Chapter 15

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Amelia Six weeks after the attack and I had spent almost every day at the pack house. I was surprised at how fast wolves healed. I had heard of their faster healing abilities but I had not seen it in person until after the rogue attack. Archie had healed and was working on the prisoners to understand why they had attacked. Damien was constantly working between the information that was coming from the prisoners, reparing the damage done to the pack border, and working on training I did not see him as much as I wanted. Every night we all sat together to eat and every night I fell asleep in his arms. During the day I worked on mixing potions and bottling ingredients. In that six weeks I had built myself an impressive alter. I had taken over the island in Damien’s walk in closet with plants, herbs, crystals, and various sized bowls and several jars of moon water. He never complained though, and seemed to enjoy seeing me in my craft. I had also commandeered a corner of the bedroom, under a window to maximize sunlight and view of the moon, setting up a meditation area with several pillows, a round blanket, a few spider plants, a small peace lily, and more crystals. I took a portal to my house whenever I needed clothes or other tools for my craft, but otherwise I was pretty content to being here with him. Evening rolled around and Damien came in as I was reading over a spell book. He came over to where I was curled up in my meditation corner against the pillows and lowered himself to the ground, laying his head in my lap. “Hello handsome.” I murmured, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his scar. He took my hand and pressed a kiss into my inner wrist and then draped my arm across his chest. “Long day?” I asked. He grunted and closed his eyes, letting out a loud sigh. “The rogues are not telling us anything and the training is, a mess.” “Aww poor Alpha” I teased, pinching his chin lightly. He sat up quickly, knocked my book from my hand, and tackled me into my cushions, pinning me beneath him. I laughed as he peppered kisses along my neck, before his lips found mine, and kissed me deeply. “Your poor alpha has a surprise for you.” He said after breaking contact, my lips tingling from his kiss. “Come on.” He stood up, reaching out and pulling me up. He led me from the room, and into the hallway. We walked together hand in hand down the hallway to one of the guest rooms. He opened the door and we stepped in, closing the door behind us, before he flipped on the lights. I gasped as I took in what I saw. The room had been changed from a bedroom to my own place to practice witch craft. An alter was on one side, covered in crystals, surrounded by plants, a morter and pestal, and jars of ingredients filled the shelves that had been built in around the alter. Replica of my meditation corner had been created, only it was bigger and had more pillows. Next to my meditation corner the entire wall was covered with long curtains. The left wall was completely covered with bookshelving, which was full with books. I stepped over, running my hands along the spines, silently noting the titles and smiling that so many were on spells, potions and other witch craft essentials. The center of the room had two over sized chairs with knitted blankets and a small table sitting between them. I turned to face him, grinning. “This…this is incredible…” I said breathlessly. He smiled and walked over to me, taking a small remote from his pocket. “Here” he said, handing it to me, and pointing at the top button for me to press. I did so, and the curtains began moving, revealing that the windows had been replaced with floor to ceiling windows, that curved into the roof, giving incredible views of the sky and the woods that backed to the house. In the center of the windows was a glass door, which opened to a small balcony. Tears sprang to my eyes, and I pulled him to me, pressing my face into his chest. “This is incredible. Why did you do all this for me.” I asked, tears sneaking out. “Because I knew it would make you happy. A place that is all your own to meditate, read, practice your craft. Also, I kind of want my closet back.” A hint of laughter in his voice made me smile. I pulled back slightly, punching him lightly in the chest, before snuggling back into his chest. Nobody had ever done anything like this for me before and I was blown away at the way he thought through the details of this room for me. “I don’t know how to thank you.” I say. “Well, I have a few ideas.” He says leading me to one of the chairs, and sitting down, pulling me into his lap. His arms held me around my back, as his mouth devoured mine in a deep kiss. His tongue slipped in between my lips and dance against mine. I moaned into his mouth, my hands sliding into his hair. I stood up for a moment, repositioning myself so I could straddle him and sat back down, reclaiming his mouth with mine. My arms locked around his neck, while his hands slipped under my shirt, sliding up my back. Moaning I pressed my hips against him, his c**k growing harder against me, a groan rumbling through his chest. A knock at the door interrupted us, and he let out a frustrated growl. “What?!” He snarled at the door. “Sir, there is a problem with one of the Rogues. We need Amelia.” He c****d a brow at me, as I hopped up from his lap and grabbed my satchel. “Im needed” I say, pecking him on his lips as I passed him on my way to the door, where Marcus was waiting to lead me down to the basement. Damien The tingles from our contact lingered and I smiled to myself before getting up to follow her down to the basement. A few days after the attack, when Archie was recovering, I had asked him to help me with creating a space for Amelia to practice. As the project progressed, it kept getting bigger and bigger. Archie found it amusing that she was taking over my bedroom with her craft, and I didn’t mind it, but she deserved better than the closet. She stepped in when the pack was in trouble and won over so many of them. There was no shortage of volunteers to help and before I knew it, the project had taken on a life of its own. Archie had worked with several of the wolves from the kitchen to source the various herbs, and Marcus had been the one to source out the majority of the books to build her library. Archie had personally hunted down the crystals that adorned her new space. After I had seen her meditating most mornings in the sun and most evenings in the moonlight, I knew the lighting in here had to be functional. Adding the windows was a feat. The entire undertaking being a secret, was an undertaking. She had spent most of her days initially visiting Archie in the hospital and checking on the other wolves she had helped. As each one was discharged, she spent more time reading in the pack house. I knew she was taking a portal back to her house for clothes and other supplies and the fact that she chose to stick so close made me happy. I was deeper and deeper in love with her as spent every evening at dinner together and curled up in bed together at night. Seeing my pack falling in love with her too made things even better. As we got near the basement, we could hear a woman screaming in pain. “What’s going on?” She demanded as we approached the door the screams were coming from. “She just started screaming. Throwing up blood. We don’t know” Marcus sounded nervous. Amelia walked to the door, waiting for them to unlock it, and went in. I came in behind her and a woman was curled up on the floor. Her black hair was a mess around her face, covering her eyes. Screams deafened us all, as she rocked on her knees, her arms wrapped around herself. Blood surrounded her on the floor. Amelia knelt beside her, trying to calm her down and see what was happening. “Hush...listen to me, I will help you, but you have to calm down. I cannot help you while you’re screaming” Amelia kept trying but to no avail. “Make it stop!” Oliver was not a fan of the noise, and neither was I. “ENOUGH!” I yelled in my Alpha voice and the entire room went quiet. The women settled to a whimper, continuing to rock on her knees. Amelia continued trying to assess what was wrong. “I don’t know. Nothing obvious. I can help with the pain and then we can get her to the hospital. “she said, opening up her satchel and pulling out various bottles. I nodded to Archie, who went to get a car ready for transport and watched her work. She reached out and cupped the woman’s chin, lifting her head to pour something down her throat. Her hair slid back, and I saw a flash of blue when her eyes snapped to mine. As she finished drinking the potion her pain seemed to settle and her body began to relax. She smiled weakly at Amelia as the pain seemed to settle. “That’s it sweetheart, just breathe.” Amelia soothed, taking a cloth from her bag and a bottle of water, she wet the cloth and wiped some of the blood from her mouth and neck. “Let’s get you taken care of.” She helped the woman to her feet and started walking her to the door. Letting the woman lean against her, Amelia wrapped her arm around her waist and supported her weight, helping her towards the stairs. “What is your name?” Amelia asked as we reached the steps, the woman swaying a little. “Let me.” I say, scooping the woman up into my arms to carry her upstairs to the car. “Bailey” She answered, wrapping her arms around my neck.
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