3080 Words

CHAPTER 12February 20 Tuesday, 10:00 pm Frank held the large white sign, at the entrance to a driveway, with both hands to keep it steady in the biting wind. There was just enough starlight to see it. It read, “Corey’s Christmas Tree Farm, est. 1990.” He walked down the long drive, bordered on both sides by rows of pointed, ice-covered fir trees that were about his height. When he reached the point where the driveway divided into a circle in front of the house, a curtain of floodlights turned on, and the house disappeared behind the intense light. Frank covered his face with his arm, but the light seemed to penetrate it and stab to the back of his head. A loud male voice came out of the wall of light. “Who are you and what do you want?” “I’ve had an accident. I missed the turn and ran

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