Episode 6

1067 Words
Amelia I woke up slowly, surrounded by darkness. I could hear the dripping of water nearby, and smell a damp odor. The kind you smell in a basement. I open my eyes and as they adjust to the darkness, I notice a small square of light coming in through a crack in the wall. I realize my hands are bound in heavy irons. I shake my head to try and focus, as the grogginess slowly leaves me. I take a deep breathe and try to move but I am bound by rope in a chair. I listen intently and still only hear the dripping of water. I close my eyes and focus on the iron chains. Taking another breathe of air in, I whisper the words that should pop open the chains, but nothing happens. I try to clear my head and try again. Nothing. “they’re enchanted to bind your magic” A voice says teasingly. “You wont get out.” A figure steps out of the shadows, standing in the small square of light. “What is this? Where am I?” I demand “Hush little witch. You wont be here long. She has plans for you.” The voice answers “Who?” “In good time witch. In good time” The voice chuckles, as they move in closer to me. Their eyes glow violet in the dark. “You’re a witch too.” I comment. “Why would you harm your own?” “I’m what you call a chaotic witch.” They respond “Money magic” I whisper. They only grunt and then move back to their corner. Money magic is the term we use for chaos witches. They don’t side with good or bad, white or dark magic. They practice the magic they need, regardless of what type, for money. In this case she clearly used a binding spell to mute my magic, so I cannot release my own irons. At least, not with magic, I note to myself. “How long will I be here?” “Until she says otherwise.” Violet eyes answers. The lack of information is agitating me. “Well will I at least be able to get something to eat. Maybe use the bathroom?” I ask “No” Of course not. Time drifts by slowly, agonizingly. I watch as the square of light grows darker. The sun is going down. I feel sleep calling and close my eyes, allowing myself to drift off. A large bang wakes me up. The room is completely dark, indicating nighttime has fallen. I look around and see a door has been opened, and a flashlight is being used to look into the room. Violet eyes is still in her corner, and 2 women stand in the door way. Fucking Bailey. The realization that she is here hits me like a ton of bricks. “What the f**k?!” I shout as a smile curls around her lips. “Hey Ames” She greets me “Do you like your room? I made sure it was perfect for you. Dark. Ugly. Just like you.” “You’re working with witches? We hate wolves” I remark “Then why won’t you let my husband go?” She demands angrily “He wont love me. Won’t touch me. All because he wants you. His precious little mate.” She spits the word mate at me, like its poison. “Hes yours!” I shout “I have gone through great lengths to keep him away from. I’ve rejected him.” “Yet all he thinks about is his precious little witch.” She snarls “What do you want from me?” “I want you to die.” She says so matter of fact, it sends a chill down my spine. “Then why am I still alive?” I demand “Because you are going to do 2 things for me first.” “The f**k I am” I shout A laugh sounds from the corner, and I look over to see violet eyes staring at me, amusement dancing in her eyes. “You’re going to give me a baby, Damien’s baby.” She begins, “And then, you’re going to kill him.” I open my mouth but cannot seem to form words. Shock hits me, followed by confusion. “ You want to kill Damien?” It comes out as a whisper. I cannot fathom why she would want this. “Yes. You see, when I have his son, well when you give me his son, I will have the heir to the pack. As Luna, I will take control once Damien is gone. Raise our child to take over, and when he is old enough, he will become Alpha. I will control the pack through him. Damien wont love me, But his pack will. They will protect me as their Luna.” “You’re insane. This is the most insane thing I have ever heard. What the hell Bailey? I always knew you were messed up but this, this is the most absurd thing. Give you Damien’s baby? Kill him? I will never help you.” “Honey, you don’t have a choice. My friend here is going to make up a little cocktail for you to take. Then you will sleep with Damien and get pregnant. Once my baby is born, you will kill Damien. I told the witch she can do what she wants with you after. I hear, she really likes to practice magic on people, especially other magical beings.” She smiles smugly, her eyes glinting in the flashlight. I struggle to find the words to respond. I’m shocked at her pure lunacy. There is no way this will work. “Don’t worry.” She whispers, leaning in close to my ear “He won’t know what’s happening while he’s f*****g you. Only us girls will know.” She laughs as she turns towards the door. “Get her ready.” She demands and violet eyes grunts in acknowledgment. “Well, I better go get ready. I think I will be needed at the pack house tonight.” The door slamming behind her echoes through the room, as violet eyes steps towards me, and dread fills me to my core. What am I going to do?
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