Chapter 11

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5 years ago.. Amelia After leaving him sleeping in the woods, I was sure I would never see him again. Given this assumption, it was a bit of a shock when I ran into him about 3 weeks later. I was coming out of a local coffee shop, my nose in a book of spells, when a familiar scent caught my attention. Pine needles and fresh rain. My head snapped out of my book, and I looked around to see him standing on the corner, intently staring at me. When I met his gaze his face lit up, and I furrowed my brow. I walked to him shaking my head. “How are you here?” I asked “Well I am here for business, but when I came this way to find a coffee I smelled you.” “You..smelled me?” I asked “Yes. Well your scent. Rose and vanilla.” “ you have a scent? Is that why I smell pine needles when youre near?” “Yes” He smiled. “Its part of the mate bond. Part of what helps draw us to one another.” Mate. That word again. I had meant to read up on werewolf lore after our meeting in the woods, but I had completely let it fall to the side. I was sure I would never see this man again. Yet, here he was. “Why do you keep saying that word?” “Youre my mate. Mated to be with me, and I with you. Paired by the moon goddess” “I see” I considered what he had said for a moment. A million thoughts jumbled through my head, and I felt conflicted. “Listen, I don’t even know your name. I mean, I enjoyed our time in the woods and all but, I am not trying to mate with anyone.” “Damien.” “Damien. I’m Amelia.” “The witch” “Witch. Yes. Doesn’t that make us natural enemies” “It doesn’t have to” He sounded sincere. His eyes seemed to go semi vacant for a moment before he locked his gaze with mine again “Listen Amelia, I have to run. Business. I want to see you again.” He took out a card from his wallet and handed it to me. “My number. Reach out to me. Please. At least let me buy you a meal.” He look at me pleadingly, and I felt my resistance lower. “Okay.” I answered, a grin breaking out on his face. A black suv pulled up, and he stepped to the back door. “Talk soon, Amelia.” He said stepping into the vehicle and shutting the door. I watched as it whisked him away, the way his deep voice said my name echoing in my brain. “f**k me, Im in trouble.” I curse under my breath, taking out my phone and shooting a text to the number on his card. The next night was our dinner date. I assumed it was a date. I was standing in my closet trying to decide what to wear. I decided on a green knee length dress that was loose and had a v neck, paired with some black booties. A black leather jacket over top gave it a little bit of edge without overwhelming it, and the entire look was pretty without feeling over the top. Some light make up and my hair loose, I headed out to meet my ride. Damien had tried to convince me to let him pick me up but I wanted to slow things down. Considering when we first met it was strictly s*x in the woods, dinner and conversation seemed a better route. My ride dropped me at the Italian place a few blocks from home. I loved this place and picked it because it was familiar to me, and it was a smaller quieter place where we could maintain a conversation. I was nervous about what he wanted to pursue but I was also curious. As I approached the restaurant the door to a car out front opened and he stepped out. It was a beautiful car, a two door coupe, black with leather interior. I could smell the newness as I stopped next to it. He shut the door and greeted me with a kiss on the cheek. “Beautiful” He murmured as he pulled back. I was thinking the same, I thought to myself. I took in the sight of him, tall, strong build, he wore a grey v neck t shirt, jeans, and a dinner jacket. I enjoyed looking at him. “Shall we” He interrupted my thoughts, and I smiled, nodding in agreement, as we headed inside. Dinner was amazing and I learned a lot about his world. Being the alpha, mated pairs, his business ventures. I was fascinated by all of it. I was also growing more and more horny as he spoke. His voice was deep and soothing, and I kept imagining myself curled up against his bare chest, listening to him speak while falling asleep. As dinner ended we headed outside, stopping near his car. “It is a beautiful car” I commented. “I have always loved a good sports car.” “Want to go for a ride?” He asked, opening the door for me to climb in. I thought for a moment, then grinned. “Id like to take you for a ride.” I said, blushing at the thought that he could take that any way. He raised an eyebrow for a moment, then laughing he handed me the keys. Squealing in excitement, I scurried to the drivers side, settling in and adjusting the seat for my own height. As I started the car and she roared to life, I felt a thrill through my body. I shifted into first, and eased onto the main road. Meandering to the edge of town, I took shifting easy, getting a feel for the car. As I reached the end of town, the road opening up in front of me, I let her loose. Shifting easily through the gears as we drove faster and faster, until we were flying down the road. The car hugged the curves and the adrenaline was coursing through me. I kept watching him out of the corner of my eye, expecting him to grab the handle or demand I slow down but he didn’t. He seemed to be enjoying himself as much as I was. We came to a small turn off in the road and I pulled into it, slowing to a stop and putting her into park. “Holy s**t!” I exclaimed, taking off my seatbelt, a grin stretched across my face. “That was incredible!” I looked over at him and he was grinning as well. “You are absolutely stunning” He commented, reaching out to brush a loose piece of hair from my face. Before I could think about what I was doing, I moved across the center console, placing myself in his lap. I crashed my lips into his, kissing him hungrily. He matched my energy, his tongue parting my lips and dancing against my own, while his hands gripped my shoulders. I worked to undo his seatbelt, and then broke my kiss to remove his shirt. Resuming our kissing, his hands tugged at the hem of my skirt, his hands sliding underneath and scraping his nails softly along my thighs. Moving to my panties and running his finger along my slit, a moan escaped me into his mouth. Not wanting to wait a moment longer I began fumbling with his belt. Wrapping one arm under me he lifted me up slightly so he could also lift his hips, and I got his jeans down enough to discover he had no boxers or briefs, and his c**k was already hard. I couldn’t wait and as he lowered us both back to the seat, I enclosed my hand around his shaft and guided it into my entrance. Being wet since I first saw him made it easy to take him in, thought a slight tightness did cause me to gasp. Once he was fully in I began riding him hard and fast. I knew I wasn’t going to last long, but when he reached down and began to circle my clit with his thumb I began to pant and ride even faster. I needed to c*m. For myself. I needed the release. His owns moans driving me as my pleasure built, I began to cry as he stroked my clit faster, and as my orgasm ripped through my body, I screamed out. Collapsing against him. He trailed small kisses along my forehead while rubbing my back. After a minute, I moved off of him, back to the drivers seat and started the car again. “Where to now?” He asked, fixing his jeans. “My place” I answered, turning the car back toward town. I wanted more.
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