepping onto the icy floor , tip toeing as fast as possible to the bathroom . I open the shower faucet , letting the water run warm while I undress , standing on a small rug in front of the shower door . I take off the oversize button up shirt I once stole from Daniel , unbuttoning the shirt and letting it drop to the floor . I step out of the bundle and into the steamy shower . My whole body relaxing under the hot water that’s running over my back , I swear this is and always has been the best stress reliever for me . — After doing my skincare routine and blow drying my hair , I saw it was half past three . I quickly head towards my closet , grabbing a pair of blue jeans and a white long sleeve blouse . I grab black ankle boots and a grey denim jacket , putting everything on within two minutes . I grab my already packed suitcases and head downstairs , putting my suitcases in front of the door . I walk back up towards Amelia's room , silently opening the door " Mels " I whisper , " Mhhh " she groans tiredly , she's a real light sleeper so I’m always extra careful to not be very loud . " I'm on my way out . " I tell her in a soft tone , " Be safe " she grumbles in a sleepy tone . " Love you " I say , knowing fully well that I will miss her , " You too ." I close the door , letting my driver know to bring the car around . I walk downstairs , grabbing my luggage . I head out and Ashton puts my bags in the car . I lock the front door and get into the car . " Aeroporto " I say from the backseat and he drives off to the airport . Yes , I know some words in Italian . — Ashton has been my driver since I got here five years ago and I'm very satisfied with his service , he can talk and understand English , but I like telling him where to go in Italian , it makes it more fun to live in Italy . It makes me feel like I'm from a rich mafia family . My own personal driver . Own business . It's just the life . When arriving at the airport 4:30 in the morning , Ashton helps me unload my bags from the car . I head inside and order some coffee from the small café in the corner . I was sitting at the airport gates when they announced my flight is boarding . I stood up, threw away the paper cup in the dustbin and grabbed my bags , walking towards the gate , I always rush first so that I could tell them my condition . I felt nervous for some reason , something was bugging my stomach . — Once boarded on the plane , the lady brought me some breakfast that consists of eggs , bacon and toast with orange juice . I gladly ate and drank it so that my stomach could be full so I could sleep again . It's a long ass flight . — I woke up to the captain speaking , announcing we were about to land and we should put on our safety belts again . I put mine on as we were starting to go down to land . My ears started to close , this was the only part I hated about travelling . I open and closed my mouth like I was inappropriately chewing gum with an open mouth . It felt so awkward , but it always helps to prevent my ears from closing . — Once I got my suitcases inside , I expected Caleb to pick me up as usual , but I found my mother instead . " Oh honey ! You look so gorgeous . I missed you ." she blows me a kiss . " Thanks mom " I smile at her . For the first time in my life , I was happy to be allergic to other people's skin , thus she can not hug me for to long , she only gave me a side hug because she can only touch my clothes . " Can I help you carry anything dear ? " She offers like a real mother . " No I'm alright mom , thanks . " " Coffee ? " She asks , smiling at me . " Oh yes , please mum . " she smiles at me sweetly and we head to the coffee roast to get coffee . — We sat in the car , my mother at the one door of the car and I at the other , drinking our coffee on the way home with a huge space between us so that our hands don't accidentally touch . The space isn't just physical , mostly emotional . " Mum " I say in a asking manner , " Yes dear ? " " Why did I have to come home ? " I bluntly ask , " That's a discussion that is suppose to be held at home with your father . " she smiles tiredly at me , as if it is taking all of her energy just to smile at me . I've noticed the dark bags under her eyes and the weak posture she has . She usually has the perfect posture . I wonder what's going on ? " Where's Caleb ? " I ask . Her eyes fill with worry , " Not sure . " she avoids my gaze and I just nod slowly , feeling slightly uncomfortable . I'm really starting to worry now . Mother always has good posture , good skin . I have never seen my mother with dark circles under her eyes . Not even when she went two days without sleeping . She has always been the figure of ' the perfect lady ' . — I watched as we drove into the long drive way to my once-known home . " Is dad home ? " I ask looking over at my mother's anxious expression , " Yes , I think so . " she smiles tiredly . My heart races and I don't know if it's because I need to see my dear old dad or if it's the news that he has to share , but I relax knowing that my dearest brother will be there , no matter what happens . The car comes to a halt , I look over at my mother who's trying to give her sweetest smile since she arrived to pick me up . — The driver opens my door and I get out , grabbing my luggage and my mother opens the front door for me , suggesting I go in first . " Go freshen up dear , I'll let your father know you're here and we'll meet you in the living room . " she winks at me " Still have my room ? " I ask bluntly . I see the lump forming in her tight throat " Yes dear , you are my daughter . " she smiles and turns on her heels , walking away from me . Even her back is slouching much more than usual . I roll my eyes , walking towards the stairs . — I enter my room , throwing my luggage on the bed . I grab my make up bag and fix my make up in my bathroom . I watch my wavy blonde hair flow over my shoulders , I throw it back and it falls on my waist . I'm dreading this conversation and Caleb is non-existing . Is he avoiding me? He hasn't answered my texts since yesterday . Hopefully he wants to surprise me or something . All I know is that he better make an appearance soon , I could never handle mom and dad alone for too long . I smile lightly at the thought of seeing my brother . Oh well , time to face dear old dad . I put my things away , leaving my room and walk down the hallway , a few pictures of us hanging on the walls , I walk downstairs towards the living room , my heart hammering in my chest as I stalk closer and closer to the end of the staircase .
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