Chapter 2

981 Words
Damien “Damn her!” I cursed to myself. Standing up, I brushed the dirt from my clothes and reached out, assessing the boundary spell. This was a solid one. Heaving a sigh, I found a nearby tree to lean up against. I was stuck until the spell wore off and no telling how far she extended it, so it felt pointless to spend time walking the line. For three years, I have searched for her and now she is gone again. “Told you we were too close”, My wolf Oliver grumbled. “Not now, prick” I retorted. He let out a low growl but stopped talking. I glanced up at the moon and silently cursed the moon goddess for mating me to such a stubborn woman. Tucking my chin into my chest, I closed my eyes and drifted off. She is the most beautiful being I have ever seen. Her naked body outlined in the moonlight. I couldn’t stop my eyes from tracing the curves of her body, the pertness of her breasts, the sweeping curve along her side to her hips, her legs long, giving her the height of a goddess. I longed to travel the lines with my hands, my fingers, my tongue. My shaft ached at the thought as I grew hard. I moved closer to her, not daring to breathe. The smell of lavender and chamomile invaded my senses, and my wolf began to pace with excitement. Something about this woman was different to any I had ever met. As I moved closer, she turned to me and I froze, afraid if I spoke, she would be scared away. She didn’t move as I instinctively reached out and stroked her cheek. My heart pounded in my chest as I leaned in closely and just before my mouth could find hers a single word escaped my lips “Mate.” My mouth covered hers, and she returned my kiss with her own, her tongue probing my lips until I parted them, allowing her to slip her tongue inside, deepening our kiss. I pulled away breathless and looked into her eyes. I wanted more, but would she allow it? I pulled her back by the shoulders and kissed her again, my hands sliding down her arms to encircle her waist as the kiss went on. I needed her right now. I ached and my throbbing c**k was eager to be free. Her arms were wrapped around my neck, and she slowly slid them across my shoulders and down my chest, her nails digging in slightly as she reached the hem of my shirt and started to remove it. “HEY!” I jolted upright, as a voice pulled me from my sleep. Looking around, I realized dawn was breaking and then I saw the source of the voice. A child was standing a few feet away from the tree I had fallen asleep in front of. “Are you having a bad dream mister? “The kid questioned me, and I stood up shaking off the memory that had invaded my sleep. “Uh, sure kid.” I answered distractedly. I tentatively reached out to check the boundary spell and noted it was gone. Her spells usually were tied to the moon, breaking, or ending as the sun rose, unless she tethered them to herself or another physical object or living being. I took a deep breath and began the walk back to the nearby village. The kid began following me at a distance and I kept my back to him. After awhile, I stopped and turned to him. “Why are you following me?” I asked. “She told me to” His brow furrowed as though my question was stupid. “Who?” “Missus Amy”, he answered, “She visited me in my sleep and said to find you in the woods and follow you to the village. She said, you have to leave, and if you don’t, I have to tell her.” I thought for a moment, staring at him. “And how will you tell her? Is she in the village?” “No. I light a candle in my room after dark. Red if you stay and green if you leave. She said she would see it. She has magic, you know.” He whispered the last part as if it required reverence. I frowned to myself. She was very good. This is why it took me so long to find her the first time. I considered my options and decided it was time to go home. “Okay kiddo. Let’s head back to the village. I can head home from there.” The village had been difficult enough to find as it was. The journey from its secluded location to the nearest airport was long and draining. As I boarded my flight, I took a long deep breath. “Don’t you even think it”, Oliver interrupted my racing thoughts. “Oliver, it’s been three years. She doesn’t want us. She refuses to listen, to come home. Its time. We have to let her go.” “She is our mate! We cannot give up on her! How can you even think that?” he shouted. “Because I love her. I respect her and part of that respect means letting her decide to come back when she is ready.” “This wouldn’t be happening if you had just treated her right the first time! Goddess, humans are so stupid.” I shut Oliver out, not willing to hear his anger any longer. We had to let her come back when she was ready. The Moon goddess mated us, so moon goddess should lead her back to us. “Please lead her back to us” I prayed under my breath.
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