Chapter 10

3150 Words
Damien I shoved Oliver back and took control, forcing myself out of the room. My own need for her burning through me as I made my way to my own room. I ducked under the spray of a cold shower and stood there for a while, trying to force thoughts of her from my mind. Her body close to me, her scent filling my nose. I wanted her. Needed her. Yet we were still miles apart. The pain of her loss radiating through me and sending Oliver into a downward spiral. “Sorry” I mumbled to him, knowing my apologies mean nothing to him. It would never get better until I won her back. Morning came faster than I was ready, and I pulled myself warily from my bed. Dressing for the day, I headed towards the kitchen. I stopped at her door for a moment, and considered peeking in on her, but decided against it. I continued down and found breakfast was already on the table. I sat at the table and was reaching for a plate of food when Archie slid in beside me. “Morning boss” he said grabbing his own plate of food. I nodded in return and began eating. “Soooo how is she?” He asked. “Tired. A little too thin. I don’t think they fed her. I’ve half a mind to hunt them down and kill them.” “I can have a team there by midnight.” He chimed in. Archie would not hesitate to handle it. Not only as my beta, but because he truly loved Amelia as his own family. He would do anything for her. “No. We need to focus on Amelia healing and dealing with Bailey. The witches may come back so I want to shore up ourselves against any potential attacks. I also want to ensure that Amelia is protected at all times.” The sound of approaching steps stopped our conversation, and the smell of roses and vanilla preceded her entrance, and I clenched my fist against the table, holding down my desire for her. She walked in still in her shorts and sweatshirt from the night before, her hair pulled back in a ponytail. She slid into the chair next to Archie, careful to keep him between her and myself. “Morning hot stuff” He teased her, setting a plate of food in front of her. She snickered to herself and shook her, a small smile tugging at her mouth. She ate silently and avoided looking at me. Eating my own food in silence, the uneasiness stretched between us. “Where’s Bailey?” She asked quietly, breaking the silence. “She’s being held way from the house.” “Where? “She asked, looking up to meet my gaze. “In the basement of the training center.” I responded, “She can’t hurt you.” I added to try and ease her mind. “I need to see her” she said. “NO” Oliver shouted, interrupting my thoughts. “No, she doesn’t get to be close to our mate. Keep her away.” “I don’t think it’s a good idea.” I say, knowing its futile. Clearly knowing my thoughts as well, she c****d her head slightly to the side, holding eye contact with me. “Stubborn witch.” I muttered standing from the table. Archie stood as well, helping her to her feet. “I suppose you’re coming too?” I asked, somewhat annoyed that suddenly a group trip to see Bailey was on the morning agenda. Silently nodding, Archie stood back to let me lead the way. We headed down to the basement, the dampness surrounding us as we got closer to her room. “Ames listen…” “Just open the door.” She demanded. I held the door open, and she pushed past me into the room. Amelia I woke up still curled up on the bathroom floor. I missed him. I craved his body. I wanted to go to his room and curl up in bed with him. I got up and moved to my own bed, hoping to fall back to sleep for a bit. When the smell of breakfast called to me, I got up and headed down. It was when I was eating, sitting next to Archie that I decided I wanted to confront her. I knew Damien would try to stop me, that Oliver would work to convince him to stop me. I wasn’t going to be stopped. As we got to her room, I started to feel a mix of anger and also nerves. I wasn’t sure what I wanted to say, only that I wanted to take back the power she took from me. I stepped into the room and was shocked by what I saw. She was disheveled. Hugging her knees, sitting in the corner of the bed, leaning against the wall. Food sat uneaten beside her. I was a little uncertain, but knowing Archie and Damien were with me, I stepped closer to her. “Bailey” Her head snapped up, her eyes burning into mine. “What do you want?” She snarled, and it enraged me that she was clearly unremorseful about kidnapping me. “I want to hurt you.” I began, and before I could stop myself the anger just spilled out of me. “I want to steal everything from you the way you did to me. I want you gone from the pack. No longer Luna, no longer with Damien. Gone.” “I will never give it up.” Ever defiant “Bailey, I will take it all from you. I will reclaim my life. I will have what you stole, and you will have nothing, you will wish you were dead. Maybe, I will even make that wish would come true.” My words scared me, the anger taking the wheel. I could see fear flash into her eyes, and for a moment the powerful feeling was feeding me. Letting out a shriek, Bailey lunged at me, wrapping her hands around my neck. Before the boys could even react, I felt a surge of power running through me, and wrapping my hands around her wrists, I send a charge of power through her body, breaking her grasp and sending her crashing into the wall behind her. Silence filled the room, as the show of power shocked everyone, even me. Bailey curled up, and sobbed silently, the fear taking over her. Her wrists were red where I had grabbed them, and I was not sure where the power had come from. My magic came from the moon cycles and didn’t harm others. Not like this. I turned toward Damien and could see concern in his face. He knew about my magic and my abilities as well. This was new. “We should go” Archie spoke quietly. I nodded and headed out of the room. As Damien followed me out, he asked a guard to make sure Bailey was looked after. Archie followed us as we headed back to the pack house. We didn’t stop until we go to Damien’s office. As I sat in a chair, he poured a scotch for each of us, and I downed mine quickly. “Amelia.” “I know.” I said quietly. “Amelia what did they do to you?” “I’m not sure. They gave me a potion every day, but I didn’t know what was in it or what it was for.” I decided to leave out Baileys deranged plan. It wouldn’t work anyways. I was here with Damien and had complete control of myself. I would never hurt him. He will never hurt me. Not again. “I meant what I said to her. I want to destroy her life. The power is another matter. “ “A matter we should try to figure out” Archie interjected. “Yes, but I think I want to lie down for a bit first. Is that okay?” I wanted out of the room. I wanted to be alone. I headed to my room and locked the door behind me. I sat in the center of the room, crossing my legs and closing my eyes, I began meditating, trying to reach inward to find something that helped me make sense of the power that I felt with Bailey. Hours passed with no progress when a knock interrupted my reverie. Sighing in frustration, I got up and went to the door, opening to find Damien standing there. “How are you feeling?” He asked, leaning against the door jam. “Frustrated.” I answered honestly. “I had a thought. If you’re interested.” I c****d my head to the side, waiting to hear his idea. “It’s a full moon tonight. How about a run?” A smile broke out, I hadn’t run with him in ages, and a full moon could be wonderful for me as I channel the moon in my magic. I nodded in agreement, eager for take in the night air and see the moon. “Great, you’ll want this. Meet me outside in 5 minutes?” I nodded in agreement, and he handed me a satchel he had been holding behind his back. Turning to head out, he left me to get dressed. I opened the satchel finding some candles, a lighter, and a small pouch of crystals. I smiled at his thoughtfulness, and then threw on a pair of leggings, some hiking boots, and a loose-fitting shirt. Lifting the strap of the satchel over my head and placing it in my shoulder, I headed outside. I saw Damien stripping out of his clothes at the tree line, leaving them folded in a pile. Shifting into his wolf, I could see Oliver taking control. His eyes changed from grey to bright blue, and black fur was as beautiful as ever. He lowered himself slightly so I could climb on his back. I held onto his fur, and he went off into the woods. Starting off slowly I took in the night air, which was calming to my soul. As he began to pick up his pace I leaned down and wrapped my arms around his neck. “Run Oliver, run” I whispered into his ear and letting out a howl he broke out into a full run. I closed my eyes, loving the wind whipping by, I inhaled the fresh air, feeling the nature around me infusing my blood. It wasn’t long before we came into the clearing near the lake. Fed by the creek that ran around the property, the lake had always been my favorite place in these woods. He slowed to a stop at the lakes edge, and I slid off his back. Standing at the edge of the lake, I took in the reflection of the moon in the water, the surface of the water was smooth as glass. Oliver came up and pressed his nose into my hand. I ran my fingers through his ears and pressed my forehead to his. In these moments the connection between us felt as strong as ever, it was almost easy to forget the pain that lingered. Breaking contact, I stepped back and sat on the ground, opening the satchel I took out the candle, lighting them and placing them in four points equal distance apart. I took out the crystals and placed them between the candles, creating a circle. Oliver sat nearby watching me work. Finishing my circle, I stepped inside of it, sitting cross legged, and closed my eyes to meditate. Channeling the nature around me and drawing on the moon for power, I resumed the inward search for any answers to the power surge that had taken over me. The light of the moon seemed to burn warmer and brighter around me, and I felt an inner peace settle in. “Amelia” A soft voice called my name, and I opened my eyes to find I was not longer in the clearing. I was deep in the woods. I stood up, confused. “Amelia” The voice was soft, enchanting. Calling to me from somewhere in the trees, I started moving into the woods, searching for the source. I heard my name a few more times, getting louder as I moved through the trees. I came to a break in the woods, a small opening revealing the most ethereal being I had ever seen. She stood tall and proud, her skin almost luminous, dressed in gold. A wolf pup was curled up in her lap as she sat on a chair made of the roots of trees around her. “Moon Goddess” her name left my mouth involuntarily. A smile stretched across her face, and she beckoned me to sit beside her. “My sweet girl. You are heavily conflicted.” She spoke softly, reaching out to brush hair from my face. “I never really believed in you. Not the way Damien and the other wolves do.” I admitted sheepishly. “But I have felt your pull in my magic, haven’t I?” “Yes. I have always been a part of your magic. That’s why the moon draws you and your magic is imbued with it.” “Where are we?” “You’ve projected into my realm. Not a lot of witches can do so. There is something changed in you recently. You’ve felt it, no doubt.” “The sisters. They did something didn’t they? I felt a power I had never felt before. I hurt Bailey…” “A sliver of their chaos magic. It has attached itself to you.” I thought about this for a moment. Unsure how it felt, but I knew it could not be good. “They gave me a potion. I didn’t know what it was.” She was silent for a moment, seemingly to consider this for a moment. “I’m not sure about that. It could be a part of things. It isn’t always easy to know. Chaos magic is not something I understand. Most beings don’t. Not even the witched themselves truly understand the power the deal in. It is called chaos for a reason. Many witches have practiced it to their own ruin.” “How do I get rid of it?” I ask “I’ve always used my magic for healing and taking care of others. I don’t want to hurt others. The power, it came out of anger. It came from rage. I don’t want to be that type of witch.” “Unfortunately, I don’t know for sure. I do not think you can just get rid of it. Perhaps you can dampen it though. Your magic is tied to your emotions. The chaos magic only seemed to come out when your anger flared. As you’re not generally an angry or violent person, it is possible the magic could become dormant. However, it likely will always be there.” Her words made me feel sick. I would rather have no attachment to this sort of power than just hope to keep it dormant. I know it wouldn’t be impossible, as she said, I am not generally a violent person. The thought of Bailey being able to get to me made me uneasy. “He will never let her hurt you.” She broke into my thoughts, and I looked at her, doubt filling me. “He didn’t stop her before.” I said it quietly, almost ashamed of the thought. “No. But there was also magic involved. Even the strongest wolf can be taken by magic. He never meant to harm you.” “He said I was his mate, and then he married her.” “He IS your mate. I chose him for you, or rather you for him. You balance him. You bring out the alpha he needs to be. He balances you. Case in point, as far as he knows you’re simply meditation, yet he stands watch. Eager to help you should you need it, but also has an ear out for any changes or danger around you.” She was right, I knew it. I just couldn’t seem to shake the pain he caused. “Maybe consider it from a different perspective. Damien, the man, your love, didn’t betray you. Bailey betrayed you. She betrayed everyone. She took what she could and destroyed lives. Yours and his. The pack. Archie didn’t speak to Damien for a year.” This revelation shook me. I had never known this. Archie and I were close, but when I ran from the pack after everything that had happened, we lost contact. “Listen Amelia, you don’t have to forgive and forget. I know you’ve been trying to sever the mate bond. I won’t stop you. I just hope you’ll consider that the damage may be done, but you can rebuild. You can reconnect with him. He can help you strengthen yourself against the chaos magic. You can help him rebuild the pack.” “Rebuild the pack?” Confusion took over, as I had no idea there was anything wrong with the pack. “The pack is struggling. Some are loyal to Damien; some are loyal to Bailey. His leadership has been strained since things happened.” “He never said.” “He wouldn’t. His only concern has been you. Finding you, keeping you safe. Then you got taken by the sisters and he spent weeks trying to get you back.” I was beginning to feel overwhelmed by all the information I was getting from her. So many questions remained yet I had also gained clarity. “I need to return.” I stood up, wanting to get back to Damien. I wanted to talk to him. She nodded and stood up, cradling the wolf pup in her arms. Stepping closer she leaned in and kissed my cheek. “I am always here Amelia. I am always working with you. Be careful. Bailey still has tricks, and she won’t let go of her position easily. There are things you need to work through with Damien. Remember, the two of you are mates. You are meant to work together.” I nodded my understanding as everything around me faded. My eyes fluttered open. I was still seated in my circle; the candles having burned down. Oliver was still on guard nearby, laying down with his head resting on his paws. I stood up and he raised his head to meet my gaze. I walked over to him, rubbing his ears as he nuzzled me. “I need to talk to him.” It was time to discuss our past.
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