Chapter 12

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Lana's POV The laughter from one of the kids' room started making me stir. I became increasingly aware of the warmth that was pressed next to me and the hand that played carefully on my stomach. I gasped and both Tyler and Grayson's eyes shot open. He looked down at his hand and quickly took it away. Tyler was looking around frantically, "sorry Ty, I had another dream." I didn't want to bring attention to the cuddling I woke up to. I was a little sad at the cold spot that was now where Grayson's hand was. The guys got up to get ready, and I went to get myself ready. When it's just me, I am invaded by my thoughts of the kiss, but then it morphed into Grayson's face the day he destroyed my life. I have no idea what to do. It's like my brain, heart and v****a are all at war and I have no idea who will win or who I want to win. I got myself wrapped in my towels, I went to my vanity to get my lotions and face on for the day. I heard Belle barking and the kids laughing wildly in the backyard. I saw Belle trying to get Grayson down as he was spinning Ella around. Tyler was commanding her to attack. I couldn't help but smile at the scene below. As if he could sense me, Grayson looked up at my window, and into my soul. We made eye contact and I smiled back at him, then remembered I was in nothing but a towel and quickly ran to my closet. "Jesus Lana, get your head out of the damn clouds." My pep talks I fear will only get me so far now. I made my way to the kitchen to get breakfast started. As I was prepping the eggs for the French toast, DJ came running in. "Mom, mom, you have to come see what we taught Belle." I laughed "okay, help me grab this stuff, and I'll make it on the flat top on the porch." He smiled wide and grabbed the bread, bacon and milk and ran back out. "DJ please stop running in the house your going to get hurt." He sighed and made his way back to the group. Tyler grabbed him and rubbed his hair, "listen to your mom." Grayson took Belle over to Ty "okay ready?" They all nodded and Ty took Belle and DJ stood by her. Ella went to the swing set and Grayson went slightly by the deck and out of view. He smiled at me and got serious. What in the world are they doing? Ella starts swinging and humming some song. Grayson starts running towards her, she screams and he scoops her up. "WATCH", Tyler yelled. Belle ran towards him barking. "Attack" Ella stated next and Belle went for Graysons leg. He had something under his pants so she couldn't bite him, but she was biting hard. He set Ella down. "Gaurd" Tyler commanded next and Belle let go and growled towards Grayson, stood in front of Ella and moved back as she did, then stood in front of both Ella and DJ. "Okay" Grayson said and Belle started wagging and licking the kids. They all looked at me smiling. "Wow, that was amazing. You taught her that in the last week?" They all nodded, I walked towards them and knelt down. Belle came over and gave me licks. "Good girl Belle, good girl, protect our babies." "She's still small, and needs to practice more, but I think she is going to be very good at keeping the kids safe." Grayson was petting her head. "Why are you the bait Grayson, I mean wouldn't it be smarter to use someone she doesn't know. Could she get confused?" I was back to making breakfast as the kids and dog played. His face dropped a bit. "Well, we figured I would be good because I mean I am not permanent in their lives, so that made the most sense. That way, she's used to me in the training process, but won't be confused later." My heart sank a little at that thought of him not being permanent in our lives. "Also, if he gets brainwashed again" I smacked Tyler "that's not funny Ty." They both looked serious. "Why are you guys acting like that will happen? That's not going to happen, right?" I looked at Grayson concerned and a little scared. "Lana, calm down it's okay." He was now holding my shoulders "we are just trying to be extra prepared. At this point, it's safe to say they know where I am right, or have an inkling. With them knowing about Daniel and you and Tyler, I doubt they believe you remarried. The goons have seen me as long as I act like I know nothing and remember nothing, we are okay. It is safe to say, though, they will probably try to make a move to get me back at some point." "NO!" I shook my head "not again, that can't happen again. It won't, I promise you that." I stood there pointing the spatula at him. He laughed. "I appreciate that, Lana, but I am just thinking about your family and making sure your kids are safe, whether it be in life, from the organization or," he sighed and looked down, "from myself. I gave you my word and I plan to never break that. So I am doing everything I can to make sure I keep that promise." He looked deep into my eyes as if he was pleading with me for something. "Okay, okay." I nodded. "Fine, but just know I plan to keep my promise too. I won't let them get you, and if by some awful chance they do, I will get you back. We will get you back." I gestured to Tyler, who nodded "Yeah dude, your in this now, whether you like it or not." He looked between us "in this?" Tyler slapped his back "yep this weird, crazy, awesome family. You're in it." Tyler shuddered. "I never thought I would say that about Grayson Thomas." We all laughed. "Thank you, thank you both. To be honest, I never really had a family. I mean I had one once, but I don't remember them. Hell, I don't even know my real last name anymore." Okay my to-do list now will include having Sampson look more into Grayson's past. He at least deserved to know where he came from. "Okay enough sad talk, let's eat!" They all cheered and gathered for breakfast. I sent a quick text to Sampson and focused back on my family.
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