Chapter 16

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Damien Amelia went back with the Bailey, the rogue wolf, trying to help her stay calm. I stayed with Archie and Marcus discussing what had happened. “We don’t know. It was quiet, she was alone. She just started screaming.” Marcus seemed rattled, as if he had seen a ghost. Archie shook his head, no one had any idea what had happened. We had kept the surviving rogues all separated in the basement prison. We call it a prison; it is in the most basic sense. Small rooms, no windows, a single bed, a small table, small chair. A closet that housed a small toilet and sink. They get fed and kept warm. Torture and imprisonment have never been my way of doing things but if it came down to it, we had the means. So far, we had only questioned the rogues, and no one had done anything to harm them. Hours passed and I sent the boys home, sitting to wait for my mate. Some time after midnight she came and got me, taking me back to a room. “Her name is Bailey. She is still sedated. They said there was a tear in her stomach they had to repair. She should heal just fine. They don’t know how it happened. Maybe during the fight?” “No. Her wolf healing would have taken care of it before now. Something else had to cause this.” I was concerned if someone had harmed her without us knowing. No one should have had a reason to. Yet here she was. We walked into the room, the lights were dimmed, and she was asleep, attached to and IV, monitors beeping rhythmically. Amelia sat beside her, reaching out to take her hand. “She was so scared and worked up. The tonic I gave her will keep her calm for several hours even after she wakes up from the sedative, they gave her. I didn’t know we had her. She was one of the wolves who attacked us?” I nodded, as silence fell over us. The rest of the night passed quietly. Amelia stayed sitting beside the woman, holding her hand. I dozed off in a chair nearby, waiting for her to wake up. Just before dawn she woke with a start, Amelia quickly squeezing her hand and helping to keep her calm. “Hey you’re okay. Do you remember what happened? She asked. “No, I…I had been feeling this pain in my stomach and then suddenly it was like something stabbed me in the stomach. The pain was intense, and I started vomiting blood. I have never felt so much pain in my life before.” “Bailey, why did you attack with the other rogues?” I asked, earning a glare from Amelia. “Starving…we were starving?” She answered groggily. “We have been roaming the woods together for months. We got close to your territory and held back in the woods for a few days. Then we decided, e would die either way. Starving or fighting.” She kept her eyes closed, her voice barely above a whisper. Amelia looked at me, guilt flickering across her face. “I empathize, but you all became rogues for some reason or another, your choices.” “Some of us did not get the choice.” She snapped, her eyes shooting open and glaring at me. “It’s okay, you’re okay.” Amelia soothed her, brushing the hair back from her face. “We can make sure you never go hungry again.” “Amelia.” I stepped toward them, concerned she didn’t understand what she was saying. “Her wolf abilities will help her heal quickly, yes?” Amelia interrupted me. “Yes. Can we talk?” She nodded, squeezing Bailey’s hand before standing up to follow me outside. “Amelia she is a rogue we can’t just take them in. They are out there on their own for a reason.” I began explaining. “I don’t care. She is scared. She’s starving and scared and clearly, she is alone in the world. We can’t just let her starve. I won’t just let her starve.” “Amelia we cannot…. you do not know what you are saying. These are wolf rules, for a reason. We send Rogues out for a reason. They usually commit some sort of crime or do something unforgiveable.” “You do not know witch rules. My rules say, I won’t let that woman in there starve.” She turned on her heel and marched back into the room, leaving me in the hall. “DAMN she is a force, isn’t she?” Ollie interrupted my thoughts. I rolled my eyes, turning and trailing her back into the room. “Yes, she is” I answered, leaning against the door and watching them interact. I can already tell I have lost this fight. Mind linking Archie, I asked him to set up a room for Bailey and get her some clothes. I know we have a bigger fight coming but this one is all hers. Amelia A few more hours in the hospital and her doctors let her go home with us. Her wolf healing had taken over where the doctors had left off, and she was already much stronger and had already gotten a lot of her color back into her cheeks. When we got to the pack house, Marcus took her to her room they had arranged, while Damien, Archie, and I went into Damien’s office. “She will have someone with her at all times, no exceptions. She has to earn her place here. Until she proves herself, we cannot trust her. There is a reason they’re rogues.” He shot me a pointed look as he finished speaking. I held his gaze, silently daring him to say something else. Archie pulled me to the chairs near Damien’s desk and waited for me to sit before taking the one beside me. “Marcus is working through a list of individuals to keep outside her room, and we’ve made it known throughout the pack that she is to not be left alone or trusted. She has a few choices for work. Kitchen could use help, but I figured access to our food wasn’t the best. We have her down to work in laundry for now.” He relaxed into the chair, waiting to see what else Damien had to say. I wanted to argue, to tell them it was overkill. She had been in the prison for weeks. They all had. Surely if they wanted to cause problems they would have by now. I decided it wasn’t worth the fight. Taking a deep breath, I stood up. “I’m going to do some reading. I was hoping there might be a book on wolves. I want to learn more about their healing process. See if there are any herbs or oils, I can carry that work with their naturally abilities.” I said, turning towards the door. “Third shelf on the right, there should be a few. I sourced them myself.” Archie said sounding proud. I smiled at him and headed out of the room. A few minutes later I was curled up in one of the oversize chairs in my own little den, a soft rain pelting the windows, reading the book I had found. There were several right where Archie had said, and I had picked out a stack to read through. I had grabbed a notebook from my bag and was jotting down notes as I read about the healing powers of wolves, the mind linking, their longer than average life spans. I got to a chapter about mates and began reading when there was a knock at the door. Heaving a sigh, I set the book down and went to answer the door. Marcus was standing there with Bailey behind him. “Sorry to interrupt, she wanted to see you.” He said emotionless. I smiled thanks and beckoned for her to come in with me. Marcus followed her and I thought better than to protest. “Wow this room is incredible.” She sounded impressed. “This is all yours?” “Yes Damien, had it built for me. Well, the room existed, he had it remodeled I guess, as a gift for me.” I watched her turning in circles, marveling at the details throughout. Marcus settled into my meditation corner, propping himself against the pillows and relaxing. “Come sit with me.” I motioned toward the chairs, and she took a seat, tucking her knees to her chest and resting her chin on them. I sat in the opposite chair, moving my book to the stack. “How are you feeling? Healed up?” “Just about.” She replied “Your potion helped a lot, I think. The healing is always faster as a wolf, but sometimes having a calm mind really helps. Thank you.” “Of course.” I smiled. Unsure of what to say next. “Your room, okay?” “Its perfect. Much better than the basement.” She answered. “What are you reading?” “Oh um I am learning about wolves. There is a lot I don’t know. We don’t spend a lot of time with them. Witches I mean. We aren’t exactly friends to one another.” I explained. “Like the mate bond. Damien talks about it a lot, but I still don’t quite understand it.” “I see. So, Damien, is your mate?” I nodded and for a moment I saw something strange flash in her eyes, before she smiled. “No wonder he worked so hard to give you this beautiful room.” She sounded both impressed and a little envious. “Yes. He knows I love to read and meditate, work on spells…” “Spells? You’re a witch?” She sounded confused, irritated? No, she could ‘t be irritated. Maybe a little thrown off. Wolves and witches getting along is not heard of. Still, she can’t be irritated about me being a witch, right? A knock at the door got our attention and Damien came into the room. “Feeling settled?” He asked, his eyes meeting mine before looking to her. She nodded, smiling at him. “Amelia was showing me her library. You built her an incredible sanctuary here. A girl could be jealous of such love.” She chuckled slightly. “Anyways, Ill leave you to it.” She began to get up. “No wait. I just wanted to have a quick word with Amelia before I go for some training exercises. I’m sure shell love having your company while I’m gone. Give us one minute?” He indicated for me to follow him, reaching out his hand. I smiled and took it, following him out to the hallway, and he closed the door behind us. Leading me down a little way to be out of ear shot of the room. “Mia, I want you to be careful with her. Please, just promise me you won’t let her get too close to you. Do not be alone with her, do not tell her things. Be kind, help her, that is all okay, just be careful.” Something in his eyes conveyed a sort of fear I couldn’t place. “Please Amelia, for me.” He pressed my hand to his lips, brushing a kiss to my knuckles and sending sparks through my body. Hearing him say Amelia after weeks of being Amy was surreal to me. I nodded in agreement. “Okay I promise to be careful. I just want to understand her more. She just seems scared. Maybe her story is true. Maybe the risk was worth it if they all assumed their choice was to enter the territory and die here or die of starvation.” “Either way, keep Marcus, Archie, or myself around at all times.” “Okay.” I agree, reaching up to kiss him. As I turned from him to head back to the library, I looked back briefly. “Besides...what’s the worst that could happen?”
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