Chapter 1

787 Words
Amelia I have always liked nighttime. The quiet that settles all around, the mysterious darkness enveloping everything. It has always been my favorite. Being a witch meant I was more in tune with the night. The moon goddess guiding my craft is most easily engaged at night. Slipping in and out places, gathering supplies and tools is easier in the dark. I relish the time I spend under the cloak of night. This time, it was different. Something was hunting me. The quiet had become eerie, no owls calling, no crickets singing. Just the occasional rustle of leaves, followed by a snapping twig. I did not know who, or what was lurking, but something had been tracking me since I stepped into the woods. I debated between turning back or quickening my pace, but I had something I came here for, and this was the only chance I would get. I slightly quickened my pace, hoping the night was playing tricks, or that what was following me was just a curious animal. I checked my pocket and reassured myself that I was carrying my small dagger and wrapped my cloak tighter. Using the moonlight to guide my steps, I moved as quietly as possible, my eyes scanning the plants for what I need, while my ears remained alert for sounds. Snap. I freeze at the sound of a stick being broken nearby. I listened intently for a moment. Silence. I begin moving forward again. My heart pounding in my ears as they strain to hear any other sounds of danger. I come to a clearing, the sound of water moving nearby indicating I am not far from the river, and then I spot what I came here for. The red flowers glistening in the moon caught my eye. I moved to the plant quickly, gathering the flowers and stashing them in my bag. Snap. Another tree branch breaking catches my attention. A low growl reaches my ears, and I know, instantly, who has been following me. “All alone?” His voice the same as it always was. Deep and soothing. He shifted in front of me, his wolf form changing to his human, and he stood in front of me, naked, his grey eyes glistening in the moon. I rolled my eyes and stalked past him. “Come on sweetheart, I came all this way to see you.” He began trailing me, and my annoyance began to peak. “Look Damien,” I turned meeting his eyes, “it is the middle of the night, I have been looking for this flower for months and now I have what I need to finish my potion. So please, f**k off.” I turned on my heel and kept walking towards the edge of the woods to head home. “Why do you have to be so hostile woman?” His exasperation made me smile inwardly, and I kept walking. Catching up to me, he grabbed my wrist and turned me to face him. I fought the urge to take him in, but I couldn’t stop my eyes as they traveled down his naked body, his muscled arms looking so welcoming and his shaft sending a tingle down my spine. Memories flooded my mind, and I quickly shut them out, redirecting my eyes to meet his. A smirk forming on his lips brought a blush to my cheeks and he chuckled at my embarrassment. His fingers brushed against my lips, as he pulled me close. “Darling Amelia, I have searched for you for months. I have traveled thousands of miles to find you, and yet you still reject me?” His voice soft hypnotic and I felt him pulling me in. I pushed away from him roughly and turned back to continue my walk. “Amelia at least hear me out!” He shouted as I put more distance between us. I knew he could easily catch up, but I did not care. I would not be pulled in by him. Not again. I would never be pulled away from my task by any man. I reached the edge of the woods and turned to face him. I muttered a quick incantation and created a barrier spell. As Damien came out of the tree line, he was stopped suddenly by my barrier spell, and Isnickered slightly as he was knocked flat on his back. “Sorry lover” I said just loudly enough for him to hear “I will not be trapped again. Not by any man, or wolf. Mate or not.” I turned on my heel and opened a portal, slipping through, and closing it behind me, leaving him alone in the woods.
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